Debuter Cette page vous offre un aperçu du Mikrokopter (MK). Quelques Videos, illustrant les fonctions du Mikrokopter : Videos Software Version 0.76 Test L4-Sets Mission "Rheinbach" Holgers dissertation on the Hannover-Exibition (Allemagne) Ici quelque Photos aériennes professionnelles, réalisées à partir d'un MikroKopter par Anthony (New York): www.perspectiveaerials.com Flyer Download Les commandes les plus importantes du firmware MK FilgthCtrl v0.80 Le 24/10/2006, Holger Buss et Ingo Busker ont donné naissance au MK, une grande communauté de pilotes de Mikrokopter. Un document vidéo concernant cette première année, incluant le premier vol En peu de temps, de nouveaux éléments ont été ajoutés. Important : avant le premier vol, assurez-vous d'avoir une assurance RC, couvrant vos activité d'aéromodélisme ! En lisant les pages de ce WIKI vous vous poserez des questions sur le Mikrokopter, les moyens les plus rapides d'obtenir des réponses sont : Pourquoi devenir membre de la communauté Mikrokopter? Liens:
Multi Wii Copter LCD Config – HeliWiki LCD_Config is a hardware and software solution to program the Multi Wii Copters on flying field, also it contains the possibility to log data while flying and playback the log files to the MultiWiiConf. It is an open-source project and is copyleft licensed under the GNU General Public License. Features Versions prior to 4.0 work with MultiWiiCopter (MWC) Software Versions 1.5 - 1.7, Version 4.0 with MWC Version 1.8, Version 4.1 with MWC Version 1.8 and 1.9 Automatic configuration to MWC version (starting from v4.0) Serial communication (like the MultiWiiConfig tool) Presentation and editing of the complete set of parameters Emulation of a serial TEXTSTAR LCD to use the built-in configuration mode in the MWC software Profile management to test different settings Logging to SD cards (optional), playback of Logfiles via MultiWiiConfig or via LogView Support for APC220 Wireless Module (optional) Highly configurable (footprint of executable ranges from 13k to 28k). Download V2.0 beta
Wiichuck Adapter (Free US Shipping) [I2C] - $4.00 : FunGizmos, make something fun! Free US Shipping! Want to hook up a Wii Nunchuck to an Arduino but don’t want to cut up the cord on your Nunchuck? Tod Kurt from ThingM made up a batch of these cool little addapters. It’s a small PCB that adapts the Wii Nunchuck connector to standard 4-pin header. One of the cool things about the Wii is that the expansion port on the bottom of the Wii remote is an I2C serial connection. This “wiichuck adapter” let’s you play with the Wii Nunchuck and other Wii remote peripherals without needing you to cut cables. Info: Free domestic shipping for this item! This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 05 June, 2008.
V_Tail ArduCopter - Ma passion du modélisme Qu'est-ce que ArduCopter? ArduCopter est un outil facile à mettre en place et facile à piloter la plate-forme pour multirotors et des hélicoptères. Ses caractéristiques vont bien au-delà des manuels de base multicopters RC de contrôle sur le marché aujourd'hui. ArduCopter est à la fine pointe de la robotique aérienne et destinés à ces gens qui veulent essayer la technologie de pointe, des techniques de pointe et des styles nouveaux vols. Le projet est basé sur le pilote automatique ArduPilot Mega créé par la communauté DIY Drones. Images d'origine ArduCopter et autres pièces sont faites par jDrones Asie. 3DR trames et les pièces sont faites par robotique 3D. Les caractéristiques comprennent: • Réglage en hauteur automatique de haute qualité et de contrôle d'altitude automatique - voler en palier et rectiligne. • Aucune programmation requise. • Nombre illimité points GPS. • «flâner» partout. • Retour à lancer. • le décollage et l'atterrissage automatique. • Multi-plateforme. 1. 2. .
“WiiChuck” Wii Nunchuck Adapter Available Want to hook up a Wii Nunchuck to an Arduino but don’t want to cut up the cord on your Nunchuck? Yeah me too. So I made some of these: It’s a small PCB that adapts the Wii Nunchuck connector to standard 4-pin header. Available from the following wonderful shops: - FunGizmos.com. One of the coolest things about the Wii (to me) is that the expansion port on the bottom of the Wii remote is an I2C serial connection. This “wiichuck adapter” let’s you play with the Wii Nunchuck and other Wii remote peripherals without needing you to cut cables. This is what it looks like plugged into the Nunchuck by itself. Nunchuck and Other I2C Devices (like BlinkM) You can use other I2C devices at the same time as the Nunchuck. And then you can plug in a BlinkM right on top. Software To make it a little easier to play with the Nunchuck, I made a little Nunchuck library for Arduino and demo: - nunchuck_funcs.h - WiichuckDemo.ino (Or better yet, check out the github repository for it all zipped up.
Choosing Quadcopter Motors and Props Choosing a Quadcopter Motor and Prop When building a quadcopter, deciding which motors and propellers to buy is tricky, but a very important decision. There is a lot of math and science that goes into understanding how the motors and propellers effect how a quadcopter flies or if it flies. As a novice, it is very easy to be overwhelmed by all of it. The correct motor/prop combination needs to be chosen by considering the size and weight of the quadcopter, the length of flying time and the power and agility that are desired. Also, the battery and ECSs must be chosen to effectively drive the motor/prop combination. How to Decide? The way I see it, there are two different ways to go about making this important decision. Research what other experienced pilots use and buy the same or similar equipment. Now here’s more on each approach.. Who are some great pilots and what are they using? Check out this amazing video by Warthox: Configuration Towards the end of the video he shows that he is using:
Accelerometer @WiiChuck As you’re probably well aware, the wiimote and nunchuck have a vast array of sensors built into them. Instead of buying pre-assembled breakout board for $35, or attempting to solder a tiny surface mount accelerometer, learn to exploit the features of the Wii Nunchuck and have a fully assembled accelerometer, joystick, and pushbuttons for just $12.50 shipped (on ebay). Why use the nunchuck insead of the actual WiiMote? Wiimotes can be about $40 and have a lot of extra features you wont need at the moment. Plus, the nunchuck has a cable which can easily be plugged into the Arduino. 1. The Nunchuck communicates through 6 bits of data. 2. If you don’t already have it, download the Arduino software (free). 3. By using the serial monitor of your Arudino software (or other serial monitoring software), you’ll see the above output. 4. Watching numbers steam in (step 3 image) is fine and dandy, but sometimes you just need something more to create a truly new perspective.
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