PGP Corporation PGP Corporation headquarters in Menlo Park PGP Corporation, co-founded by Jon Callas and Phil Dunkelberger, was based in Menlo Park, California.[1] PGP Corporation was funded by Rob Theis, General Partner, Doll Capital Management (DCM) and Terry Garnett, General Partner, Venrock Associates. The company owned the Pretty Good Privacy codebase, which was originally developed by Phil Zimmermann.[2] Originally written in 1991, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) was one of the first freely and publicly available implementations of public-key cryptography. PGP Corporation's focus shifted towards the corporate market. On 2010 April 29, Symantec Corp. announced it had signed a definitive agreement to acquire PGP Corporation.[6] The merger was completed in June of that year. References[edit] External links[edit]
ONLINE SUPERHEROES: BATTLE FOR THE INTERNET From the creative mind of Caldwell Tanner, illustrator of College Humor, writer of his own captivating and hilarious illustration blog, and graphic artist/comedian extraordinaire, now comes “The Internet League of Justice” illustration series! Imagine if the most popular online websites and social media networks were superheroes! What powers would they have? See Also REAL LIFE DISNEY PRINCESSES Who would their nemeses be? Thanks to Tanner’s amazing wit and humor, we don’t have to guess anymore! Source: twistedsifter.com
LenovoEMC LenovoEMC (formerly Iomega), sometimes styled lenovo EMC², is a producer of external, portable, and networked storage solutions. Established in the 1980s as Iomega, LenovoEMC has sold more than 410 million digital storage drives and disks. It was a public company, trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol IOM beginning in 1983.[2] The ZIP Drive was Iomega's most notable product.[3] Products[edit] Iomega designed and manufactured a range of products to compete with and ultimately replace the 3.5" floppy disk, notably the Zip drive. LenovoEMC's current product portfolio includes network-attached storage products, external hard drives, multimedia drives, and removable storage technology.[4] PX4-400d[edit] The 400d is a multi-bay network attached storage (NAS) device. Operations[edit] Lenovo announced construction of a research and development facility near São Paulo, Brazil, in November 2013. History[edit] Iomega was founded in 1980. Acquisition by EMC[edit] 1980–1999[edit]
DoubleClick Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. DoubleClick è una società che sviluppa e fornisce servizi internet. I suoi clienti includono agenzie, marketer (Universal McCann Interactive, AKQA etc.) e chi ha un servizio clienti come Microsoft, General Motors, Coca-Cola, Motorola, L'Oreal, Palm, Inc., Visa USA, Nike, Carlsberg tra gli altri. L'11 marzo 2008 è stata acquisita da Google[1]. Critiche[modifica | modifica sorgente] DoubleClick è spesso collegata con la controversia sui programmi spia (spyware) perché i suoi cookie sono impostati per monitorare come gli utenti si spostano di sito in sito, registrando quali pubblicità commerciali vedono e selezionano durante la navigazione. Note[modifica | modifica sorgente]
Alexa Internet Operations and history[edit] Alexa Internet was founded in 1996 by American web entrepreneurs Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat.[4] The company's name was chosen in homage to the Library of Alexandria,[5] drawing a parallel between the largest repository of knowledge in the ancient world and the potential of the Internet to become a similar store of knowledge. The company offered a toolbar that gave Internet users suggestions on where to go next, based on the traffic patterns of its user community. Alexa also offered context for each site visited: to whom it was registered, how many pages it had, how many other sites pointed to it, and how frequently it was updated.[6] Alexa's operation includes archiving of webpages as they are crawled. In 1999, Alexa was acquired by Amazon.com for about US$250 million in Amazon stock[8] as the company moved away from its original vision of providing an "intelligent" search engine. In April 2007, the lawsuit Alexa v. Tracking[edit] Toolbar[edit]
La Rinascente Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. La Rinascente è un'azienda italiana di grandi magazzini operanti nel settore della vendita di prodotti di abbigliamento e per la casa. Attualmente dispone di un network di un concept store e 11 negozi presenti nelle principali città italiane (Milano, Torino, Genova, Monza, Padova, Firenze, Roma, Cagliari, Catania, Palermo) La storia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Origini[modifica | modifica sorgente] Nel 1865 i fratelli Luigi e Ferdinando Bocconi aprirono in via Santa Radegonda a Milano il primo negozio italiano in cui erano venduti abiti pre-confezionati. L'iniziativa riscosse un enorme successo anche in Italia, tanto che un grande magazzino venne aperto nella vicina Piazza Duomo (1877), seguito da altri negozi in tutta la nazione agli inizi del XX secolo. Il palazzo Rinascente a via del Corso a Roma negli anni 10 Il magazzino della Rinascente a Roma, piazza Fiume Acquisto da parte del Gruppo FIAT[modifica | modifica sorgente] Sito ufficiale
BlackBerry Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Descrizione[modifica | modifica sorgente] Si presenta come pianta arbustiva perenne, sarmentosa con fusti aerei a sezione pentagonale lunghi fino a 6 metri ed anche più, provvisti di spine arcuate. È una semicaducifoglia, infatti molte foglie permangono durante l'inverno. Le foglie sono imparipennate, variabilmente costituite da 3-5 foglioline a margine seghettato di colore verde scuro, ellittiche o obovate e bruscamente acuminate, pagina superiore glabra e pagina inferiore tomentosa con peli bianchi. I fiori bianchi o rosa, sono composti da cinque petali e cinque sepali. Il frutto commestibile è composto da numerose piccole drupe, verdi al principio, poi rosse e infine nerastre a maturità (mora), derivanti ognuna da carpelli separati ma facenti parte di uno stesso gineceo. La moltiplicazione della pianta avviene per propaggine apicale o talea. Distribuzione e habitat[modifica | modifica sorgente] Rubus ulmifolius in Europa Foglie Torta di more Boysenberry