Improve Your Google Search Skills [Infographic] Don’t limit yourself to just plugging in simple search terms to Google; check out this infographic and learn a search string search or two. You don’t need to limit yourself to searching just for simple strings; Google supports all manner of handy search tricks. If you want to search just HowToGeek.com’s archive of XBMC articles, for example, you can plug in site:howtogeek.com XBMC to search our site. Get More Out of Google [HackCollege via Mashable] Jason Fitzpatrick is a warranty-voiding DIYer who spends his days cracking opening cases and wrestling with code so you don't have to.
7 Resume Lies Employers Will Never Check Many Human Resources staffers preach the dangers of lying on your resume, and they’re right to an extent. Inventing companies and inflating employment lengths can get you fired or at the very least embarrassed during the hiring process. But employers don’t want complete honesty, do they? So here are 7 “lies,” or careful manipulations of reality that will never get you into trouble (and they have a good shot of landing you a job) 1. No one in the hiring process wants to see an exhaustive list of duties from every job you’ve ever had. 2. Were you a member of a department that increased sales (or reduced expenses) by 10% for 5 years running? 3. Almost any job can be converted into numbers somehow: sales, expenses, efficiency, ranking, and especially anything with a dollar sign attached to it. 4. Once you’ve found a way to make your job performance measurable by rank or statistics, you need to show how you stack up to your competition at previous jobs or within the industry. 5. 6. 7.
15 Free Guides That Really Teach You USEFUL Stuff Advertisement Over the past months, we’ve written quite a few PDF manuals for you, on all kinds of diverging subjects, including BitTorrent, iTunes, iPhone, Twitter, Mac, Linux, Photoshop and several other topics. Freely available to MakeUseOf subscribers, there are now multiple manuals released every month, for everyone to enjoy. After releasing 15 manuals and nearly half a million downloads we thought it was about time to look back and review what has been published so far. Enjoy! Do us a favor by sharing those manuals friends! 1 – Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Written by Saikat Basu, this entirely free PDF production will show you anything you’ve ever dreamed about knowing related to movies on the web. Original Post | Download NOW 2 – Internet Guidebook for An Audiophile Original Post | Download NOW 3 – The Incredible Free Manual for Every Mac User Original Post | Download NOW 4 – The Underground Guide to the iPhone Written by Stefan Neagu. Update: The guide is no longer available.
IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard Why didn't you think of this? John Goscha, at the ripe old age of 25 ditched a job offer at Goldman Sachs, and instead began marketing IdeaPaint, which is simply a paint that turns any paintable surface into a dry-erase board. The benefit--besides being able to brainstorm on almost every inch of your office--is that the paint is half the cost of whiteboard and better-performing--you can leave marks up indefinitely, and they won't stain the wall. Of course, it takes a bit of time--you may have to sand the wall and prime it--but one other benefit is that you're not incurring all the carbon involved in manufacturing and shipping a whiteboard. [Inc. via Dieline] How To Draw A Wave | Club Of The Waves This art tutorial, kindly donated by surfing comic strip illustrator and surf artist Bob Penuelas covers how to draw a wave the Wilbur Kookmeyer way! If you're like me, then you've probably spent a lot of time in high school class daydreaming and doodling a thousand perfect cartoon waves in your notebook. It's safe to say that ninety percent of us surfers have a habit of scribbling perfect waves whenever a pencil is in our hands. Hopefully the following pointers will help you change your throw-away wave doodles into actual compelling artwork that you want to keep forever. Remember, there are millions of ways to draw a wave and hopefully with these simple pointers you'll find a million more. So, have fun. Drawing a basic wave The following illustrations and captions by Bob Penuelas take you through the basic steps of drawing a wave… Step 1 Sketch in the basic shape of the curl, spray, foam and base of the wave. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Add the rest of the flow lines. Step 5 Step 6 Tips… Paddler's view
MAKE HOMEMADE SCIENCE TOYS AND PROJECTS How To Draw Hands - Tutorials So everybody knows that the hands and the fingers are one of the hardest things to draw. So here is a personal collection of different hand references, hope to enjoy it and never stop practice. Hogarth hand poses from Iron Giant (middle of page) Mickey Mouse Hand Model Sheet by Les Clark ca. 1932 Merlin hand poses via Deja View Hand drawing tut by uchuucacahuate on deviantart. Excellent hand tutorial by alexds1 on deviantart.com Mr. Useful collection of hand poses by Chrissy Fellmeth Collection of female hand poses by artrush73′s Study of the hand in minimal style
Drawing Projects | FindHow.com Though Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) now dominates the vast majority of animated movies being made, there is still something very appealing about a hand drawn image. Drawing by hand takes a great degree of skill and technique. There are so many mediums that can be utilized when drawing by hand, yet many people are only familiar with pencil art. One of the more popular alternatives to pencil is pen ink. Another great medium for drawing is colored pencils. World History International: World History Essays From Prehistory To The Present Disposable Cameras There are lots of disposable camera Instructables on the site. It was hard to choose, but I've included some great ones! Need a taser, a coil gun, a flash grenade? From simple everyday parts you can make this glove which has two modes. Learn how to make a simple but extremely effective Coil gun using only a "few" parts that are fairly easy to obtain by only going to a few places and possibly online. I've come up with a project that i've been contemplating for a long time. Are you tired of having your Ni-Cad batteries that refused to charge and simply die? Well... Caution I'm not liable if your shock yourself and injury or kill your self, working with high voltages can be dangerous!! Before I get too far in this instructable, I would like to say that this was not my original idea. First off, i know conrad2468 made a similar one(hint hint "similar"). Make a simple triggerable strobe for taking action photos with.