15 Great Video Sites for Educators YouTube: The undisputed king of all video sites. Whilst all the others are great and offer you a little more safety in regards to content, pretty much all the great content from those sites can also be found here in most cases. TED-Ed: From a site that’s long been known for big ideas, you’ll find TED-Ed, videos specifically designed to act as highly engaging and fun lessons.
Java Cheat Sheet Create a new object instance StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(128); Output a string to standard output System.out.println("Some string"); Create a new object using generic types (array list that holds strings) ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); How to Use Photoshop: The Ultimate Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners When you open Photoshop for the first time, it's easy to click around in confusion for a minute and then reach for your freelancer's phone number instead. Trust us, you're not alone in this. It's an incredibly powerful design software with a lot going on, including a wealth of tools that can seem overwhelming at times. But Photoshop isn't just for the professionals. With a little help, you can easily teach yourself how to use it to create beautiful, compelling graphics. All it takes is an introduction to core elements -- in plain English.
9 ways to make your Computing classroom 'immersive' — ICT & Computing in Education This photo was taken in a history lesson in a computer lab. The students were doing research into the assassination of John F Kennedy. As you can see, the wall was covered in photos on the subject. Many of the pictures were stills from the Zapruder film. There were also papers, books, and facsimile newspapers. Top 50 Sites & Apps for K-12 Education Games Game-based learning is a great way to integrate technology into the classroom while engaging kids with real learning. This list covers a wide range of subjects, and many of these sites have educational portals that allow educators to track and monitor student progress. *This list is in alphabetical order. ABCya - A great site for games and mobile apps for elementary students.
Tech For Teachers Course Description A hands-on, high-tech workshop for teachers of grades 6-12. High-energy sessions designed for all learning levels. Participate in a hands-on, high-tech exploration of digital tools and resources tailored for the secondary (grades 6-12) educator. Join in a discovery, discussion and demonstration of free web-based applications that work anytime, anywhere, on any device. Collaborate with colleagues as you learn how to use the latest in education technology to maximize parent-teacher-student communication, increase student engagement and enhance learning. Utilize the concept of app smashing to exponentially increase each application’s value to the learning environment.
Python 2.4 Quick Reference Style chooser: Modern, Modern B&W, Classic, High contrast or Printing [Hint: Use styles Modern B&W or Printing to print. If you get problems, try printing the PDF versions instead] Contents Front matter Version 2.4 Check updates at Please report errors, inaccuracies and suggestions to Richard Gruet (pqr at rgruet.net). Learn Dance Party Grades 2+ | Blocks Minecraft Hour of Code A Minecraft Tale of Two Villages Using Minecraft To Engage Students In Learning International Teaching Magazine A Descriptive Writing Prompt Descriptive writing of settings is one of my favourite areas to teach. I enjoy enthusing my students and trying to find ways to boost their creativity and imagination. I have used many different strategies and prompts in my lessons: school visits to beautiful settings, YouTube videos of amazing places, fascinating pictures and others.
Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Easily add text to images or memes. Draw Add Image Stock Photo Search STOCK PHOTO SEARCH is a FREE bookmarklet that helps you search from more than 30 free stock photo sites. Install Drag the button below to your bookmarks bar to install: (If you want a preview, you can just click the button.) If you have trouble dropping it, just right click the icon, copy the link address and create a new bookmark you will call “Stock Photo Search” and paste the url. Where is my bookmarks/favorites bar?
Ruby Cheat Sheet Little snippets of code to act as crib notes for Ruby. Convert Milliseconds into Hours, Minutes and Seconds String def convertMillisecondsIntoAHoursMinutesAndSecondsString( millis) seconds = millis % 60 minutes = (millis / 60 ) % 60 hours = (millis / 3600) % 24 ret = "" ret = ret + hours.to_s + "t " if hours >= 1 ret = ret + minutes.to_s + "m " if minutes >= 1 ret = ret + seconds.to_s + "s " if seconds > 0 return ret end Hello Ruby Code is the 21st century literacy and the need for people to speak the ABC of Programming is imminent. Our world is increasingly run by software and we need more diversity in the people who are building it. More importantly, writing software is about expression, creativity - and practical application. Our kids should learn to bend, join, break and combine code in a way it wasn't designed to.
Tips on reducing teacher stress from the ‘happiest school on earth’ An extra week’s summer holiday, shutting the school at 5.30pm and cancelling revision sessions are just some of the ways more considerate headteachers are trying to ease the burden on teachers. A happy staff makes a happy school and it helps to have the right Twitter handle. Step forward Jeremy Hannay, deputy headteacher @happiestschoolonearth aka the Three Bridges primary school in Southall, west London.