Ubuntu Linux Tutorials,Howtos,Tips & News
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed and if you have questions related to your ubuntu system post question to our forums. Thanks for visiting! This is a simple to follow, with step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots, allowing you to discover the potential of your new Ubuntu system. Getting Started with Ubuntu is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual. It is a quick-start guide that will get you doing the things you need to do with your computer easily, without getting bogged down with technical details. Ubuntu incorporates many new and improved features, including new icons (some dynamic), more appearance options, locally integrated menus, and smart scopes, to name just a few.
Maverick -
From Also see info about the most recent LTS version, Precise Pangolin (12.04 LTS). Introduction
Top Things to do after installing Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
Ubuntu 15.04 final beta is already out couple of weeks before. The final version of Ubuntu 15.04 will be released on coming April 23, 2015. Check the release notes for more details. Ubuntu 15.04 Final Beta, And It’s Official Flavours Are available For Download This comprehensive tutorial describes how can we enhance Ubuntu 15.04, and other older versions such as Ubuntu 14.10/14.04/13.10/13.04/12.10/12.04 etc., further for day to day activities.
Other versions
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MS Security Essentials
Home > Security > See if your Windows operating system has protection built in Home > Security > Your home page has been temporarily changed for your protection Home > Security > Upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 to help protect your computer Home > Security > Spyware protection with Microsoft Security Essentials Home > Privacy > Your information on the Internet: What you need to know
4t Tray Minimizer
4t Tray Minimizer enables you to minimize any application window to the System Tray. The program adds an addition set of button to each windows (adjacent to the Maximize/Minimize buttons) that allow you to send the application to the system tray with a click of your mouse. In addition, you can also set the window to be always on-top, make it transparent or roll it up. Additional features include customizable keyboard shortcuts and more. “4t Tray Minimizer is a easy-to-use utility that lets you running applications minimized in the system tray."
Official Ubuntu Documentation
How to install Ayatana Overlay Scrollbars on ubuntu 11.10 via PPA
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed and if you have questions related to your ubuntu system post question to our forums. Thanks for visiting! Sponsored Link Ayatana Scrollbars use an overlay to ensure that scrollbars take up no active screen real-estate.
Ubuntu Release: JeOS 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) - (Note : JeOS is discontinued as a standalone product. An equivalent installation can be done now with the standard Ubuntu Server installer by pressing F4 at the first screen) This page documents the building of a virtual appliance using Ubuntu Server Edition's JeOS and vmbuilder.
Ubuntu Font Family
Easy Debian
This package, when installed on your tablet or phone, will give you OpenOffice.org, Gimp, the LXDE Desktop Environment, Evince, Firefox (called Iceweasel in Debian) with Java and Flash support, printing support, and access to thousands of precompiled applications from Debian that can be easily browsed and downloaded to your hand-held device. All these applications will be installed in an image file containing the Debian operation system without interfering with Maemo, but taking advantage of its infrastructure and connectivity. This package will give you all of these applications without any need for installing dependencies or other applications, and it should work on the Nokia N800, N810 and N900 mobile devices. [edit] What you need: You need 2.5 GB free on one of your memory cards, although after installing, you will only need 2 GB.