Research – eCAADe
Researchers The Researchers and Educators involved in eCAADe share a common desire to further research and enrich education in the field of Computer Aided Architectural Design. If there is information that you would hope to find here and did not find it, please email us and we will aim to include it, if at all possible. If you have any suggestions or useful links please let us know, but be aware that we are a not-for-profit organisation.
80 Awesome Twitter Bootstrap Templates To Get You Started
Twitter Bootstrap is a powerful and easy to use framework enabling front-end developers to craft professional and high quality Bootstrap templates with flexible responsive layouts that look great on tablets, mobiles and desktops. Since its release back in august 2011 the development community has been growing fast, providing developers with the tools and knowledge to create ready-to-use, native Bootstrap html/CSS templates or themes that work on popular publishing platforms like WordPress and Joomla. One of the main reasons why Bootstrap is so popular is the ability to develop web apps and websites fast and its support for responsive design. When compared to other responsive CSS frameworks available it is also one the most mature frameworks with the largest user base at the moment, which certainly will have a positive effect on how mobile friendly websites are build. To help you get started, I have collected a list of my favorite Twitter Bootstrap templates. Article Index
Project 3: Antialiasing, Subsampling, Supersampling and the Frequency Domain
Carlos Eduardo Scheidegger UID: 00454219 Abstract: In this project, I investigated techniques for antialiasing for image subsampling. I also analyzed their behavior, especially in the frequency domain. Finally, I also analyzed and investigated interpolating supersampling filters for increasing the spatial resolution of an image.
Tangle: a JavaScript library for reactive documents
Tangle is a JavaScript library for creating reactive documents. Your readers can interactively explore possibilities, play with parameters, and see the document update immediately. Tangle is super-simple and easy to learn. This is a simple reactive document.
Visual Programming Languages
Introduction Please take a moment to join a Visual Programming Group in your area. There didn’t seem to be a place on the net where someone could easily see what all the different visual programming languages (Graphical Programming Languages) look like.
The Smart Slab - 3D-printed formwork for a radical new concrete aesthetic
The Smart Slab enhances the excellent structural properties of concrete with a radical new aesthetic enabled by the 3D-printed formwork. Innovation The pioneering construction method of the Smart Slab uses 3D-printed formwork for casting and spraying concrete in geometrically complex shapes. 3D printing overcomes the geometric limitations of traditional formwork fabrication methods. Furthermore, it enables the construction of integrative concrete elements with elaborate, free-form and highly detailed surfaces and smart construction details. 3D printing has the added benefit that geometric complexity and differentiation come at no additional production cost. Context
Backbone.js, now realtime with Pusher - Realtime Blog
This tutorial was written by Micheil Smith Recently there have been a number of frameworks developed that allow you to add extra structure to your code when building rich javascript-heavy applications. These frameworks often achieve this structure by adding in layers of Models, Controllers, Views, and Events, most of the time performing synchronisation between the client and server using AJAX. One such framework that has recently grown in popularity is Backbone.js. Update: The code associated with this post has been updated to use Backbone.js 0.5.3 and Underscore.js 1.2.1 Backbone.js
3DJ - Andreas Koller
The realtime 3D-scan of the DJ is manipulated into abstract graphics. The depth data was aquired with a Kinect and parameterized with a MIDI-controller. Created with Processing. Using toxiclibs, Processing Kinect library by Dan Shiffman, PeasyCam, promidi and FullScreen API as well as code from examples from Generative Gestaltung.
Javascript in Modern Web Design
In today's web design, Javascript is a must-have component. Aside from its functionality, Javascript can enhance user experience by creating transitional effects such as fading and sliding animation. Thanks to the open source Javascript frameworks, we don't need to write custom Javascript from scratch anymore. Here are 47 Javascript plugins that you can use to enhance the user experience and functionality of your website.
2016-03-15RT @bndktgrs: 幸せなコーディング! Launched: Our #GenerativeDesign book has also a 🇯🇵 website now!👍 [Link] Cheers @BugNews! @Proce… 2016-03-05RT @bndktgrs: Our #GenerativeDesign book made it to 🇯🇵 #Japan! [Link] published by BNN @BugNews #veryhapy [Link] 2015-10-08Updated! All code examples of Generative Design should be ready for #Processing3 now!
What Is the Microsoft .NET Framework, and Why Is It Installed on My PC?
If you’ve been using Windows for very long at all, you’ve probably heard of Microsoft’s .NET, probably because an application asked you to install it, or you noticed it in your list of installed programs. Unless you’re a developer, you don’t need a lot of knowledge to make use of it. You just need it to work.
8 Amazing jQuery Lightbox Plugins You Need to Check Out
jQuery can be defined as a cross browser java script library. It is a multi-browser java script library and is basically designed for the purpose of simplifying the scripting of HTML on the client side. This is also the most popular java script library which is used by the people these days. jQuery has a lot of advantages such as it is absolutely free of any cost and it is also open source software. The syntax of this software is designed in a way that it makes it easier to navigate a document in addition it also helps to select DOM elements, create animations , handle events and also helps to develop ajax applications.