50 Life Secrets and Tips Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things.
20 Ways to Feel ALIVE!!!!!! Unless you are the second coming of Jesus Christ (if you are, please comment!) it’s impossible not to feel a bit down sometimes. Here are 20 quick ways to revive yourself and get back that “on top of the world” feeling. MBTI 16 Types Myers-Briggs® highlights general themes or similarities between people. Reading this section may help you to consolidate your understanding of the preferences, and help identify your own Myers Briggs type. ESTJs take their energy from the outer world of people and external events. They prefer dealing with facts and the present, and makes decisions using logic. Become Person You Love photo credit: Niffty.. Only the time and attention we give ourselves demonstrates how much we love and admire ourselves. Self love requires that we place ourselves at the top of our priority list. Self-nurturing is everything that makes us feel positive, happy and joyful. When we decide to honor ourselves with the love we need and deserve like the sun we radiate a glow, touching everything and everyone in our lives.
Polyphasic Sleep Log – A Wife’s Perspective My wife, Erin, has a unique perspective on my polyphasic sleep experiment that she wanted to share, so the rest of this post is from her. You might be wondering what it’s been like to live with Steve while he’s trying his polyphasic sleep experiment. Let me tell you… When he first came to me with this idea I was ready to brush it off as a passing thought or idea. I didn’t think he was serious. The Complete Guide to Workout Nutrition [Infographic] Check out Greatist's other Infographics and ADD this Infographic to your Website/Blog: Simply copy the code below and paste it into the HTML of your blog or website: <a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" width="600" height="5701" border="0" style="border:none" /></a><p>Get <a href=" and fitness tips</a> at Greatist.com</p> Love this graphic?
Think you’ve got a terrible memory? You don’t know the half of it In this far-ranging chat, psychologist Elizabeth Loftus spoke with MIT neuroscientists Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu about the future of memory manipulation. Last year, MIT neuroscientists Xu Liu and Steve Ramirez manipulated the memory of a mouse. In a fascinating and mildly troubling breakthrough caused by a laser and the protein channelrhodopsin, they “activated” fear memories in a mouse. The impetus, says Ramirez, was the awful feeling of a break-up, the desire, Eternal Sunshine-style, to erase the bad associations with his ex. Says Ramirez, “I realized, maybe that’s a little bit lofty for now. So what if we could start off by going into the brain of a mouse and just find a single memory to begin with?
7 Ways For The Introvert To Communicate Confidently Even If You Don’t Feel Confident — Introvert Zone First impressions count. Like it or not, people will make some sort of judgement about you based on their first impression within the first few seconds of meeting you. You’ve heard it said that ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression.’ So when you are meeting people for the first time, think of what first impression you want to give them. Communicating confidently is essential if you are going to succeed no matter what you are doing. As introverts, we tend to be in our thoughts most of the time and are most concerned with what we are going to say.
40 Tips for a Better Life Reading tips from the Internet, I got this useful list where I personally follow some of it to help me sort of improve my day to day life. Read through it and just follow the things you want to believe. Remember, each person has his/her own needs/wants/beliefs. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. Infographic of the Day: So What If You Don't Sleep Enough? How many times have you told yourself (especially when you're up at 2 a.m. on a Sunday night): "Eh, it's just sleep." Is it just sleep, though? What happens to your health when you're not sleeping enough? This infographic designed by FFunction for Zeo, a company that makes an electronic "sleep coach," is less of a real data visualization than a set of illustrated facts. But the facts are pretty gobsmacking. For example, we, as a nation, seem pretty tired all the time: Only 7% of people get eight hours of sleep a night.
Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore 3. SHARP PAIN IN THE ABDOMENWhat it feels like: All the metaphors apply—knife in the gut, bullet in the belly, skewer in the stomach—except this attack is from within. What it could be: Since the area between your ribs and your hips is jam-packed with organs, the pain can be a symptom of either appendicitis, pancreatitis, or an inflamed gallbladder. In all three cases, the cause is the same: Something has blocked up the organ in question, resulting in a potentially fatal infection. How to fix it: If the pain is in your lower-right abdomen and your white-blood-cell count is up, says Dr.
Sleep is for the weak ! ^^ (I decided to switch on Everyman cycle) by zardorik Sep 3
it takes a couple weeks to get used to one of these new schedules but i think it would be worth it in the long run if you can manage. by adford Feb 6
I haven't tried it yet, I just want to :p I haven't tried cause of my schedule too by dakodakirby Jan 30
I tried to change my cycle in summer due to the fact that during the rest of the year is pretty difficult, but I coudent like I was sleppy tired all the time, but maybe with a long time doing it maybe is possible to get used to it by kgabela Jan 30
i tried it but i can't seem to get it to work but i know others online have so i don't know what the trick is. by bobnas Jan 30
I would guess that you'd have to be in good physical shape to start something like this; as lack of REM sleep is a root cause of heart disease and other ailments. It almost sounds like the sleep schedule can be just as brutal as a work out regimine! by quietmonsters Jan 29
Well, I kind of figured there must be other important parts of sleep but REM, but I don't really know enough about the whole thing. by kitteh Jan 29
Not sure what I think abouot this... by quietmonsters Jan 26