permacultureglobal View Updates PRI Zaytuna Farm, NSW, Australia Project Type Rural, Demonstration, Educational, PRI Master Plan Project Summary PRI Zaytuna Farm functions as a model farm (in development) and permaculture training facility. Project Description The institute, situated on Geoff and Nadia Lawton's Zaytuna Farm, currently runs multiple courses and internship programs throughout the year. Currently, the facilities can accommodate from 15 to 35 people, at a stretch. The climate is sub-tropics with hot wet summers and cool dry mild winters with light frosts in the early mornings on the lower slopes and frost free on the upper slopes. The 27 hectare property has 800m frontage to the Terania Creek and across the creek sits the small village of The Channon. The main frame of earthworks on site consists on 3 high dams on the same contour level and connected by a 400m large swale, these provide gravity irrigation water throughout the site with an average head pressure of 20m in the mid slopes. Updates
Abe Collins Carbon Farming video series | Carbon Farming Course Abe Collins discusses his journey with Carbon Farming in five-part video series Published on November 18th, 2014 “In the last 50 years, the regenerative agriculture movement has figured out how to build top soil thousands of times faster than is widely acknowledged. Abe Collins has spent the last 15 years studying and developing management tools to grow new topsoil as a means of achieving food, water and climate security and reversing desertification. In 2010, Collins presented at the Quivira Coalition’s 9th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM. Series 1 – 5: The Carbon Ranch: Using Food and Stewardship to Build Soil and Fight Climate Change. Together Collins and Mark Krawczyk, owner of Keyline Vermont LLC and RivenWoodCrafts, will lead Keyline Farming, at the three-week Carbon Farming Course in February 2015. Leave a Comment Comments Leave a Reply
Willow Crossing Farm | Prospect Rock Permaculture Willow Crossing Farm is an experimental and educational organic family farm, and the birthplace of the Prospect Rock Permaculture Project. We grow a diversity of nuts, fruit trees, vines, berries, vegetables, medicinal and culinary herbs and teas, sell nursery plants, produce eggs and honey, and host a variety of educational programs. We research, innovate, experiment, evaluate, demonstrate, and educate about new crops, techniques, and value-added products that have the potential to be both profitable and ‘ecologically regenerative’. Our mission embody permaculture design as an economically viable farm and homestead that increases ecological health while meeting human needs. The site itself is rich alluvial floodplain and floodplain terrace, including ponds, wetlands, upland forest, and over 3/4 miles of Lamoille River edge. We also host workshops on natural beekeeping; fruit and nut tree pruning, grafting, and propagation; natural building; and permaculture design. Sincerely, Keith F.
"Permaculture Center for BioRegional Living | Andrew Faust Design Consultation." Permaculture for Profit Absolutely FREE videos by Geoff Lawton, World Renowned Permaculture Teacher, Designer and Consultant. Imagine you owned your own farm planted full of apple trees. You used No herbicides. The trees were treated with Sheer Total Utter Neglect and still bore copious amounts of fruit. How is that possible? In this video, Geoff Lawton visits Mark Shepard’s Permaculture farm in Wisconsin to discover his secrets of profitably growing apples using his STUN system. These free videos will only be available for a limited time, to get access to watch these videos right now, fill out your name and email in the form on the right. We will keep you updated via your email as we release the free video series. “Geoff: Let’s see if we can head off the crisis rather than go through it. Over 7,500 comments and thousands of views “We’ve had a ton of people leave positive comments and questions. “In my 42 years on this planet, nothing has made more sense to me than this aproach to living.
Raw Milk Freedom Riders | Challenging the FDAs policy on raw milk fringe eating Ditch the Hummus: Three Nutrient-Dense Dips your Kids will Love and so will You! | Simply Being Well Hummus has become a favorite snack food for kids and adults alike…it is touted as a health food because it is low fat. That alone should send up warning flags and caution nutrition-savvy moms not to buy it often. Or at least prompt them to add a bunch more EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) to it before serving. First of all, our bodies thrive when they are given a variety of foods and a variety of tastes…And also, I would bet that most of the hummus served is store-bought, which means that the garbanzo beans or chickpeas that make it up have probably not been soaked in a way to neutralize the anti-nutrients in them. If you are going to eat or serve hummus, soak your garbanzos well and long…1 cup dried in warm filtered water to cover along with 2 T of lemon juice or whey..for 24-48 hours. So……..here are my healthy, nutrient-dense dip alternatives. What shall they dip in the dips? Fave Dip No. 1: Anchovy Dip! Makes about 1 cup 1 tablespoon flax oil–expeller pressed (Barleans is a good brand)
Little Farm. Growing. Real Food Family How To Turn A Mason Jar Into A Fermenting Crock You can spend a lot of money on specialized pickling crocks. Go ahead, be my guest. You’ll learn all about how your $25-$200 is buying you an ideal anaerobic environment in which to nurture your precious anaerobic bacteria…blah, blah, blah. Me? So here’s how to turn any mason jar into a damn fine Pickl-It style fermentation crock for about $10, or way less if you already have a reCAP Mason Jar lid (which you should, because they rock and are definitely not unitaskers). To DIY a very serviceable lacto-fermentation crock, you will need: 1 airlock. $1.75 at your local homebrew store.1 rubber bung (hee hee, I just said bung). $.90 at your local homebrew store. #6 is a good size.1 reCAP Mason Jar Cap. Step One: if necessary, go shopping at your local homebrew store. (By the way, Comic-Con people, don’t bother leaving nasty comments. After you’ve browsed around, buy an airlock and a bung. Viola! Pat yourself on the back for the $15 or more you just saved.