Scientist discover their first biofluorescent turtle
While filming small sharks and coral reefs in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, marine biologists had a stunning encounter with a "glowing" sea turtle. Scientists captured footage of a hawkbill sea turtle emitting neon green and red light. The discovery was made in late July by David Gruber of the City University of New York and his team. The footage was released for the first time on Monday. Gruber, an emerging explorer for National Geographic, described the turtle as an alien spaceship when he initially saw it swimming in the water. "It was absolutely gorgeous," Gruber said in an interview with CNN.
100 Useful Web Tools for Writers
All kinds of writers, including poets, biographers, journalists, biz tech writers, students, bloggers and technical writers, take a unique approach to their jobs, mixing creativity with sustainability. Whether you’re a freelance writer just scraping by or someone with a solid job and more regular hours, the Internet can provide you with unending support for your practical duties like billing, scheduling appointments, and of course getting paid; as well as for your more creative pursuits, like developing a plot, finding inspiration and playing around with words. Turn to this list for 100 useful Web tools that will help you with your career, your sanity and your creativity whenever your write. Getting Organized Thanks to the Internet, disorganized writers are no longer a cliche.
Comparing and Contrasting
What this handout is about This handout will help you first to determine whether a particular assignment is asking for comparison/contrast and then to generate a list of similarities and differences, decide which similarities and differences to focus on, and organize your paper so that it will be clear and effective. It will also explain how you can (and why you should) develop a thesis that goes beyond “Thing A and Thing B are similar in many ways but different in others.”
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy
abduction (Igor Douven) Abelard [Abailard], Peter (Peter King) Abhidharma (Noa Ronkin) abilities (John Maier) Abner of Burgos (Shalom Sadik) Abrabanel, Judah (Aaron Hughes) abstract objects (Gideon Rosen) accidental properties — see essential vs. accidental properties action (George Wilson and Samuel Shpall) action-based theories of perception (Robert Briscoe and Rick Grush) action at a distance — see quantum mechanics: action at a distance in actualism (Christopher Menzel) adaptationism (Steven Hecht Orzack and Patrick Forber) Addams, Jane (Maurice Hamington) Adorno, Theodor W. (Lambert Zuidervaart) advance directives (Agnieszka Jaworska) Aegidius Romanus — see Giles of Rome Aenesidemus — see skepticism: ancient aesthetic, concept of the (James Shelley) aesthetics aesthetics of the everyday (Yuriko Saito) affirmative action (Robert Fullinwider) Africana Philosophy (Lucius T. Outlaw Jr.)
Cure writer's block with writing prompts, exercises, generators & gizmos
Jack Kerouac's Essentials of Spontaneous Prose If possible write "without consciousness" in semi-trance (as Yeats' later "trance writing") allowing subconscious to admit in own uninhibited interesting necessary and so "modern" language... 66 Writing Experiments 5. Tristan Tzara's hat: Everyone in a group writes down a word (alternative: phrase, line) and puts it in a hat. Poem is made according to the order in which it is randomly pulled from hat...
Thesis Statements
A Formula For Writing Thesis Statements First, thesis statements have three main elements: A. Your Position B. The Qualification C.
Write Better: 3 Ways To Introduce Your Main
One of the biggest bugaboos in manuscript submissions is when the author doesn’t properly introduce the protagonist within the first chapter. Readers want to know quickly the protagonist’s sex, age and level of sophistication in the world of the story, and they want to relate to the character on an emotional level. Readers’ interest in the protagonist has to be earned, in other words. If we like a character, then we want to see her do well and we’re willing to follow her around and invest our time and interest in rooting her on in her struggle. But it’s important we know some essentials about the character so we can get to like her. The trick is to avoid stand-alone description or exposition and to instead show your character in action.
Quoll Writer Download
If you are working as a writer and do most of your projects on your computer, you probably understand that sometimes you can get easily distracted. In the situation mentioned above, relying on specialized third-party software solutions such as Quoll Writer can be the best course of action. Please be aware that unless you provide it with Java Runtime Environment on the target computer, this application will not be able to function properly. Simple, yet occasionally sluggish interface This program comes with a minimalistic, user-friendly interface that packs numerous intuitive functions, which are neatly organized, making them highly accessible to many users. However, during our testing, when handling additional windows (e.g. when importing a document or typing a decryption key), the response time for a single action was rather high.
How to Paraphrase a Paragraph
Paraphrase a paragraph Paraphrasing is going to be a tough task no matter what kind you need to complete, but it goes without saying that the more difficult and advanced the content that you are paraphrasing the more difficult it will be to say that same thing with different words. The most important thing when paraphrasing is to take it step by step, word by word by sentence by paragraph, and make sure that not just you’re getting the meaning of individual sentences, but you’re communicating as a paragraph the same thing the author wanted as well. We can paraphrase not only a paragraph, but the whole paper from $8.39/page only. Try now
Dream Dictionary
The significance of dreams has probably been debated since people first developed the ability to communicate. Despite this, there's still no agreement on why we dream. It's hard to believe that dreams have no meaning at all, though, especially when it's so much fun to try to figure out what they're trying to tell us. To help you interpret your dreams, we've developed a dictionary you can use to look up some of the images and feelings commonly found in these night time visions. Another good thing to try when interpreting dreams is just to trust your instincts! Keep in mind that this is for entertainment purposes and shouldn't be taken too seriously.