Scoop.it - Blog The Busy Person's Guide to Content Curation : A 3-Step Process 841 Flares Filament.io 841 Flares × Museums curate works of art. We digital marketers curate blog posts. Though our link shares may not be artistic contributions, the idea of curation is at least the same at museums and online: We’re all seeking only the best material to pass along to our patrons, customers, fans, or followers. Finding and sharing exquisite content has never had more value than it does today. People love being told what’s good to read or essential to see. What is content curation? I’ve got a short definition for you and a long one. Content curation is sorting through a large amount of web content to find the best, most meaningful bits and presenting these in an organized, valuable way. For the slightly longer definition, I’ll paraphrase Mike Kaput’s great analogy on Content Marketing Institute about how curation has evolved to its place of prominence on today’s Internet. All this is changing. Here’s how Mike Kaput summarizes the story: Curation is not aggregation. 1. 2.
Content curation: computers and humans creating collaborative intelligence We don’t have a problem of “information overload”… we have a problem of “filter failure”. And even as you’re reading this massive money is being spent to create better filters. And the best filters are those which allow humans and computers to both do what they do best… in a new thing called “collaborative intelligence”. Content Curation. We’re starting to hear about it all over the place! I think it’s pretty simple. It could be said that most journalists are really content curators. Many bloggers do that. If you’re a fellow bloggers, you have a success formula if all you so is faithfully bring your readers up-to-date curated content on a given niche or subject-matter. I’ll have more to say on this in the coming weeks and months. Karan Bavandi is the founder of KBucket.com (a curation platform I’m still figuring out). Here are a couple of good slide decks on the topic. Shel Holtz is a very well known marketing dude online, and he’s all over curation too…
(1) What are the best content curation tools for daily use Media Curation Is Now Consumer-Generated Content Curation Is Listening and Engaging Content curation is the organizing, filtering and “making sense of” information on the web and sharing the very best pieces of content that you’ve cherry picked with your network. But finding and organizing the information is only half of the task. As Mari Smith points out in this video about why curation is important and some tools for doing it. Last week, I helped launch a peer exchange for Packard Foundation for Children’s Health Insurance grantees with Spitfire Communications (creators of the SMART chart). Bruce Lesley is one of a growing number of nonprofit executive directors and senior leaders that use Twitter. First Focus is working to change the dialogue around children’s issues by taking a cross-cutting and broad based approach to federal policy making. If you take a look at Bruce Lesley’s Twitter stream, you will see that he is curating information on public policies impacting children. What do the experts say? “If you want more followers, you have to follow better people.
curated.by Startup of the Week: Rormix Rormix is a music video platform that aims to support independent artists. The website -- and accompanying iOS and Android apps -- only publishes curated content from unsigned musicians and future profits from advertising will be split with them. The point? To help the public tune out the tumult of cute animal videos crammed in between the world's best-selling artists on YouTube, to hopefully find something new. After launching in spring of this year, Rormix has gone on to be downloaded 100,000 times in 180 countries, with 40,000 monthly active users viewing 5,000 music videos. Founders: Emma Owens, Chris Farrell, Mark Wheeler, Amman Ahmed Launched: April 2014 Headquarters: Manchester Staff: Nine Funding: AXM North West Fund (VC), Andrew Crossland and Tim Langley (Angels) and a loan from Creative England, all totalling $350,000 (£210,000). What problem do you solve? How do you plan to make money? Who do you view as your competitors? Where did you get the idea for the business?
The 5 Models Of Content Curation Curation has always been an underrated form of creation. The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America – and started as a private art collection from one man (J. Paul Getty) who had a passion for art. Aside from a few well known examples like this one, however, the term curation has rarely been used outside of the world of art … until now. One of the hottest trends in social media right now is content curation – thanks in no small part to the leading efforts of several thought leaders actively promoting the idea. What Is Content Curation? Back in 2009 I published a blog post called the “Manifesto For The Content Curator” which predicted that this role would be one of the fastest growing and most important jobs of the future. Content Curation is a term that describes the act of finding, grouping, organizing or sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific issue. The 5 Models Of Content Curation Additional Posts About Content Curation:
Internet Billboards The Power of Content Management Inbound Advertising A Comprehensive Guide to Content Curation Depending on your point of view, content on the internet can be a vast collection of treasures, a cesspool swimming in filth, or a big pile of gold specks mixed in with an even bigger pile of dirt. My guess is that most people lean towards the last one, giving rise to content curation, the process of finding the gold among the dirt, as a very popular online activity. At its most basic, content curation is the process of finding, organizing, and presenting content from the flood of information and media that inundate the web by the second. Content curation isn’t about creating new content, just like a museum creator has no hand in creating the artifacts she decides to put on display. It’s not about indiscriminately collecting content (that’s aggregation, like what an RSS reader does), either, just as a museum curator doesn’t simply point to any object in a warehouse when deciding which artifacts will be included for a particular show. There are many ways content curation happens online.
Content Explosion And Content Curation We all know that there is a content explosion on the web. Everyone can publish content on the web today, search engines reward fresh and quality content but as a SEO strategy every Tom, Dick and Harry is adding content to their blog, website, posting comments and getting involved in discussions. Some do this with a focus on quality information and knowledge which is the main purpose but sometimes content is just added for the sake of getting SEO benefit i.e only for spiders not for users. That is where the problem of junk content arises. Due to this content explosion we see search engines also tightenting their noose on quality standards for content and we have the Panda updates. This cat and mouse chase will be an ongoing process, as the content and websites go on mushrooming on the web. So, where does the searcher get relevant, quality search results for what he is finding on the web. Content curation infact gives good quality inbound links to the content pages that have been curated.