Ten Steps to Better Student Engagement Tristan de Frondeville As a teacher, my goal was to go home at the end of each day with more energy than I had at the beginning of the day. Seriously. Now, as I travel the country coaching teachers on how to successfully use project learning, my goal remains the same. A teacher in one of my workshops said, "When my students and I are in the flow, then I don't feel like I have to work as hard." Project-based classrooms with an active-learning environment make such in-the-flow moments more common. The good news is that the strategies for creating and managing high-quality project-learning environments are productive in any classroom, whether project learning is a central part of the curriculum or not. Create an Emotionally Safe Classroom Students who have been shamed or belittled by the teacher or another student will not effectively engage in challenging tasks. Create an Intellectually Safe Classroom Begin every activity with a task that 95 percent of the class can do without your help.
AutismInspiration.com untitled Special Educator's Web Pages Accommodations and Modifications Accommodations, modifications, and alternative assessments may be necessary for a special needs child to succeed while working on materials for learning. A student who cannot read nor write at grade level may be able to understand and participate in discussions about material that is read aloud and taught at the child's age-appropriate level. A child who cannot recall basic number facts may be able to do grade-appropriate problems using a calculator or working with number facts chart. A student with cerebral palsy may be able to take part in modified physical education with special equipment and carefully chosen exercises. The terms accommodations and modification are frequently used interchangeably, but they are not identical in their effect on teaching and learning. There are important differences in the meaning as they relate to special needs education. Because IDEA is a federal law, it primarily guarantees an appropriate, free, public education. Understanding Accommodations
Educational toys and games for special needs children untitled Teaching Special Kids: Online Resources, Special Education Curriculum Finding strategies for working with special needs students can be a challenge for full-time special education teachers, let alone teachers who work on a part-time basis with kids facing challenges . Education World understands the problems you face and offers online resources that can help you better understand -- and help -- students with special needs. Today, almost every classroom includes a number of students who are dealing with a disability -- either physical, educational, emotional, or a combination of all three. As a teacher, you probably find yourself looking for information and resources that will help you effectively teach those students and help them learn successfully. The number of special-education Web sites for teachers can be overwhelming, however. Education World has searched the Web for sites that provide information about specific disabilities and suggest activities for classroom use. Office of Special Education
Response: Several Ways To Help Students Become Better Listeners - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo UserID: iCustID: IsLogged: false IsSiteLicense: false UserType: anonymous DisplayName: TrialsLeft: 0 Trials: Tier Preview Log: Exception pages ( /teachers/classroom_qa_with_larry_ferlazzo/2011/08/response_several_ways_to_help_students_become_better_listeners.html ) = NO Internal request ( ) = NO Open House ( 2014-04-14 09:19:08 ) = NO Site Licence : ( ) = NO ACL Free A vs U ( 2100 vs 0 ) = NO Token Free (NO TOKEN FOUND) = NO Blog authoring preview = NO Search Robot ( Firefox ) = NO Purchased ( 0 ) = NO Monthly ( c59a70f1-9618-7c6a-f057-612875f0e3ea : 3 / 3 ) = NO 0: /edweek/DigitalEducation/2012/09/start_a_computer_programming_c.html 1: /ew/articles/2012/02/24/22resources_ep.h31.html Access denied ( -1 ) = NO
CSADP - Special Education websites Special Education The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): An international organization that is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. Disability Rights, Education and Defense Fund (DREDF): A national law and policy center dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC): ERIC EC (Gifted Education) gathers and disseminates the professional literature, information, and resources on the education and development of individuals of all ages who have disabilities and/or who are gifted. IDEA PRACTICES: An organization that provides teachers, school administrators and related services professionals in implementing recent changes to the nation's primary special education law.