Food Songs | Nursery Rhymes & Kids' Songs They say that music is the food of love, but food is about more than just sustenance. Believe it or not there are many, many songs written about different types of food. Peaches, coconuts, apples and bananas have all been featured in song. Ham, eggs, steak and cake have also been heavily features in musical numbers. Food Moves People When searching for food songs, most people will be utterly surprised to see the number of songs written about or featuring food. Food Songs for Kids Food songs for kids are the most common type of food songs. Food songs are commonly seen on children’s television shows. Food Songs Intended for Adults While there are a lot of food songs that are directly intended for children audiences, there are also quite a few food songs that were originally cut and played for adult audiences. They say that music is the food of love, but food is about more than just sustenance. Food Moves People Food Songs for Kids Food songs for kids are the most common type of food songs.
45 Virtual Field Trips (15 New Ones) On The "Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee Choice Board"! Our students are having so much fun visiting all kinds of places through the virtual field trips I added to the Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee. We are now up to 45 different virtual field trips as I added another page this morning. It's been great seeing all of the other places people have been sharing, so I spent some time adding some of those to this Buncee too. At the bottom of each page, users will see a little arrow pointing to the place to go back and forth between... Page 1, and 3. One tiny tip....Make sure you point out that they click on the little link in the upper right hand corner to go to the virtual field trips. Ohhhhh and have you seen this one....Hopper the Explorer! Also, I added three from Disney... ...two from 360 for Kids. I will continue to look for more and more virtual field trips to add to this Buncee. You will find the Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee here. Here is a QR code for students to scan with their devices.
Mended Wing Theatre Company - Home Watch and share YouTube videos safely | teachers and family friendly YouTube Colored Tape Rows on the Keyboard – Learning with Christine Pinto Often times I try putting myself into my kindergarten students’ shoes and wonder how they embrace the world. Approaching a keyboard can be intriguing for students because they contain letters and numbers, items that little kids are learning about. Since the letters on the keyboard are out of their alphabetical order, locating letters can be time consuming task. I put colored tape on the left side of my students’ Chromebook keyboards to bring attention to each row of keys. I bought the tiny rolls of Scotch Expressions Washi Tape at Staples. Using Google Sheets, you can customize a login card and apply conditional formatting to get the color to automatically come up when a certain letter key is typed. Conditional Formatted Login Card Template Have a longer username or password? Select column from the top (select more than one column to enter multiple columns)Right click and select “insert 1 to right” Need to Merge Cells? Want a smaller login card? Changing the font size Add Borders to Cells
Reading and Language Art Alphabet Alphabet In Motion - CD: Can A Jumbo Jet Sing The Alphabet? DVD: Baby Songs ABC, 123, Colors & Shapes Ayee I Owe You - CD: One Little Sound Bean Bag Alphabet Rag - CD: Can A Cherry Pie Wave Goodbye? – New Updated Version! CD: Can A Cherry Pie Wave Goodbye? Can A Jumbo Jet Sing The Alphabet? Phonological Awareness/Phonics Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Tomatoes - CD: Two Little Sounds Bingo - CD: Early Childhood Classics DVD: Baby Songs Animals Bop Til' We Drop - CD: One Little Sound Bounce - CD: One Little Sound Chickadee And Chipmunk - CD: One Little Sound D-O-G Walkin' The Dog - CD: One Little Sound Down By The Bay - CD: Two Little Sounds Fun With The Rhyme Time Band - CD: Can A Jumbo Jet Sing The Alphabet? Vocabulary Enhancement A Tree Fell Down - CD: Easy Does It CD: Can A Cherry Pie Wave Goodbye? Colors Colors - CD: Learning Basic Skills Colors In Motion (Basic) - CD: Can Cockatoos Count By Twos?
Places I Share There are so many fabulous linky parties in the blogging world...here are some that I try to visit frequently! **Note, this is a work in progress! I'm working on moving all my linky parties here...until then, many are listed in the right sidebar! I'm also working on updating this list and removing parties that have expired or that I have not been able to participate in for more than a year Congress Allocates Billions of Dollars to Libraries in COVID Relief Package On Wednesday, Congress passed the latest COVID relief package, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. President Biden is expected to sign the bill into law within the next few days. In addition to the much-discussed $1,400 stimulus checks, the $1.9 trillion legislation includes a variety of funds to support states, vaccine distribution, small businesses, and importantly, libraries. ARPA allocates $200 million to the Institute of Museum and Library Service (IMLS), an independent federal agency that provides library and museum grants, policy development, and research. Additionally, public, academic, and school libraries are eligible for billions of relief dollars to meet critical public needs. This level of funding marks the largest single increase in funding in IMLS’s 25-year history. In a press release, American Library Association (ALA) President Julius C. In addition to IMLS grants, libraries are eligible for a variety of other funds included in ARPA. Check Your Shelf Newsletter
Hap Palmer Music For Children
Jbrary is a blog and YouTube channel that provides programming ideas for librarians, specifically focusing on services to children. They also post professional resources and links to other blogs by librarians around the country that share their love of children’s programming. by evaldes Mar 29