Smart tips to make life easier - StumbleUpon Posted on February 24, 2012 in Humor If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . Thanks for visiting! Rate this Post (16 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Antstealer's Camponotus sp. Journal(Large Photographs/Pictures) Updated: 10Sept. HUGE + DETAILED PHOTO UPDATE!(Page 3) in Keeping Ants Forum Yuku free message boards Forgot Password? 10 Most Famous Trees in the World Famous trees come and go. L’Arbre du Ténéré was once considered the most isolated tree on Earth, a landmark on caravan routes in the Sahara, until it was knocked down by a drunk Libyan truck driver in 1973. This year in August, the famous Anne Frank tree in Amsterdam was blown down by high winds during a storm. Luckily, there are still many special trees out there. An overview of the most famous trees in the world. 10Arbol del Tule
Efua Bakers exercise programme: how to strengthen your bum and legs STEP 1: The first stage of the doggie Photograph: Efua Baker Kneel on all fours with neck and spine in line. STEP 2: The second stage of the doggie. Granma's Attic ...Old Time Beauty and Health Tips Two tablespoons of sesame oil, one tablespoon olive oil, two tablespoons avocado oil, two tablespoons almond oil, 2000 IU vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol), 100Thousand USP units vitamin A, a drop or two of your favorite perfume.(optional) Pour the oils into a small jar or empty bottle.
How To Cook Like Your Grandmother - StumbleUpon I’ve tried lots of brownie recipes: Boxes, scratch, frosted, plain, nuts, chips, fudge … Each of them has something to like, but depending on my mood I might want a change of pace. Not any more. My wife found this recipe, and it’s perfect. I’m done looking. Mind the Gap: Different Kinds of Toughness - Education An inner-city schoolteacher questions the fortitude of his supposedly toughest students. Last week, my students entered our classroom and began work on the Do Now assignment that kicks off each class. Yet one student—we'll call him Elijah—walked in late, went straight to the windows and propped one open. I asked Elijah to close the window. After all, the temperature in the classroom was moderate, no other students had asked to open the window, and as a latecomer, Elijah's foremost responsibility was to catch up on the work he had already missed.
The science of the golden spider-silk cape Andrew Purcell, online producer (Image: Oli Scarff/Getty Images) The world of art and design is abuzz with talk of the spider-silk cape being shown at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. How to Rapidly Increase Your Pullup Numbers in 3 Months or Less A Complete Pullups Workout Program to Help You Shatter Your Personal Record and Dramatically Improve Your Pullups Performance Note: this pull-up training program is one of the lessons in my free 5-day Pull-up Training Crash Course. If you haven’t signed up and you want to improve your pull-up strength and performance as soon as this week, then Click Here to learn more about the free course. I’ll hook you up with the rest of the lessons and my very best tips on mastering the pull-up and chin-up exercises.
Nutrition for Healthy Skin: Silica, Niacin, Vitamin K2, and Probiotics It’s time to close out my series on nutrition and skin health. I believe that a nutrient-dense, whole foods diet, with particular attention paid to certain vitamins, minerals, and other compounds, is a powerful tool in the treatment of skin disease. It’s unfortunate that many mainstream doctors and dermatologists typically deny any connection between diet and skin health, and many patients miss the opportunity to make major improvements in their skin simply by changing what they eat.
How To… - StumbleUpon Embed This Infographic <a href= "><img src=" title="10 How Tos" alt="How To Infographic" border="0" class="nopin" /></a><br />Source: <a href=' title='Interesting Facts'><a href=' title='Interesting Facts'>Today I Found Out</a></a> 1) How to drastically increase the life of your shaving razor Before or after you shave (I prefer before so that the blades are dry), place your jeans on a hard flat surface; then run the razor up the pant legs about 10-15 times quickly; then repeat running it down the pant legs 10-15 times quickly. No need to press that hard, but a little pressure is necessary. necessary. In both instances, you want to point the top of the razor in the direction you are rubbing the shaver on the pants.