Fantasy Grounds Message Boards - View Single Post - Pathfinder Parser First Step is Downloads: First you have to go to get the d20_JPG ruleset here: Then go here and download the Pathfinder V8 extension: Download the PF Library modules: In Windows XP there is a folder structure as follows: C:\Documents and Settings\You\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II In the Fantasy Grounds II folder will be folders: Rulesets, Modules, Extensions ( among others ) For the ruleset zip file you downloaded (fg2_d20_jpg_v3_0_5.zip) , unzip it and put the folder named D20_JPG into Rulesets folder Put the file PathfinderVer8.ext into the Extensions folder Next Unzip the 4 Pathfinder module zip files. Random Dungeon Generator Dungeon Generation - Procedural Content Generation Dungeon generation is the first example of procedural generation of levels in games: Rogue and Beneath Apple Manor both feature creation of a new level consisting of a number of rooms connected by corridors surrounded by rock walls. Dungeon generation is particularly well suited by 2d grid based games, and by extension voxel based engines, but not very well suited to most modern game engines, which usually have a map compilation pass which increases the overall generation time and geometry which is not well suited to deformation by tunnelling. There are two basic approaches to dungeon generation: place the rooms first, then attempt to connect them via corridors; or place the corridors using a maze generation algorithm, then unify sections of the maze to form rooms. Online Demos donjon Random Dungeon Generator and a description and partial source code for the generator. Code Example PCG Wiki References Mazes are a specific kind of dungeon that has many well researched algorithms.