English Language Arts The State Board of Education has adopted the Common Core State Standards in English language arts as part of Ohio's New Learning Standards for academic learning. The Kindergarten - Grade 12 standards will be fully in use in Ohio classrooms by 2014-2015, when assessments that align to the standards are in place. ODE encourages districts to start implementing the Ohio's New Learning Standards now to better prepare students for 2014-2015 and beyond. Introduction to Ohio's New Learning Standards for ELA, Model Curriculum, and Assessment Content Standards 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Steve is in the back, uploading your file We're sorry, but we could not find what you are looking for. Global Digital Citizen Foundation © 2015|terms & conditions|privacy policy
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources Is the Web a good research tool? This question is dependent on the researcher's objective. As in traditional print resources one must use a method of critical analysis to determine its value. Here is a checklist for evaluating web resources to help in that determination. Authority: Online Debate Network - ODN Rules Rules and Expectations The following will outline the privileges and expectations of membership of ODN. Please feel free to address any questions regarding policy to any of our staff. We're here to help you get the most out of your ODN experience. DiversityThis community has a diverse group of people, ranging in all ages, religions, races, etc... This is a community where we learn from others and sometimes teach others through the discourse of debate.
Social Studies Skip navigation Skip to main content SAFE | State Agencies | Online Services Follow Language Arts: Writing, Literature, and Creativity Be sure to see our Language & Literature Subject Center for more great lesson ideas and articles. Expand students’ cultural horizons by shaping a fun dialogue-writing exercise around Guy Fawkes Night, a November 5 historical observance that’s popular in England. Harry Potter Inspires: Design a Wizard Sports Team In this lesson for grades K-2, students use creativity, reasoning and language skills to develop a new sports team. Harry Potter Inspires: Character Sketch for a New Wizard In this writing and literature lesson for grades 5-8, students create a new character that would fit into the wizard world. Creating a Poetry Collection In this lesson, which encourages students to think about the sounds of poems, students use lip-syncing software to produce an animated talking head. Community Scavenger Hunt Teaches Research Skills, Much More When armies of students descend on local libraries, it has to be time for the State of Jefferson Scavenger Hunt.
Archived: Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students A r c h i v e d I n f o r m a t i o n Change inStudent andTeacherRoles When students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or broadcast. Teaching Resources VocabularySpellingCity’s Teaching Resources pages provide free lesson plan ideas and supplemental materials for teachers in all subject areas and grade levels. K-12 teachers can access background information on grade level topics to assist in creating extensive lesson plans for English Language Arts concepts like grammar or figurative language. The Educational Topics section offers teachers information on research-based best practices, such as how to effectively implement literacy centers.