Keynote Address: Gov2.0 Expo 2010 | Kate Lundy Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 @ 11:53PM Update: Please also see my “Reflections from Gov 2.0 Expo 2010, Washington DC” post for my thoughts on the event, and the media and Twitter coverage. Below are the notes for two speeches Senator Lundy gave to the international Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington D.C. on the 26th May 2010, including additional links, information and examples from Australia. Below is also the keynote video. The Path to Open Government: The Pillars of Gov 2.0 The Internet is driving transformation in the very roots of our democracy. The traditional leadership model, where the singular expression of citizen participation is at the ballot box, is transforming to an online model that empowers citizens by continually engaging and collaborating with them. In this way, Gov 2.0 represents far more than just the application of Web 2.0 to government. Why? Having closely followed what is happening, I would like to reflect on what I regard to be the three pillars of Gov 2.0. Pricing Mistake | Blogs | Hey everyone – As many of you may know (and I’m sure a lot of you do not), is our sister site. is where brandaholics go for their guilt free daily fix of the brands they crave. Every day, the site highlights discounts on products ranging up to 70% off. Well, this morning, we made a big mistake in our pricing engine that capped everything on the site at $49.95. The mistake started at midnight and went until around 6:00am pst. When we figured out the mistake was happening, we had to shut down the site for a bit until we got the pricing problem fixed. While we’re sure this was a great deal for customers, it was inadvertent, and we took a big loss (over $1.6 million - ouch) selling so many items so far under cost. Cheers! Aaron Magness Director of Brand Marketing & Business Development Zappos Development, Inc. Twitter: @macknuttie We have a pricing engine that runs and sets prices according to the rules it is given by business owners.
Abbott's #Budgies tag sees senator swoop on ABC Twitter stream The opposition has complained about the ABC's use of the tag "#Budgies" when referencing Tony Abbott in a Twitter stream during his budget reply speech. Liberal senator Mathias Cormann questioned whether it was appropriate for the national broadcaster to refer to the opposition leader in terms of the swimwear for which he has become famous. Tony Abbott has scored many a headline for being photographed in his budgie smugglers and has even helped raise money for worthwhile causes after recently donating a signed pair to a charity auction. But Senator Cormann said there were serious concerns over the ABC's use of the tag - #Budgies - during its Twitter coverage of Abbott's budget reply speech to parliament. Advertisement "Are you suggesting that it is appropriate for the ABC to refer to statements by the leader of the opposition as #Budgies?" "I would have thought there is a serious question mark there." Scott said he did not believe the tag for Abbott's budget reply originated at the ABC.
Virtual goods expected to hit 20 percent of game revenue | Softw A new study by virtual goods provider Viximo suggests that by 2011, sales of virtual goods will amount to 20 percent of U.S. game software revenues. According to the report (registration required), this forecast is predicated on the expectation that virtual goods will grow faster than the overall gaming software industry. In 2009, U.S. retail sales of console, portable, and PC game software generated revenues of $10.5 billion, an 11 percent decline over the $11.7 billion generated in 2008. In the meantime, virtual goods revenues are expected to hit roughly $1.6 billion in 2010 and grow further in 2011 to more than $2 billion or roughly 20 percent of the market revenue, according to Viximo. PC game revenue has been up and down in 2010 with a dearth of hit games and a lack of new consoles such as the Nintendo Wii that drove sales in 2009. The important thing is the idea that there are new revenue streams available for games, especially social games, that make this prediction interesting.
Wikipedia in the Classroom: Tips for Effective Use May 26, 2010 By: John Orlando, PhD in Effective Teaching Strategies, Teaching with Technology Most academics consider Wikipedia the enemy and so forbid their students from using Wikipedia for research. There’s a reason that the Wikipedia entry normally comes in at the top of a Google search. Here are two ways to use Wikipedia to improve learning outcomes in your classes: Have Students Build Articles In the Spring of 2008, Professor Jon Beasley-Murray at University of British Columbia had the students in his class “Murder, Madness, and Mayhem: Latin American Literature in Translation” create articles for Wikipedia on the books that they read. Importantly, the students were instructed to make contact with the Wikipedia editors—called the “FA Team”—to receive feedback on their work for revisions. The results? Best yet, students can be given editing access to the page to add their own material. Recent Trackbacks 10 Ways Wikipedia Has Changed Education - [...]
Le secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie numérique va t-il disparaitre Peut être vous souvenez-vous, il y a quelques mois, des questions que je me posais sur le rôle de Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet au sein de son secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie numérique, c’était certes un peu violent, mais l’histoire me donne raison et c’est loin de me faire plaisir. La conjoncture actuelle m’invite à revenir sur le bilan de NKM (ca va être rapide) et sur le devenir de son secrétariat d’Etat qu’elle chercherait actuellement à quitter, et ça aussi on va tenter de comprendre pourquoi. Commençons par le bilan : craintes confirmées, NKM a brillé par son absence systématique de tous les débats sur lesquels les internautes attendaient de sa part des propositions concrètes pour endiguer les ardeurs d’une frange minoritaire du Parlement qui compte mettre Internet sous le coup de lois martiales comme HADOPI ou LOPPSI. Du coup, c’est sur Hack45 qu’un bon coup de pied dans le cocotier a été donné initialement. Les rumeurs font état d’une volonté de NKM de quitter ce poste.
Declaration of open government imminent - Government 2.0 Taskfor The Federal Government will soon act on one of the Government 2.0 Taskforce's central recommendation in declaring an open government, according to Labour Senator, Kate Lundy. Speaking at the Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington D.C. this week, Lundy said the Special Minister of State, Senator Joe Ludwig, and Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Lindsay Tanner, would soon announce the declaration of open government on behalf of the Australian Government. Spokespeople for both Ludwig and Tanner were unable to confirm a date for the declaration. The Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0 report released by the Government 2.0 Taskforce in December last year stated that a declaration of open government at the highest level was "integral to the Government’s objectives including public sector reform, innovation and using the national investment in broadband to achieve an informed, connected and democratic community". According to the report, the declaration would ensure that:
Le blog iPhone » Skype 2.0 permet les appels en 3G Comme il l'avait annoncé, l'éditeur du logiciel de voix sur IP Skype a mis à jour son application iPhone en version 2.0. Principale nouveauté : la possibilité de passer des appels Skype à l'aide d'une connexion 3G. Jusqu'ici, il fallait impérativement être connecté en WiFi pour profiter des communications voix. Skype 2.0 pour iPhone, proposé sous la forme d'une mise à jour gratuite sur l'App Store, comble donc une des principales lacunes de cette application. Il ne faudra toutefois pas oublier que les appels en voix sur IP ne sont pas forcément acceptés dans le cadre de votre forfait téléphonique. Jusqu'ici, il était possible de passer des appels Skype en 3G, mais il fallait pour cela avoir opéré le jailbreak de son terminal.
Icelandic Modern Media Initiative How Open Data Can Improve America's Health: Gov 2.0 Expo 2010 - Todd Park joined HHS as Chief Technology Officer in August 2009. In this role, he is responsible for helping HHS leadership harness the power of data, technology, and innovation to improve the health and welfare of the nation. Mr.
"Rapid Identification, Reliable Information" from NIH's National Library of Medicine by maptheweb Oct 11