The Invent + Patent System™ - Do It Yourself Provisional Patent Filing Made Easy - Just $99*
How to Patent Your Invention – Provisional Patent Filing Made Easy and Affordable The Invent + Patent System™ is an innovative approach to the patent process that will assist you in drafting your own Provisional Patent Application. This is a 100% Do-It-Yourself system that will help you think about different aspects of your invention you might not otherwise have thought of, which are essential when drafting a Provisional Patent Application. Once you go through the system you will be able to download an editable version of your Provisional Patent Application along with in-depth instructions on how to edit your and file your provisional patent application at the USPTO (filing fees payable to the USPTO will apply). The Invent + Patent System™ has been significantly updated in the first quarter of 2017, and we are excited to launch our all newer version, Version 5.0. First – Invention Disclosure & Formulation
Write Right Back: Recognizing Readers’ Needs and Expectations for E-mail Replies
ReadWriteThink couldn't publish all of this great content without literacy experts to write and review for us. If you've got lessons plans, activities, or other ideas you'd like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. More Find the latest in professional publications, learn new techniques and strategies, and find out how you can connect with other literacy professionals.
Kids and Inventions - Invention Tips
Read these 15 Kids and Inventions Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Invention tips and hundreds of other topics. Supporting the Kid Inventor in Your House
Do-It-Yourself Patents - IEEE Spectrum
I have been told that no one should apply for a patent without the help of a lawyer and that any inventor who does so is foolishly risking making a mistake that could cost him or her dearly. But I have six patents under my belt, and I wrote them and applied for all of them myself. I've been through pretty much the whole gamut of U.S. Patent Office travails: rejections, (successful) appeals, and even that rare event--a patent reissue. Much as I revel in being a distinctive and unique individual, I don't believe I possess a special aptitude, and I think most inventors would benefit from writing their own patents.
Teaching With Glogster: Using Virtual Posters in the Classroom
Grades 3 – 5 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson A Musical Prompt: Postcards From the Concert Students won't miss a beat in this musical lesson that combines listening with personal response on a postcard. Grades 3 – 6 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Color My World: Expanding Meaning Potential through Media Using different writing/drawing materials (e.g., markers, color pencils, pastels, etc.), students learn how to communicate different moods and/or feelings to support their written ideas and how authors do the same through their work.
How to get Copyright UK . Copyright Protection and theft deterrent. How to copyright Logos, Songs, Music, lyrics Designs, photos, books, poems, websites, training courses and training manuals. Copyright uk
You can protect any type of digital file with Protect My Work. Any file format can be emailed or uploaded to our system. For example: .doc, .jpg .gif .bmp .png .psd .xls, mp3, the list goes on.
Tech-Savvy Teaching
Top apps for your class Graphite, a new website from Common Sense Media, rates apps, games, websites, and digital curricula. These elementary education apps are among their “top picks.” Find more reviews at • Teach Me: Kindergarten Young learners earn rewards like virtual stickers for acing math and spelling drills.
100+ Teaching With the iPad Hacks: A Curated Playlist of Quick Start Resources
A publisher recently asked me if I knew of a good iPad “Quick Start” Guide for teachers just getting started with using the iPad in the classroom. I didn’t, but had to imagine that I could find resources along these lines on the Web. As I searched, I found many good web pages, and knew right away that this was a great topic for creating a LessonPaths curated Playlist to share them. LessonPaths (formerly known as MentorMob) is an awesome free web tool for easily assembling digital content into an elegantly simple information resource. Just click through the Playlist, stop and further explore resources that interest you (clicking on one will open up the Playlist in full screen mode) then click through to the next one when you’re ready.
How to enroll for your certificate
This user guide has been prepared using Mozilla Firefox 40. The screenshots and other details may differ if you use another version of the browser. If you are an ePCT user please enroll for your WIPO Customer CA digital certificate via the ePCT portal by clicking on the link to ‘Obtain/Upload a certificate’; otherwise click here. 1. Fill in the enrollment form with your first name and last name spelled in full (if not already pre-filled by ePCT) and your email address; the challenge phrase can consist of a single word. Important: WIPO Customer CA digital certificates may only be issued to individuals, not in the name of companies.
iPhone and iPad new user guide
Everything you need to know about getting started with your new iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or iPad mini New to the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or iPad and need a little help getting started? Whether you're trying to set up your device for the first time, or figure out Apple features like iCloud, Siri, iMessage, Notification Center, or FaceTime, or simply get a handle on the basics like mail, calendar, or photography, we have a help guide for you -- an ultimate guide!
Countries with foreign-filing-license requirements - Ant-like Persistence
US filers are very familiar with the requirement that if an invention is made in the US, the applicant may only file a patent application on that invention in a non-US country if the applicant has obtained an FFL (foreign filing license) from the USPTO. From time to time the question will arise what if the invention is jointly made by people in some country outside the US and people in the US? Each country has laws about where you can file first and what you must do before you can file elsewhere.
A Practical Guide For Teachers Who Just Got iPads
The above image was wonderfully put together by Richard Wells over at after seeing the article (below) originally posted here on Edudemic. Thanks Holly! So you finally got a class set of iPads and you are not sure what to do next and where to start? Here is a very simple list of tried and true tips to help. Don’t Start Collecting Apps!
PARCC Releases ELA and Math Sample Items for Spring 2014 Field Test
If you were patiently waiting for truly interactive official PARCC assessment sample items, the wait is finally over! The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, better known as PARCC, recently released its first grouping of web-based English Language Arts and Math sample items designed as a practice aid for schools taking the upcoming Spring 2014 Field Test. Up until now, PARCC's CCSS-aligned assessment counterpart Smarter Balanced (SBAC) held a considerable "leg up" on legitimate web-based practice/sample items, but with this release, PARCC has officially joined the "race". A breakdown of the new PARCC field test sample items These sample items provide educators and students the ability to practice online testing functionality and to gain an understanding of the different PARCC question types. Basic Details