Character Sheets from Dyslexic Studeos Chaotic Shiny - RPG-Related Generators Zen and the Art of the Fireball&|&Troll in the Corn... So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu A party lives and dies by teamwork. Too often, the failure of one creates the failure of many. The Essence of Tactics Retain your ability to act, and deny your enemy the ability to act. An enemy who is dead is denied all future actions. Two bloodied enemies have twice as many actions as one untouched and one dead enemy. A sleeping enemy is denied actions until he awakes. A slowed or immobilized enemy is denied actions only as long as nothing is within his reach. An action which misses is equivalent to an action not taken. While death is permanent, a great and mighty enemy cannot be killed quickly. The master neither rushes to battle, nor flees it. The weak enemy stings lightly, but falls quickly. Democracy Aid Choice
Lets Code ... an MMO! Introduction My name is Michael Goodfellow. The first time I touched a computer was probably in 1971, and I immediately wanted to know how to program it. I worked in the software industry from 1975 to 2005, when I retired on disability. And yes, I still write code. Who knows why? I learned programming writing computer games (which were played on typewriter-style terminals connected to mainframes), but I never got to write one professionally. But now Minecraft has come out and become a hit -- and it's a one-person project. When I've worked on projects before, it's just been me, the computer and complete silence, since none of my friends are interested in this kind of impossible project. Finally, I know there are many other open source projects out there with rich frameworks. The fact is, writing code with a blank slate where you can go off in any direction is fun. So let's get coding! Part 1: It's a Small World Since Minecraft is so popular, let's start with a world made of cubes. The Demo
Characters with Character: Random Personality Generator If you're enjoying the content here, check out our new site, Thoughtcrime Games. Thanks for visiting! If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! I don’t know about you but when I sit down for a one-shot game with a pregen character, I can’t always come up with a unique and interesting personality on the fly. Sometimes the class, race and skill combo strikes a chord, but usually it’s just numbers. Using the Generator is a snap. Motivation: What is it that really gets your character’s motor running? Instinct: What is your character’s first reaction to a threat (physical or otherwise)? Approach: What archetype is your character best known for being? Now just because every character in D&D is combat-capable does not necessarily make them all warrior-type personalities. Raven, Revenant Tempest FighterMotivation 8 (Intense Experience); Instinct 10 (Invoke Tradition); Approach 12 (Ethereal Mystic) Most living beings fear death. Serious Skills Similar Posts:
Slack n Hash- Name Generators After much deliberation… goodbye. Sort of. For now. I've neglected this site for a good couple of years, and let's face it, the months leading up to that point weren't exactly stellar either. It started out as a desperate attempt to hang onto the whole d20 System malarkey, and later on it collapsed into utter irrelevance. I missed pretty much every deadline I set myself for the RPG I was working on, never got round to fixing that elven name generator, and ultimately I just lost interest in the whole venture. So, time to own up, lower the curtain on this enterprise and consider my next step. Phil Smith , May 2011
The Most Important Algorithms (Survey) After a long discussion with some of my RISC colleagues about what the 5 most important algorithms on the world are, we couldn't reach a consensus on this question. So I suggested to perform a little survey. The criterion for suggestions was that these algorithms should be widely used. Further we restrict ourselves to the fields of computer science and mathematics. As I expected the number of different suggestions is close to 5 * (no. of participants) In the following you find the results (in alphabetical order) of this survey (which of course is highly non-representative since most of the participants are computer scientists). Visitors: 226992
Fifty More Adventure Ideas (for Dungeons and Dragons&) - Writers Corner:... Dec 13, 2006 (Updated Dec 20, 2006) Popular Products in Books From $2 From $5 The Bottom Line The ideas for this game are infinite. A veteran Dungeons and Dragons® player for many years, and not afraid to admit this, I have conceived Fifty More Adventure Ideas (for Dungeons and Dragons®), my expansion to the One Hundred Adventure Ideas on page 44 of The Dungeon Master’s® Guide, Core Rulebook II, v.3.5. 1.
crooked staff productions roleplaying aids Please note that this site and its contents are Copyright © Kristian Richards 2002 - 2011 <p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <a href=" />Powered by FeedBurner</p> Hello and welcome to the CSP home page! It is the aim of this web-site to provide a wide variety of roleplaying aids for both the GM/DM and player alike. For all the latest CSP news, updates, and even more free downloads be sure to check out... *However, a number of products are now for sale via RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, and lulu.
Beginning Game Development: Part I - Introduction &124; Coding4Fun... Part I – Introduction Welcome to the first article of an introductory series on game programming using the Microsoft .NET Framework and managed DirectX 9.0. This series as aimed at beginning programmers who are interested in developing a game for their own use with the .NET Framework and DirectX. The goal of this series is to have fun creating a game and learn game development and DirectX along the way. In this series, we are going to build a simple game to illustrate the various components of a commercial game. Tools: Before we start writing our first game we need to talk about the tools we will use. The most important tool for any developer is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Visual Studio 2005 (also known by the codename “Whidbey") is the third version of the standard Microsoft IDE for .NET Framework-based applications. The second important tool we need to create a great looking game is a graphics Application Programming Interface (API). What makes a successful game? End Sub