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Le blog de Né Kid, agence de stratégies de communication intégré

Duval Guillaume News TNT keeps adding drama to daily life As a follow-up of the previous print campaign, Duval Guillaume developed 4 new images that make all of us imagine how life becomes more ‘interesting’ when you add some drama to it. What do pétanque, knitting and fishing have in common? Coke Zero finds out. When is the last time you and your friends gathered around the television to watch a good game of pétanque?

Internet Marketing Top Blogs at Winning the Web Searching for the top blogs in the Internet marketing niche? Look no further. Winning the Web’s IM Top Blogs is the ultimate ranked list of the best Internet marketing blogs in the industry. Hyperréalité Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. En sémiotique et dans la philosophie post-moderne, on utilise le terme d’hyperréalité (à ne pas confondre avec le surréalisme ou l’hyperréalisme) pour décrire le symptôme d’une culture postmoderne évoluée. L’hyperréalité caractérise la façon dont la conscience interagit avec la réalité. Tout particulièrement, quand la conscience perd sa capacité à distinguer la réalité de l’imaginaire et commence à s’engager avec ce dernier sans comprendre ce qu’il fait, elle s’introduit alors dans le monde de l’hyperréel. La nature du monde hyperréel se caractérise par une amélioration de la réalité.

PAUL ISAKSON Several years ago I was interviewing at what was then one of the top creative agencies in the world. A few weeks prior to going out for my full day of interviews, I had met with the head of the department for coffee while on a long weekend getaway. He and I had a great conversation and he was excited to have me talk to some of his team about an opening they were looking to fill. Demain tous veilleur – La veille comme art de vivre du futur Voici un article qui a été publié dans l’excellent ebook : Regards croisés sur la veille (sur le blog du modérateur), qui fait intervenir plein de spécialistes pros du digital (et moi même). Un article prospectif qui m’a donné l’occasion de poser toutes les idées concernant l’évolution de la veille digitale. Vous excuserez la longueur, cet article est fait pour être lu sur papier ou tablette.

Apple acquired mind-blowing 3D mapping company C3 Technologies, looking to take iOS Maps to the next level A 3D model of Las Vegas Strip created by Apple purchased C3 Since the original iPhone’s debut in 2007, Apple’s iOS devices have made use of an Apple-built Google Maps application to provide users with a quick glance at driving directions, traffic, route guidance, current location information, and details about destinations. Like with most sections of Apple’s business, the company is continually innovating, looking to take products to the next level. A few years ago, Apple set out to seemingly reinvent this iOS mapping experience.

Talent imitates, genius steals My mate Jon tweeted me this video of Iain Tate and I rambling on in Romania from 2007. Good times. We were quite hungover, me moreso I think. Iain looks almost exactly the same. Mercadotecnia digital Reddit: Una plataforma Consolidada. Hay muchas maneras de medir el crecimiento de una plataforma, el tráfico, el ingreso, etc. y existen miles de páginas importantes que logran un importante impacto… pero ubicarte como un influenciador real en el mundo de internet, pocos tienen ese gusto. El día de hoy, la relativamente nueva comunidad web, acaba de consolidarse como una verdadera plataforma social, porque? Por... Facebook: Sálvese quien pueda !!!

As We May Think - Magazine As Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, Dr. Vannevar Bush has coordinated the activities of some six thousand leading American scientists in the application of science to warfare. In this significant article he holds up an incentive for scientists when the fighting has ceased.
