Reader's Corner - Who Writes Like Have you read every novel by your favourite author? Are you looking for more suggestions? Browse the alphabetical list Do a keyword search Enter author surname KDL What's Next® Database Our What's Next®: Books in Series database helps you search series fiction. A series is two or more books linked by character(s), settings, or other common traits. e.g. 45 Virtual Field Trips (15 New Ones) On The "Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee Choice Board"! Our students are having so much fun visiting all kinds of places through the virtual field trips I added to the Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee. We are now up to 45 different virtual field trips as I added another page this morning. It's been great seeing all of the other places people have been sharing, so I spent some time adding some of those to this Buncee too. At the bottom of each page, users will see a little arrow pointing to the place to go back and forth between... Page 1,
Readers' advisory Readers' advisory is defined as “Services provided by an experienced public services librarian specializing in the reading needs of public library patrons” (Reitz 2006). A successful readers' advisory service is one where knowledgeable, non-judgmental staff help readers with their leisure-reading needs. Because the library can often be confusing in their organization and layout, readers' advisers are crucial in providing the library’s leisure-reading material to the reader. Readers’ advisers should endeavor to be “knowledgeable about both fiction and nonfiction—particularly what is popular in their libraries” (Dilevko and Magowan 2007:23).
Simone de Beauvoir Simone-Lucie-Ernestine-Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, commonly known as Simone de Beauvoir (French: [simɔn də bovwaʁ]; 9 January 1908 – 14 April 1986), was a French writer, intellectual, existentialist philosopher, political activist, feminist and social theorist. She did not consider herself a philosopher but she had a significant influence on both feminist existentialism and feminist theory.[1] Beauvoir wrote novels, essays, biographies, an autobiography and monographs on philosophy, politics and social issues. She is best known for her novels, including She Came to Stay and The Mandarins, as well as her 1949 treatise The Second Sex, a detailed analysis of women's oppression and a foundational tract of contemporary feminism.
Libraries are getting $200 million in stimulus funds. Here's why It's one of the reasons Republicans have criticized the bill, which they argue is too big and includes funding for things that have nothing to do with fighting Covid or the resulting economic crisis. The final bill passed on a party-line vote, without any Republican support in the House or the Senate. But librarians say they've come to the rescue for those hit the hardest by the pandemic, becoming the only way many without internet access are able to get their kids online for school -- or access medical services, make vaccine appointments or register for federal aid like stimulus checks and unemployment benefits.
Readers’ Advisory Resources: Beyond Lists A colleague and I were asked to present at the RT Book Convention in a session intended for librarians and booksellers. This post is adapted from a portion of our presentation. I love talking books with people. It’s my favorite part of my job. But there’s not always an opportunity for a traditional reader’s advisory interview and some readers prefer to find their own books or use passive reader’s advisory materials when searching out their next great read.
The Adaptive Function of Literature and the Other Arts Massive Modularity vs. Cognitive Flexibility Evolutionists insist that genes constrain and direct human behavior. Cultural constructivists counter that culture, embodied in the arts, shapes human experience.
Sharing computer sound during screen sharing Overview Zoom screen sharing allows you to share the desktop, window, application, or audio/video. If audio is an important part of your shared content, you can also send the computer's audio to the remote attendees when sharing, providing a more professional and immersive sharing experience.