Related: Tech Tool Resources • Educational Tech Blogs • henrickss • ladyluckmelissa20 Classroom Technology Tools You Might Not Know The use of technology in the classroom is no longer up for debate. It's now extremely clear: the effective use of classroom technology drives student results. But, any competent education professional would be quick to point out that student results are only positively impacted when they are introduced to the right tools. existing or continuing for a long time - synonyms and related words Synonyms long adjective lasting for a large amount of time long-term
Top 10 Tools For The Digital Classroom There is certainly no shortage of tech-based tools to use in the classroom. In this article we’ll examine some of the best, focusing specifically on those that are designed for encouraging, enhancing, and managing learning. 1. Socrative The Digital Shift — On Libraries and New Media, powered by Library Journal and School Library Journal 5 Tips for Makers on a Budget from a Teen Librarian By The Digital Shift on August 4, 2017 “Teen Librarian Toolbox” blogger and SLJTeen Live! panelist Karen Jensen shares some ideas and resources for low-budget maker spaces. The Chatty Librarians: Podcasting | Field Reports
The Best K-12 Education Technology Blogs If it takes a village to raise a child, how many people does it take to train an educator? It’s hard to say, but 50 helping hands seems like a good place to start. In the spirit of community, collaboration and information sharing, EdTech: Focus on K–12 has rounded up 50 ed-tech blogs that we deem must-reads for the K–12 community. We launched our first Must-Read IT list last year to great response so we hope that you all enjoy this year's batch of blogs as well. These blogs are a mix of voices and include blogs authored by teachers, administrators and technology vendors.
The path to paperless: 13 tech tools for teachers on a tight budget Flipgrid Holly Clark, education strategist and coauthor of The Google Infused Classroom, says video discussion platform Flipgrid is a great tool for teachers to capture information about student learning and growth. Flipgrid is a free app where teachers can post a question or other cues for student response, and students can then reply with short videos. InsertLearning The InsertLearning tool is a Chrome browser extension that allows teachers to turn almost any web page into an interactive classroom lesson. Teachers can highlight text; add questions, comments, and videos; and test students inside the app with a Google Classroom code.
Google Earth comes to the classroom with new educational tours and lesson plans In April, Google introduced a revamped, reimagined version of Google Earth, which included a number of new features that go beyond visualizing the planet through the use of maps and satellite imagery, to also allow users to explore the world through tours, and learn about its many wonders. Today, Google announced it’s bringing Google Earth to the classroom. The new version of Google Earth introduced a feature called Voyager, offering a showcase of guided tours from scientists, nonprofits, and other storytellers and organizations. The tours let you explore a region or multiple locales, through the use of photos, 360-degree videos, and Google Maps Street View, along with text. At launch, there were tours from groups like BBC Earth, Jane Goodall, Sesame Street, and NASA available. At the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) conference, Google today announced it’s expanding its lineup of tours to include 10 new stories, specifically designed for educational use.
20 Digital Tools for Classroom for Innovative Teachers & Students In the world we live in is, technology is literally everywhere and the kids adapt to it more than anyone else. Unlike teachers, students are being raised in a digital world. For students of all ages, it is absolutely natural to use technology in every aspect of their lives. Top 100 Education Blogs for Educators and Teachers - Education Blog Top 100 Education blogs The Best Education blogs from thousands of top Education blogs in our index using search and social metrics. Data will be refreshed once a week. If your blog is selected in this list, you have the honour of displaying this Badge (Award) on your blog. Submit Your Blog
The 90 Hottest EdTech Tools According to Education Experts If you work in education, you’ll know there’s a HUGE array of applications, services, products and tools created to serve a multitude of functions in education. Tools for teaching and learning, parent-teacher communication apps, lesson planning software, home-tutoring websites, revision blogs, SEN education information, professional development qualifications and more. There are so many companies creating new products for education, though, that it can be difficult to keep up - especially with the massive volumes of planning and marking teachers have to do, never mind finding the time to actually teach!
edutopia Often when I look at how to help students, I think back on my own journey as a student. When challenged to teach students to trust that the effort of persistence is worth it, I think back on when I myself figured it out. And do you know what I came up with? The only times I showed grit as a student were when I was interested in the topic and wanted to get through a challenge. Even now, I only score a 3.5 out of 5 on Angela Duckworth’s Grit Scale quiz. So the reality is this: Sometimes I have grit and sometimes I don’t.