Free Online Clock for Your Website or Blog! Get Flash Clock or Time Banner for Your Site! Free Online Clock World Time Clock & Map Now you can get FREE online clock for your web site in 3 easy steps: 1. Choose the clock you want to put on your site and configure its size, color and time format. We have developed four different online clocks for you to choose from: simple digital clock, Flash analog clock, Flash digital clock and Time Banner. 2. That's simple! New! Digital Clock Digital clock provides all the functionality you need and doesn't take much space on the webpage. Current time in London - 10:55:14 AM - Wednesday, April 16, 2014 or like this: Current time in Sydney - 19:55:14 Configure your own clock using the form below and then click "Get HTML code" button: Analog Flash Clock Analog Flash clock proposed to you by 24TimeZones.com team is really unique and fancy website widget! Your clock will look like this: Digital Flash Clock One more Flash widget for your site, very easy to configure and install. Time Banner Time banner on your site will look like this: 1. 2. 3.
Analogue Get the Yahoo! WebPlayer for your website or blog SnapYap.com Free music online - Playlist and player for tumblr | Hypster Free internet audio mp3 player for personal websites| AudioPal SCM Music Player - seamless music for your website Free Scroll to Top Buttons How to Link to a Specific Line or Paragraph on a Web Page Using HTML Tips on how to use HTML to point to the exact location on a web page by Christopher Heng, thesitewizard.com Linking to another page on the Internet is pretty much a standard part of designing a website, so much so that it is included as a basic skill in any course on creating a website. But what if you wanted to link to a specific paragraph or line within a page? Requirements For the technique described in this tutorial to work, you must be the author of the target page. How to Use Anchors with Names For ease of explanation, let's take the following HTML code as an example. <h2>Normal Behaviour In a Browser</h2> <p> This is the text of the top paragraph. <h2>Linking Directly to a Specific Location</h2> <p> To override this behaviour, certain standard techniques can be used. The example above has two paragraphs, each with its own paragraph title, enclosed in <h2></h2> pairs. A named anchor has the following format: <a name="WhateverNameYouWant">The landing place of the link</a> Conclusion
Tumblr Tag Clouds | Heather Rivers Paste this code into your theme html What is this? This is a tag cloud generator for Tumblr. It uses the Tumblr API to generate a tag cloud each time your site is accessed. How do I add it to a theme? Copy the code above and paste it into your theme's HTML wherever you want it to appear. How do I add it to a post? Copy the code above and paste it into a new text post with HTML enabled. How do I customize the style? You can write custom CSS for your tag cloud. Why isn't it loading? This can happen for a few reasons. Who are you? My name is Heather Rivers.
Megapost de Iconos! Hola amigos de Taringa!, espero les guste mi siguiente aporte de un Megapost de Iconos si te gusto mi aporte "Compartelo" Gracias y un Saludo Bueno pues el link que te dejare para descargalo te llevara a una pagina como esta, donde estan los tipos de formatos para descargar. Si quieres la imagen en PNG le das click donde dice PNG y te descargara la imagen, o en .ico es lo mismo. Si lo quieres en otro tipo de Formato le das click en el Signo + y te darĂ¡ todos los formatos disponibles Ya terminado el Minitutorial de para descargarlos vamos con los iconos. Pinterest Icons Kitchen Icons Falcon Icons Fruit Icons Photography Icons Social Media Icons Somicro Icons iCandies Icons Leather Social Media Icons Jigsoar Icons Lovicons Payments Social Pack #1 Renova Icons MimiGlyphs Icons Concave Mac Icons Basal Icons Comic iPad Icons Very Emotional Emoticons 2 (BuenĂsimos) Tabs Social Icons Android Icons 2 Gentleface Icons Marker-Style Icons (los que use en el post) NIXUS Icons Web Buttons Origami Adouble Icons