Related: Technology Planning
- Professional organizations
National Center for Technology Planning John See Technology Integration Specialist Minnesota Department of Education [Originally appeared in The Computing Teacher, Vol. 19, Number 8, May 1992] Contact information for John See -- unavailable as of Feb 2012 Effective technology plans are short term, not long term. Five year plans are too long. Technology is changing so fast that it is almost impossible to plan what type of technology will be available for use five years from now. Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) 2016 Learning Analytics Summer Institute University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan June 27-29, 2016 Visit the full LASI website The sheer amount of data that we generate in the course of our lives is growing exponentially as technology plays a larger and larger part in what we do every day. Nowhere is this fact more important than how information technology has become part of the basic infrastructure for education– in formal and informal settings, playing a role whether we are face-to-face with others or interacting solely online.
Personalizing the Learning Experience: New Insights from Future Ready Schools – Medium When done well, personalized learning has the potential to radically transform how we teach and learn and how we create more equitable opportunities for students. In the 2016 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP), our flagship policy document for educational technology, the U.S. Department Education defines personalized learning: Technology Integration Research Review Editor's Note: This article was originally written by Vanessa Vega, with subsequent updates made by the Edutopia staff. Technology integration can be one of the most challenging topics to find quality research on. The term itself is a broad umbrella for numerous practices that may have little in common with each other.
Top 10 Most Read Campus Technology Articles in 2014 Login Top 10 Most Read Campus Technology Articles in 2014 A look back at the most popular stories our site had to offer in the last year. Future Ready Librarians - Future Ready Schools We are super excited that you are registering to join us at the Denver Future Ready School Institute. Complete the registration below to make it official! The Future Ready Librarians (FRL) strand of the Institute will provide opportunities to About ECFMG ECFMG is a world leader in promoting quality health care—serving physicians, members of the medical education and regulatory communities, health care consumers, and those researching issues in medical education and health workforce planning. International medical graduates (IMGs) comprise one-quarter of the U.S. physician workforce. Certification by ECFMG is the standard for evaluating the qualifications of these physicians before they enter U.S. graduate medical education (GME), where they provide supervised patient care. ECFMG Certification also is a requirement for IMGs to take Step 3 of the three-step United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and to obtain an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the United States. ECFMG provides other programs for IMGs pursuing U.S.
School Libraries Transform Learning This digital magazine produced by AASL in partnership with American Libraries, is designed to be shared with parents, colleagues, administration, and policymakers. Available electronically or as a PDF download, this tool can open the door to discussions on the multiple ways school libraries transform learning. Articles 6 elements of a successful iPad implementation By Samantha Messier and Stephanie Schroeder 11/17/2014 Topics: Mobile Learning, 1-to-1, Professional learning As more districts across the United States move to 1:1 initiatives, a common barrier is financial resources, and a common temptation is to regard these initiatives as technology enterprises rather than instructional transformations. In a three-year pilot project, the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) addressed these challenges by implementing a creative approach designed to entice public funders by providing all students with equitable access to digital devices.
ADEA CCI White Papers : American Dental Education Association Beyond the Crossroads A major component of the work of the ADEA Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education has been the development of a series of commissioned papers published in the Journal of Dental Education from 2005 to 2009; links to these papers are provided below. All 22 papers are collected in the book Beyond the Crossroads, which is available for purchase. The result is an effective strategy for academic dental institutions to consider in making own changes. Research encapsulated in Beyond the Crossroads has already provided important knowledge to various specific change efforts. For instance, it was used to develop Competences for the New General Dentist (approved by the ADEA House of Delegates April 2, 2008).
A Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model For Teachers Teachers are the ones that decide on instructional strategies and how to carry them out. When teachers create an instructional design for technology integration, they need to consider the characteristics of their topic and the needs of their students and then decide on a course of action that will meet both needs within the constraints of their classroom environment. When deciding on teaching/learning methods the first distinction a teacher must make is whether or not to use directed strategies or constructive strategies. After determining whether integration strategies will be primarily directed or constructive, also consider content approach.
Institutes & Events Implementing IPE: Highlighting Best Practices Thursday, June 15, 2017 The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) is proud to announce the next event in our IPEC Webinar Series aimed at highlighting trends and activities in interprofessional education and practice. Drs. Jane Kirschling and Dora Anne Mills will share their perspectives and lessons learned from their approaches to implementing IPE in curricula.