Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 7
Digital Painting Techniques returns for the seventh volume! It's still a thick 288-page book packed with detailed tutorials. The book is for intermediate to advanced artists so if you're just starting out, it might be slightly difficult to follow especially if you're not familiar at the fundamentals of digital painting.
Anatomy for Artists Online Course » Scott Eaton
SUMMER: in-progress AUTUMN: October 13, 2017 – REGISTER HERE WINTER: January 19, 2018 Welcome to Scott Eaton’s Anatomy for Artists online course page. The course is online to share the anatomy lessons of the old masters with artists intent on mastering the human figure. The course takes the daunting task of learning human anatomy and distills it into artist-focused lessons that cover the critical foundation that every figurative artist needs to know. This course has been taught to artists from around the world including artists from leading animation, game, and visual effects studios – Industrial Light & Magic, Blizzard, Pixar, Ubisoft, LucasArts, Disney, Warner Bros, Sony, Rhythm & Hues, Valve and many others.
Brittney Lee
Designer, Illustrator and Animator Brittney Lee creates the kind of charming and effervescent characters that can leap to life in a very wide variety of applications; from traditional animation, CG animation, book and stationary illustration to stunning fine art cut paper sculptures. Lee's design, draftsmanship and color acumen are particularly evident when her characters are found inhabiting an environment that she has created especially for them. Tendrils of hair play off gracefully winding vines, cascades of water dance around lush curvilinear vegetation, warm sunlight bathes elegant Parisian courtyards. Despite the skillful simplicity her design, the viewer is tempted to linger, not wishing to leave Lee's enchanting worlds too soon. You can witness Brittney Lee's amazing five year artistic evolution on her blog.
Pin-Ups by Serge Birault / Photoshop, Digital Painting, Project Overviewtutorial from
Take a sneak peek into one of the chapters for Serge Birault's eBook for creating evocative pin-ups... A girl in a Martini glass? a classic in pin-up painting!
What is life drawing?
Life drawing, also known as figure drawing, is the act of drawing a living person. Normally this means drawing a nude model in real life – i.e. not from a photograph or from memory or imagination. You may wonder why the model is usually nude, and perhaps the easiest answer there is that clothes aren’t alive. Looking at a living thing, and particularly a living person, has a very different energy to it than an inanimate object. Capturing the life of the model is an important part of life drawing and this is better done without covering up the living parts of the person with dead bits of material.
Disney's "Tangled" Character Design Development.
Once "Rapunzel", then "Rapunzel Unbraided", and now "Tangled", Disney's 50th animated Feature film, set for release November 28th, has gone through many changes throughout it's years in development. One thing that hasn't changed much, though, is the artistic influence of two artists in particular. One was the French Rococo painter Jean-Honorer Fragonard, specifically one of his best known works; “The Swing” which inspired the lush fairy tale world that Rapunzel inhabits. The second is animation legend Glen Keane, who was the original driving force behind the film. Glen's masterfully solid, appealing, expressive and passionate animation and drawings are admired across the globe.
[Billy Pegram] Figure Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers [English] [pdf]
Figure Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers ISBN/ASIN: 1608955788,9781608955787 | 2013 | English | pdf | 160/160 pages | 28.9 MbPublisher: Amherst Media, Inc. | Author: Billy Pegram Walking photographers through the process of capturing the many possibilities of the human form, this guide presents the techniques for shooting figure images that make a statement, grab attention, and create an emotional impact. Professional model photographer Billy Pegram begins by explaining core concepts such as lighting, location, exposure, and styling that are integral to any type of figure image. He then explores a wide variety of specialized genres of figure photography, including commercial, fashion, boudoir, erotic, fine art, glamour, and pin-up, demonstrating the unique hallmarks and techniques that are essential to these styles.
Top 5 Online Art Courses That Are Worth Paying For
ResourcesThis post may contain affiliate links.If you buy something we get a small commission at no extra cost to you(learn more ) Self teaching is a completely viable route for learning to draw and paint. There are so many great courses you can watch from your home computer that it’d be foolish to ignore this potential.
TUTORIAL: Cleaning up drawings on lined paper
Removing blue lines from your drawings Skill Level: Easy What you need: Your image, scanned in & ready Photoshop CS (other versions should be similar) Welcome to the first tutorial Many of us draw in class instead of listening to the teacher, and often the only paper to draw on is lined paper. This tutorial teaches you how to remove those blue lines from your drawing using Photoshop, or an equivalent graphics program. 1.
17 Best Classics to Learn Chinese From Movies
Learning Mandarin Chinese comes with tons of perks. The best of these may just be your newly found ability to access Chinese cinema. As they say, watch what you love and the language will follow (or something like that). Chinese films range from light-hearted and humorous to intensely dramatic and historically enlightening. The history, culture and social dynamics of China have been artfully captured on the big screen, and any serious Chinese language learner must take advantage of this. Taking in a movie may seem like something reserved for relaxation time.
Full Access to Figure Drawing Videos - miss new tutorials, signup for my mailing list - Let's get into shading a drawing! We'll explore form, planes and light on form.
Artesur » Residencies
Casa TomadaCreated in 2009 Directed and curated by Tainá Azeredo and Gabriel BogossianCreated in October 2009, Casa Tomada is an independent spaced dedicated... + more [R.A.T.] Puerto AcapulcoFounded in 2014, Acapulco, Mexico—…+ more
Lackadaisy Expressions
Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah!
Pancakes Recipe
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I have about 3 sections here on anatomy all are full of great info in all areas of anatomy for artists and med students ect . I think one of the best tools is DAZ3D it is free there are male and female models clothed and nude in all forms and shapes .You can pose them in any position and even change the lighting . You buy more content very cheaply but the free stuff is more than enough to work from . by mirlen101 Aug 7
not all of us have the benefit of naked models at any given time... until then, this site is a really useful tool! by roxyriley Aug 7
I completely agree.. since discovering this, I have quit using posermaniacs by annasellers Jun 22
I must say real people and pictures of real people still has a very different outcome. good tool though for until the real naked models come. by zoru Jun 3