Brian Kim.net - Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen | Self Improvement Blog | Self Help | Self Growth MichaelMoore.com C.MX: Resumen de CITIGROUP- Yahoo! México Finanzas Citigroup Inc (C.MX) -Mexico Cotizaciones con retraso, salvo que se indique lo contrario. Titulares No hay Titulares disponible para C.MX en este momento. Estadísticas clave Analistas Resumen empresarial (en inglés) Citigroup Inc., a diversified financial services holding company, provides various financial products and services to consumers, corporations, governments, and institutions. Awesome Canon EOS 5D Mark II Space Shuttle timelapse | planet5D-Canon HDSLR news (5Dmk2, 7D, 1Dmk4) Posted on 21. May, 2010 by planetMitch in 5D2 I’ve always been a space program junkie – ever since I was a little kid watching the Apollo moon landings, and now that the Shuttle program is winding down, @ tylerginter showed me this beautiful timelapse of the Space Shuttle Discovery’s trip from the final processing center out to the pad and thru the launch. From the Smithsonian’s Air and Space site: “photographers Scott Andrews, Stan Jirman and Philip Scott Andrews condense six weeks of painstaking work into three minutes, 52 seconds” (note, there’s no sound until the end) There’s a post over on the Smithsonian’s Air and Space site discussing how they did it. (Photo credit: snap from the timelapse)
Nadie es profeta en su tierra | Columnistas Como reza la voz popular, a José Antonio Ocampo le ha ocurrido exactamente lo que por lógica no debía acontecer, que algunos de sus coterráneos no le reconozcan los méritos y ni lo ayuden en su deseo de satisfacer la mejor opción de su vida. Ignorando por completo el apoyo del Financial Times, The Economist y el premio Nobel Joseph Stiglitz, prefieren dar la pueril disculpa que, como hay una opción maravillosa en la OIT, la posibilidad de nuestro compatriota a la jerarquía de la poderosa entidad bancaria está clausurada. Vaya, vaya; vivir para ver. Para ratificar el conocimiento y dominio que tiene Ocampo en materias económicas, un artículo publicado en El Tiempo, con el título ¿Hacia dónde debe ir el Banco Mundial? En apretada síntesis, no solo da cuenta de su capacidad para exponer los diversos temas, sino que marca con total claridad los aspectos cruciales de la discusión y la forma de enfrentarlos. Intentar suprimir los mercados conduce a graves ineficiencias y pérdida de dinamismo.
Argumentation theory Argumentation theory, or argumentation, is the interdisciplinary study of how humans should, can, and do reach conclusions through logical reasoning, that is, claims based, soundly or not, on premise Premise can refer to:* Premise, a claim that is a reason for, or an objection against, some other claim as part of an argument... s. Dialogue is a literary and theatrical form consisting of a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people.... , conversation, and persuasion Persuasion is a form of social influence. . Inference is the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true. , logic In philosophy, Logic is the formal systematic study of the principles of valid inference and correct reasoning. , and procedural rules in both artificial Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it. and real world settings. Argumentation includes debate and negotiation , information
TomPaine.com Candid answers from AT&T on the new iPhone data plans After AT&T announced this morning that it was backing away from its well-priced iPad data plans, many of our readers had questions about how this change would work, and how it would affect them both as Apple-specific customers and as AT&T customers in general. As we posted earlier today, starting Monday, smartphone users will choose between a $15 200 MB plan and a $25 2GB plan. The "Unlimited" plan, including the prepaid iPad version and, eventually, the iPhone postpaid version, is headed towards dodo-ville -- although it's not quite as dead as you might think. Read on for the answers from AT&T. Admittedly, heavy data users will be hardest hit. Here's our complete round-up of many of the switchover details that you'll need to know. Will the new data plans be prepaid or postpaid? What is changing on the iPad? What about the iPad $15 250MB 30-Day Plan? What happens if I use over 2GB in one month on the iPad now? Will my unused data roll over? Can you do the reverse? Why 2GB?
Descargas de downloads Download NeoOffice Not a NeoOffice user? Download NeoOffice from the Mac App Store You can download NeoOffice from any of the following links: After downloading NeoOffice, we recommend that you read the following links: Important warnings for all NeoOffice users Since NeoOffice is tested by users, we expect that users will find crashing or other serious bugs. Only install the versions of NeoOffice that are listed on this web site. Install NeoOffice Make sure that you read the important warnings for all users before you install NeoOffice. To install, find the downloaded file in your Downloads folder or on your Desktop and double-click on the downloaded file. By default, the installer will create an application called NeoOffice in the Applications folder. Install other languages The NeoOffice 3.4.1 installer includes English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. NeoOffice 3.4.1 language packs Uninstall NeoOffice