Learn How We Categorize Multicultural Picture Books We have identified nine unique book categories that capture the dominant messages conveyed by current children’s picture books featuring Black and Indigenous People and People of Color (BIPOC). Each book in our collection is tagged with at least one category. Anyone can use our book categories to consider how BIPOC are represented in a story to ensure that no single message dominates bookshelves.
KDL What's Next® Database Our What's Next®: Books in Series database helps you search series fiction. A series is two or more books linked by character(s), settings, or other common traits. e.g. 45 Virtual Field Trips (15 New Ones) On The "Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee Choice Board"! Our students are having so much fun visiting all kinds of places through the virtual field trips I added to the Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee. We are now up to 45 different virtual field trips as I added another page this morning. It's been great seeing all of the other places people have been sharing, so I spent some time adding some of those to this Buncee too. At the bottom of each page, users will see a little arrow pointing to the place to go back and forth between... Page 1,
Collection Development: Meeting the Needs of Our Emerging Readers A few years ago, when I began my current position as a school librarian, the most regular library users in my building were our CDC-A (Comprehensive Development Classroom – Activity Based) students. These students receive special education services that are designed for learners with deficits across the curriculum that are significantly below grade level. Teachers in this class emphasize not only academic success but social skills, self-help skills, advocacy skills, and life skills. Our CDC-A students typically have severe disabilities that sometimes prohibit their communication or physical capabilities.
Simone de Beauvoir Simone-Lucie-Ernestine-Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, commonly known as Simone de Beauvoir (French: [simɔn də bovwaʁ]; 9 January 1908 – 14 April 1986), was a French writer, intellectual, existentialist philosopher, political activist, feminist and social theorist. She did not consider herself a philosopher but she had a significant influence on both feminist existentialism and feminist theory.[1] Beauvoir wrote novels, essays, biographies, an autobiography and monographs on philosophy, politics and social issues. She is best known for her novels, including She Came to Stay and The Mandarins, as well as her 1949 treatise The Second Sex, a detailed analysis of women's oppression and a foundational tract of contemporary feminism.
Libraries are getting $200 million in stimulus funds. Here's why It's one of the reasons Republicans have criticized the bill, which they argue is too big and includes funding for things that have nothing to do with fighting Covid or the resulting economic crisis. The final bill passed on a party-line vote, without any Republican support in the House or the Senate. But librarians say they've come to the rescue for those hit the hardest by the pandemic, becoming the only way many without internet access are able to get their kids online for school -- or access medical services, make vaccine appointments or register for federal aid like stimulus checks and unemployment benefits.
Diversity in Context: Stretching the Idea of Building Diverse Collections Presented by Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School, CT; Robert Hillhouse, Secondary Multilingual Programs Teacher on Special Assignment; and Kerrin Moeller, Elementary Multilingual Programs Teacher on Special Assignment Sponsored by Mackin Educational Resources Get a CE Certificate for this edWebinar Learn more Our inquiry series continues as we take a deep dive into building a diverse collection and nurturing a community of curious readers. The Adaptive Function of Literature and the Other Arts Massive Modularity vs. Cognitive Flexibility Evolutionists insist that genes constrain and direct human behavior. Cultural constructivists counter that culture, embodied in the arts, shapes human experience.
Sharing computer sound during screen sharing Overview Zoom screen sharing allows you to share the desktop, window, application, or audio/video. If audio is an important part of your shared content, you can also send the computer's audio to the remote attendees when sharing, providing a more professional and immersive sharing experience. Can I Buy Half of a Subscription Database? Beginning with a disclaimer is probably the best way to start off an article about the rising cost of subscription databases. I realize in writing this article many of my peers have no district budgetary support for subscription databases. I heavily debated sharing my thoughts, yet in the end, I decided this subject was too important. While my school currently can afford a few subscription databases, others cannot.
The 100 most useful emailing phrases Summary: A carefully chosen list of essential language for the beginning, body and ending of formal and informal English emails. This is a carefully edited list of the most important English emailing phrases. You should make sure you have learnt and can use the phrases below before trying to learn and use more complex and rarer phrases. There is a similar list of the 100 most useful telephoning phrases here Useful phrases for opening emails