Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities Future Of Facebook”? About a week ago, word started getting out that Facebook is beta testing a new “killer app” called Facebook Questions. For beta testers, the Questions feature appears in the left-hand column just below Events and Photos. It lets you ask and answer questions to and from your extended circle of friends. A few days ago, Facebook opened up the private beta further and is now taking applications for anyone who wants to enter the beta. Facebook is taking its Questions product very seriously. “Help us build the future of Facebook,” reads the title of the page. It puts the Questions product on par with Photos and Events. As a beta tester, your job will be to ask great questions and provide great answers about your favorite topics. All you have to do to become a beta tester is submit three sample questions, such as What are the main differences between Google Chrome and Internet Explorer?
Technology - Pogue’s Posts Blog Mozenda Spécialiste en redéploiement de l'information - Intro Flash For Educators | Symtext Symtext has built a more effective and efficient platform for schools, educators, and publishers to manage and deliver digital instructional materials to students. Institutions using the Liquid Textbook platform can help Educators create their own Liquid Textbook for each course by blending “chunks” of digital content from a variety of publishers and other sources – including chapters from textbooks, cases, articles, videos, photos, podcasts, and presentations. These resources can be combined with your own materials, and even include student generated content. For more information, or to arrange a demonstration, please contact us.
The Future of Question and Answer Sites Since the early days of the Internet people have been gathering around common interests and sharing knowledge. The early bulletin board services, Usenet, and message boards provided a great place to get advice form people who were passionate and knowledgeable about any subject imaginable. Today, there are many places online where you can pose a question. These sites often suffer from two general problems: a lack of experts to give strong, accurate answers, and secondly a general lack of audience scale to help ferret out niche knowledge from the masses. While everyone waits for Facebook to unveil their anticipated “location” feature to compete with Foursquare, Gowalla, and Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg’s company has begun previewing a new component to the site: Facebook Questions. Using Facebook Questions users can pose a question to the Facebook community. As seems to be the case with many of Facebook’s additions, Questions is being launched on the heels of several other Q&A sites.
13 things that do not make sense - space - 19 March 2005 - New S Cookies on the New Scientist website close Our website uses cookies, which are small text files that are widely used in order to make websites work more effectively. Find out about our cookies and how to change them Log in Your login is case sensitive I have forgotten my password close My New Scientist Look for Science Jobs Harsh world makes kids' chromosomes look too old Almost half of new electricity is clean and green Where am I? Flimsy rocks allowed Earth's plates to start moving Why do we love to organise knowledge into trees? REVIEW: 21:00 07 April 2014 From studying the bible to visualising computer storage, Manuel Lima's sumptuous The Book of Trees explores the tree diagram's appeal for showing information Pro violinists fail to spot Stradivarius in blind test TODAY: 20:00 07 April 2014 Could you tell a new violin from a vintage Stradivarius? Who really decoded Down's syndrome? FEATURE: 20:00 07 April 2014 The Frenchman credited with finding the genetic cause of Down's is in line for sainthood.
Updates - Connect to the people you care about - Yahoo! Pulse Jocelyn Bourbonnais (jocbourb) 2tor Raises $32.5 Million Series C To Make Online Education Great “One reason online education isn’t that good is I don’t think it is trying to be that good,” says John Katzman, the CEO of 2tor, an online education startup that is trying to break that mold. The company, headquartered in New York City’s Chelsea Piers, just raised a $32.5 million series C financing, led by Bessemer Venture Partners. All of its existing investors—Highland Capital, Redpoint, Novak Biddle, City Light—re-upped. Instead of focussing on low-hanging fruit like test prep or actual tutoring, 2tor is going straight after the higher education market, partnering with graduate programs to provide the technology platform to extend their classes online. To give you an idea of the impact 2tor can have on a school, USC’s Masters of Teaching program had about 80 students before partnering with 2tor, and all of them were on its California campus. Expanding its student population nearly twentyfold with 2tor has not hurt USC’s teaching program in the slightest.
Search Engine Land (sengineland) Skeptic : The Skeptics Society Y Combinator
- Plateforme participative de questions-réponses entre utilisateurs (experts et non experts/particuliers), sur des sujets variés
- Nécessite de s’inscrire pour pouvoir poser des questions, y répondre et consulter les réponses laissées par d’autres
- Diversités des réponses permettant une variété des points de vue (réponses qui mélangent savoirs scientifiques des experts et sentiments/hypothèses/anecdotes des particuliers)
- Basée sur la confiance : la plateforme n’exige pas des utilisateurs qu’ils citent leurs sources et ne contrôlent pas non plus le contenu des réponses postées
- Intérêts pédagogiques : Travailler sur l’évaluation de l’information (évaluer son contenu et sa source) ; Adopter une attitude responsable face à ses publications ; Permettre aux élèves de contribuer en leur faisant poser des questions auxquels le reste des élèves de la classe devra répondre. (apprendre de manière plus ludique) by mo_bius Apr 24
Quora is one of the best social media tools for conducting market research and consulting with others to find answers or opinions. Pose questions to certain demographics and intellectually informed members, then sit back and prepare yourself for a plethora of invaluable feedback. Use Quora as a first hand source for a host of research projects. The best part of all? You don’t have to spend hours on the street trying to get people to fill out questionnaires!
- See more at: by raviii Aug 29
Prima kwaliteit en net als op twitter kun je mensen volgen. by judith.verbeek Feb 16