Social Media Analytics | Social CRM Tools | Collective Intellect Oracle Social Cloud is a cloud service that helps you manage and scale your relationship with customers on social media channels. Oracle has integrated the best-in-class social relationship management (SRM) components - social listening, social engagement, social publishing, social content & apps, and social analytics - into one unified cloud service to give you the most complete SRM solution on the market. Why Oracle? Only Oracle can connect every interaction your customer has with your brand. Our goal is to help you deliver the best customer experience wherever your customer touches your brand.
iphonefrotz - Project Hosting on Google Code 2012/10/12 Update Version 1.6, with support for iPhone 5, now available. See here for more info. 2011/06/09 Update Version 1.5.3 now available. 2011/04/06 Update Version 1.5.2 now available. 2011/03/30 Update Version 1.5.1 now available. 2010/11/05 Update Version 1.5 now available. 2010/05/18 Update Version 1.4 now available. 2009/09/19 Update Version 1.3 now available. 2009/04/15 Update Version 1.2 now available. 2008/08/27 Update Version 1.0.1 now available. 2008/08/12 Update Frotz is now available on the iTunes App Store! Burned out on all the new-fangled graphics and dazzling eye candy on your shiny new iPhone? Nostalgic for a simpler time? Then take advantage of those crisp high-resolution fonts to relive the glory days of the Great Underground Empire, or play any of hundreds of great works from the Interactive Fiction archive. 2008/08/06 Update New Screenshots I still don't have any definitive answer about the SDK NDA, I'll make the source available here as soon as I can. 2008/06/11 Update
About Company Profile Pinyadda is an early-stage internet company based in Boston, Massachusetts. Our product is a web application designed to make it easy to gather, customize, and share news and information from across the web. Pinyadda users create Personalized Information Networks made up of people, sites, and topics. Our Story Pinyadda is the brainchild of Chase Garbarino (CEO) and Kevin McCarthy (VP Technology). Inspired by their experience of information overload while working on their first company, Chase and Kevin couldn't escape the idea of a perfect information system - one that knew what you were looking for and delivered it in real time. The ideal system, they concluded, had to do three things: it should gather information from the sites and blogs they read regularly; it should mimic the experience of receiving links and comments from the people in their personal networks; and it should be continually searching for information about subjects they were interested in.
Cogito semantic technology Cogito for intelligence The Cogito semantic technology The material analyzed through the intelligence process is mostly unstructured: communications, conversations, data, news, etc., and rarely has an organized form, such as a database structure. As a consequence, the activities of analysis and processing can be highly resource consuming, and prone to error. The work of analysts and knowledge workers remains essential, and technology cannot fully replace it (and never will). Nevertheless, with new generation software based on semantic analysis, it is now possible to understand data automatically as well as to support reasoning and stimulate intuition. The limits of standard approaches Common-or-garden search engines and systems to process unstructured information are unable to address the problem of separating relevant and irrelevant data - as users of Internet search engines know very well. Improved results can be obtained with unconventional technologies. Why use semantic technology?
The Semantic Web & THE POWER OF PULL » Blog March 25, 2012 The phone is the new platform – everything is converging onto the “smart phone.” Soon, we’ll use our phones to manage our homes, purchase things, board an airplane, sign a document, get into our office buildings, and much much more. And yet today’s phones basically mimic our desktop computers. Do you really want to open a Word or Excel document on your phone? The answer to today’s scalability problems is the personal data locker. Thank you. March 24, 2012 To learn more about the personal-centric and data-centric future, explore these tasty links: Data RepositoriesFactualFreebaseDrawn to ScaleWorld Bank Open DataData.govData.gov.ukOpscodeTheDataHubWeb Data CommonsLinkedData.orgOpenDataRegistry.comNeurocommons.org ProjectsTetherless WebGoogle Cloud Print January 19, 2011 This is to Apple’s board members. Steven JobsWilliam Campbell Arthur Levinson Andrea Jung Ronald Sugar Al Gore Dear Apple Board, Apple needs leadership. Board members, I have written a road map to this future.
Darwin Ecosystem Announces a Series of Free Darwin Editions™ Operating in real time, the Darwin Awareness Engine™ allows for the efficient scanning of content to find both breaking news and underlying casual patterns in the topics of your interest. Rather than using semantic technology to attempt to enable understanding by a computer, their approach to awareness is based on Chaos Theory and allows the content to self organize. This approach eliminates the need for a predetermined taxonomy or the ability to use SEO techniques. It provides a visualization of results that enables a person to make more informed decisions about where to look next. Darwin Ecosystem has recently announced a series of themed Darwin Editions™ powered by the Awareness Engine™ that focus on specific topics to better demonstrate its capabilities and as a service to our readers. These can each be accessed at no cost through a brief registration process. These Darwin Editions provide a way to monitor the conversations within several focused areas.
Crowdmap Crowdmap allows you to set up your own deployment of the Ushahidi Platform without having to install it on your own web server. Crowdmap is the fastest, simplest installation of the Ushahidi platform. Within minutes you'll be up and running with your own installation, mapping reports events and visualizing information. Things You Can Do With Crowdmap Monitor Elections Use the power of the crowd to monitor and visualize what went right, and what went wrong, in an election. Map Crisis Information Whether it's a natural disaster, epidemic or political crisis, Crowdmap is built to handle information coming out of a crisis. Curate Local Resources Crowdsourcing isn't just for emergencies, you can use it for local knowledge and business too. Document A Zombie Invasion How else will you survive the coming apocalypse? Learn more on the Crowdmap Website .
Tofu Tofu is a novel application to address the common problem that people don't like reading text on the screen. Why is that anyway? I believe there are two main reasons: line width and visual instability. Text is usually very wide on the screen, which makes going from the end of one line to the beginning of the next difficult. That's why newspapers have narrow columns: It makes them faster to read. So why not just take a normal window and make it narrower, scrolling down as you need? In Tofu, text is arranged in columns, and each column is only as high as your window. Tofu also includes some other useful features to make reading easier. Tofu 2.0 features PDF support, trackpad scrolling and usability improvements, and is a Universal Binary.Revision 2.0.1 fixes bugs with the Tofu Service, full-screen mode and hyphenation. Released 2008-09-09 License: Free Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later
Loud3r - Content Curation & Optimization for Publishers, Brands and You RDF-Gravity Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthaler {sgoyal, rwestenthaler}@salzburgresearch.at Salzburg Research, Austria RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologies. Its main features are: Graph VisualizationGlobal and Local Filters (enabling specific views on a graph) Full text SearchGenerating views from RDQL QueriesVisualising multiple RDF files RDF Gravity is implemented by using the JUNG Graph API and Jena semantic web toolkit. Figure 1: Screenshot of RDF-Gravity, showing a part of Wine Ontology 1 Graph Visualisation RDF Gravity defines a visualization package on top of the JUNG Graph API. Configurable renderers for edges and nodes of a graph, including different node shapes and edge decorations etc.A Renderer Factory allowing the configuration of the above node and edge renderers based on the type of an edge or node. For graph layout, it uses the layout algorithms directly supported by the Jung API. 2 Global & Local Filters 3 Full Text Search 4 Visualising Multiple RDF Files
The Semantic Web & THE POWER OF PULL » Blog Archive » The Semantic Web Acid Test January 15, 2010 It’s early days in the semantic web, and every VC is starting to use the word semantic like it’s the next social networking. It isn’t the next social networking. It’s hard. Unstructured Silo Push is like most database-driven web sites, where the documents and data are buried in a database, and you must query the database to learn what’s in it. Unstructured Web Push is like most blogs, articles, PDFs, tables, spreadsheets, podcasts, videos, and other mixed text and data online. Unstructured Silo Pull is a scenario where data lives in a database, has very little structure, but can still be accessed from anywhere, thanks to a unique set of names. Unstructured Web Pull includes documents that can be pulled into other systems right from the web, even though they lack structure. Semi-structured Silo Push Most semi-structured content is set up this way, in databases that must be queried and essentially designed for humans to interpret. Next: An Open Letter to Ray Ozzie
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