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mental_floss Blog » Gifts for the Geek Home A home should be an expression of who you are. Sure, when you're young and broke, your room or apartment might be an expression of who your parents or the people who donate to Goodwill are, but gradually you collect items that express your personality, whether you receive them as gifts or purchase them yourself. If you are a technologically oriented geek, there are plenty of manufacturers and vendors catering to your tastes in home decor. Interactive LED Dining Table Windell Oksay of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories built a dining room table with 448 LEDs inside. Motherboard Picture Frame Recycling is not only environmentally-friendly, it can make a statement. Geek Clock This geeky clock was posted all over as "the clock only geeks can read." A Clock that Spells Here's a clock that is easy for anyone to read, but the mechanism that displays it is something else. Watch how the clock face changes here. Galactic Hitchhiker's Towel Never be caught without your towel! CRT Light Fixture Icon Pillows

Urban Renewal by Mari Santos We're usually kinda "meh" about most T-shirt surgeries because we're just can't get into the hack'em, slash'em sartorial school of thought. Toronto-based Mari Santos, on the other hand, is such a genius with a pair of scissors we want to hitchhike across the border, kidnap her, head back south, and then set her to work against her will on the oversize T-shirts we seem to get for free by the pound. Except that it would probably be illegal. Which is kind of a bummer. Her ethos: "Taking something old, frumpy and ill fitting and making it into something new." More pictures below the fold. [Via ::NotCot] Joining Google - US jobs We’re looking for our next Noogler - someone who’s good for the role, good for Google and good at lots of things. Things move quickly around here. At Internet speed. That means we have to be nimble, both in how we work and how we hire. We look for people who are great at lots of things, love big challenges and welcome big changes. This is the core of how we hire. How we interview We’re looking for smart, team-oriented people who can get things done. Leadership We’ll want to know how you’ve flexed different muscles in different situations in order to mobilize a team. Role-Related Knowledge We’re looking for people who have a variety of strengths and passions, not just isolated skill sets. How You Think We’re less concerned about grades and transcripts and more interested in how you think. Googleyness We want to get a feel for what makes you, well, you. How we decide There are also a few other things we do to make sure we’re always hiring the right candidate for the right role and for Google.

UltraTools - Domain, DNS, IP and WHOIS tools e-Tech Gadget Vuzix Wrap 1200VR video eyewear does 3D with head-tracking for $600, now available Vuzix Launches Wrap 1200VR (Virtual Reality) Video Eyewear Supports widescreen VGA video up to 720P, the latest 3D games, and features upgraded head-tracking Rochester, NY – September 20, 2011 – Vuzix Corporation (TSX-V: VZX, OTC:BB: VUZI, FMB: V7X), award-winning manufacturer of video eyewear,, is excited to announce the availability of the Wrap 1200VR. The sunglass-style Wrap 1200VR brings virtual worlds to life with a 16:9 widescreen, virtual display and superior head tracking for step-inside gaming. The supersized display with a 35 degree field of view is the equivalent to watching 3D content on a 75 inch display from 10 feet away. "The Wrap 1200VR allows our customers to step into another world, creating an immersive gaming or movie watching experience", said Paul Travers, CEO Vuzix Corporation. The Wrap 1200VR connects to virtually any Windows graphic card desktop or laptop computer, regardless of make or model.

Hobo Stove | Practical Survivor Urban survival is a tricky subject to discuss. There are advantages to urban survival. Anywhere you look there are items in trash cans and dumpsters that can be used to improve a survival situation. Cardboard boxes can be used for shelter, newspapers can be used for insulation and to the practical survivor another persons trash can be a treasure. In this case we will use a coffee can to build a stove. Whether you call it a hobo stove, can stove, or just a survival stove, this is a cheap effective way to both cook and stay warm. Keep an open mind during any survival situation. Whether backpacking, camping, or surviving, having a way to cook can make a huge difference. A coffee can or large vegetable/ravioli can will allow you to build a stove and cook. Items used to build this stove: * Coffee can * Can opener * Tin snips * Drill and drill bits * Metal coat hanger There are many methods that could be used to build this stove. The top side of a coffee can is already opened. Materials:

University Careers: Scholarships Where you start matters. There’s never been a better time to explore your potential with Microsoft. As an intern at Microsoft you’ll have real responsibility, amazing experiences and the opportunity to jumpstart your career. Join us at a recruiting event to meet our people and learn about what it’s like to work at Microsoft. My Account Shopping Cart (0 items) View Cart (0 items) 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Tax Day Deal: 10.40% OFF ALL ORDERS! Ends Tuesday Use Code: 2014TAXDEALZ Details Sign in with your account Forgot your password? By signing in you agree to the terms of the User Agreement and Privacy Policy First timer? Create unique products plus... Register Exclusive Offers: We promise 100% satisfaction.

Design Ideas and Tech Concepts - Cool Gift Ideas | Unique Gifts New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions Video clip NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains clear audible booms as eyewitness describes “continuing explosions” from direction of Building 7 Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Newly obtained 9/11 eyewitness footage that NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains what appears to be the sound of explosions coming from the vicinity of WTC 7 after the collapse of the twin towers, offering yet more startling evidence that the building, which was not hit by a plane yet collapsed demolition style, was deliberately imploded. The clip was released by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) as part of a 3 terabyte package of video and photo data in response to a lawsuit brought by the International Center for 9/11 Studies. The fact that NIST dragged their feet for so long in an attempt to block the release of these highly incriminating videos clearly indicates that they were part of an attempted cover-up. A d v e r t i s e m e n t

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