adventures in home-making: The world's best sewing tutorials in no particular order. Alina's Adventures sew everything A P indicates a printable tutorial or pdf pattern. PET CARECatnip fish toy (Martha Stewart)Clothespin apron (Pick Up Some Creativity)Cool and cozy pet bed (Sew4Home)Country gent dog coat with pattern (Craftzine)Collapsible travel dish (Craft Stylish)Color spectrum pet bed (Design Sponge)Custom-fit doggy coat (Pretty Little Things)Dog leash (The Purl Bee)Embellished doggy sweater (Miss Lovie)Fabric dog coat pattern (Cut Out & Keep) PFabric pet bed (Inspiration & Realization)Fabric pup tent (CasaSugar)Family connection writing center (Craftzine)Fleece dog bed (Dog Under My Bed)Pet pouches (The B Line)Sweater dog toys (Craft Stylish)Squeaky doggie bone (Laura Griffin)Water resistant doggy coats (Martha Stewart) FOR THINGS WITH TWO WHEELSBicycle bucket (Noodlehead)Bicycle frame lunch bag (Evil Mad Scientist)Bike seat cover (thimble)Good old bike seat cover (Pickles) Key wristlet (Chickpea Sewing Studio) Tweet This! Comments Julie said... Kristin said... Mrs.
Patrones « Mi caja de costura Patrón zapatitos de bebe III Bueno aquí esta el patrón. En la plantilla lleva al rededor cinta bies que es por donde se une el resto de piezas del zapato. Patrón broche de tela Los patrones son dos el pequeño corresponde a los pétalos de dentro y el grande a los pétalos de fuera. Patrón perro de fieltro Aquí tenéis los patrones para realizar el marca paginas de libro. Patrón zapatitos II Por aquí os dejo el patrón de los zapatitos. 0-3 meses3-6 meses6-12 meses Espero que os sea de ayuda y hagáis muchos. Patronaje y confección de una falda recta Los materiales que necesitas para hacer esta sencilla falda son los siguientes: 1 metro de tela. 2 pliegos de papel blond (o similar). 1 lápiz. Comenzamos a hacer el patrón (esto se hace en uno de los pliegos de papel): 1.- Se deja un margen de aprox. 3 o 4 cms. 2.- Se marca la cuarta parte de medida de cintura mas 2.5 cms. 3.- Se marca HACIA ABAJO la medida de altura de cadera. Así debe de quedar: Ahora comenzaremos a hacer la parte trasera:
Sublime Stitching | This ain't your gramma's embroidery! Embroidered Effects Sublime Stitching Stitchable Stationery Sublime Stitching Craft Pad Tool Case - Pyramids Petite Embroidery Kit Woven Labels - I Love You Sublime Stitching Gift Card Tutorials Hola there! Here you can find an organized list of all my tutorials, projects and printables. I want to point out that I am no sewing expert and have no formal education in either sewing or English (Spanish is my native language) So I might not always use the correct terminology or best technique, I am always learning too! It might not always be perfect, but it’s sure a lot of fun! All of my tutorials and printables for personal use only, if you want to sell items made with these tutorials please purchase a Limited Production License. Flowers & Jewelry Tutorial: Anthropologie Inspired Necklace Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Easy Tutorial: Duct Tape Joyful Flower Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Easy Clothes and Upcycled Projects Tutorial: Upcycled dress for Burda Style Link: Go to Post Difficulty: Intermediate Tutorial: Loose fitting summer vest from t-shirts Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Easy Tutorial: Upcycled Ruffles dress Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Intermediate Nursery Printables
MiMaraMundo Craft Passion: Free Craft Pattern & Tutorial Maternity Sewing Tutorials Roundup 2011 image via first of all, let's get this out of the way no, i'm not preggers again :P what i am is excited about all the new maternity sewing tutorials that have popped up since last years roundup! i promised you all that i would, preggers or not, keep up on the maternity roundups each year so you can have a fun resource to turn to for stylish, affordable and helpful maternity sewing tutorials, patterns, links and resources. are you in the need for the perfect maternity dress? need a cute maternity top for your baby bump? other skirt links: * maternity pencil skirt by domesticday * maternity yoga skirt on diymaternity * turning a normal skirt into a maternity skirt on burdastyle other nursing links: * ta ta nursing tank on burdastyle " on the cottage home. * don't forget our new dress tutorial "MODify" can also be changed up easily for maternity. readers faves: * maternity pants tutorial from "if only they would nap". * diy maternity skirt from "life is just a bowl of cherries".
Miscellaneous Sewing Projects Grab a Button… <a target="_blank" href=" src=" alt="Make It And Love It" /></a> El Costurero All Free Sewing - Free Sewing Patterns, Sewing Projects, Tips, Video, How-To Sew and More [ Close Privacy Policy ] Privacy Policy / Your California Privacy Rights Revised and posted as of March 4, 2013 Prime Publishing, LLC ("Company," "we" or "us") reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy at any time simply by posting such revision, so we encourage you to review it periodically. In order to track any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will include a historical reference at the top of this document. This Privacy Policy will tell you, among other things: Your California privacy rights. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/YOUR AGREEMENT Company websites are not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18 or those who are not legal residents of the United States. HOW DO WE COLLECT INFORMATION AND WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT? Distribution Partners Website operators that license our ad serving technology pass information to us so that we may serve advertisements to you. Website Registration Forms We collect information about you when you register on one of our websites.
la inglesita: Revista de patrones Burda 03/2012::Burda Style 03/2012 kids patterns Este mes volvemos a tener Burda ¿yuhu?. Viene dedicado a las niñas con patrones tan apetecibles como estos shorts con la pernera cruzada super chulos para la piscina: The March issue of Burda Style is full of summery patterns for our little girls, like these cute shorts with a fun overlapped side seams O este vestido con canesú muy fácil de hacer (aunque en una versión más corta para que no parezca un camisón) Or this easy dress perfect for beach days ¿Os gustan? Pues si vuestras hijas ya usan la talla 36 se los podrán poner, si no, tendrán que esperar unos años porque son patrones para NOSOTRAS! Do you like them? En Marzo las mamás se cambian la ropa con las hijas y nuestras peques irán tal que así: Daughters are supposed to wear strapless dresses Con la chaqueta por si hace frío Cropped military jacket for cooler nights Solo hay dos patrones que me interesan pero con modificaciones. Only two patterns caught my attention although they´d need some tweaking. Other Burda Style reviews HERE