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Sexology Sexology is the interdisciplinary study of human sexuality, including human sexual interests, behaviors and function.[1] The term sexology does not generally refer to the non-scientific study of sexuality, such as political science or social criticism.[2][3] In modern sexology, researchers apply tools from several academic fields, such as biology, medicine, psychology, epidemiology, sociology and criminology. Sexologists study sexual development (puberty), sexual orientation, sexual relationships and sexual activity, as well as document the sexualities of special groups; for example, child sexuality, adolescent sexuality, sexuality among the elderly and the disabled. The sexological study of sexual dysfunctions and disorders, including erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, and pedophilia, are also common. History[edit] Sexology as it exists today, as a specific research-based scientific field, is relatively new. Early[edit] Sexology as an academic discipline[edit] Postwar expansion[edit]
Exception paradox In the exception paradox, the statement "every rule has an exception" leads to a contradiction. The argument[edit] Every rule has an exception."Every rule has an exception." is a rule.There is a rule R without exception. Since 3. is the negation of 1., there is a contradiction. From the logical point of view, this can be taken as a proof that the sentence "every rule has an exception" is false - a simple example of a proof technique known as reductio ad absurdum. Variations on the paradox[edit] If everything is possible, then it is possible for anything to be impossible.The only rule is that there are no rules.The only thing certain is that there is nothing certain. A Study of Fairy Tales: Chapter I. The Worth of Fairy Tales Sacred Texts Miscellaneous Index Previous Next In olde dayes of the kyng Arthour, Of which that Britouns speken gret honour, Al was this lond fulfilled of fayrie; The elf-queen, with hir joly compaignye, Daunced ful oft in many a grene mede. ONLY a few years ago, in the gardens of the Tuileries, in Paris, a statue was erected in memory of Charles Perrault, to be placed there among the sculptures of the never-to-be-forgotten fairy tales he had created,--Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Puss-in-Boots, Hop-o'-my-Thumb, Bluebeard, and the rest,--so that the children who roamed the gardens, and in their play gathered about the statues of their beloved fairy friends, might have with them also a reminder of the giver of all this joy, their friend Perrault. Such is the tribute to fairy tales rendered by two great nations who have recognized fairy tales as the joyous right of children. Fairy tales bring joy into child life. Fairy tales satisfy the play spirit of childhood. Next: Chapter II.
Wonderful Google Tutorials and Lessons on Web Safety and Digital Citizenship ThinkB4U is an online project created out of a partnership between Google Inc. and expert safety partners Common Sense Media, ConnectSafely, and the National Consumers League. It's main objective is to educate Internet users ( kids, parents, adults, teachers ) about important topics such as the protection of one's online identity, web safety, safe use of cellphones, digital citizenship and critical thinking skills. This site, designed by Fuel Industries, includes three main components that are meant to be explored together. VIDEOS:Each location -- Home, School, Mall -- includes several video shorts about a modern family's experience online. INTERACTIVE OBJECTS:As you view each video, you can collect interactive objects! MESSAGES:When you scroll down the site, you will find complementary messages targeted for each audience -- Students, Parents, Educators. Make sure to check out the resources as linked in the educators' and parents' sections of the site!
SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides How to use a semicolon Pearltrees for teachers Year 2012 last post is a guest post from Finnish teacher Tommi Viljakainen. He is a teacher in Elimäki lower and upper secondary school. He teaches English, French and P.E. 10 tips for teachers: 1. The new social media tools make it possible for us to take the learning to the next level. Links:The program:Pear app (iPad, iPhone) Me and Pearltrees:My blog writings (in Finnish) Articles about Pearltrees:Pearltrees makes Web curation a joy with its 'magical' new iPad Web curation service Pearltrees launches a premium offering for private content s RegularGeek Main Page - Astrowiki-en Flashcards: The world's largest library of printable flash cards
ELI Resources 7 Things You Should Know About The 2016 Key Issues in Teaching and Learning February 11, 2016 Since 2011, ELI’s Key Issues survey has been a way for the higher education teaching and learning community to discover the common ground that cuts across differences such as Carnegie Classific… 2016 Horizon Report February 4, 2016 Produced by ELI and NMC each year, the Horizon Report describes six areas of emerging technology that will have significant impact on higher education and creative expression over the next one to… 7 Things You Should Read About Data Visualization for Instruction January 14, 2016 Developments in the tools for data visualization and increases in the types and amount of data available for visualizations offer new opportunities in pedagogy. 7 Things You Should Know About the Evolution of the Transcript January 11, 2016 Efforts are under way to capture a broader range of learning experiences and create frameworks to curate them, providing a more holistic view of student learning.
Top 50 Free Open Source Classes on Computer Science : Comtechtor Computer science is an interesting field to go into. There are a number of opportunities in computer science that you can take advantage of. With computers increasingly becoming a regular part of life, those who can work with computers have good opportunities. You can find a good salary with a program in computer science, and as long as you are careful to keep up your skills. Here are 50 free opencourseware classes that can help you learn more about computer science: Introduction to Computer Science Learn the basics of computer science, and get a foundation in how computer science works. Introduction to Computer Science: Learn about the history of computing, as well as the development of computer languages. Comprehensive Computer Science Collections If you are interested in courses that are a little more comprehensive in nature, you can get a good feel for computer science from the following collections: Programming and Languages Computer Software Computer Systems and Information Technology
50 Places You Can Learn to Code (for Free) Online If you’re curious about learning a programming language then you’re in luck: there’s no shortage of resources for learning how to code online. University-level courses, tutorials, cheat sheets, and coding communities all offer excellent ways to pick up a new language, and maybe even a new job, too. Read on, and you’ll discover 50 great places to learn how to code, for free, online. University Many big names in education including MIT and Stanford offer programming courses, absolutely free. General If you’re just dipping your toes into programming, or you want to find a variety of resources, these sites offer several different ways to learn how to code. Community Learn how to code on these sites with a heavy community influence ready to offer help to newbs. Language Specific Drill down to the language you really want on these sites, offering expansive learning in one or two specific languages.