YouthLearn Regardless of what topic you're teaching or the age of the kids you're working with, you'll want to make certain teaching techniques a standard part of your routine. By internalizing these fundamentals until you don't even have to think about them, you'll become a better coach, leader and teacher. Perhaps most important is that you understand and master sound modeling techniques. Kids learn much more by watching you than from anything you say. Good teaching is intentional, and it should be reflected in every thing you say and do. Some other techniques described in this section include activities to do every day to reinforce learning objectives and create continuity; pointers for reading aloud and sharing ideas; and advice on using journals, a tool we find extremely helpful for kids of all ages.
The Impact of Achievement Gaps on State and National Economies A number of current research reports address the impact of the achievement gaps on state and national economies. Below you will find important studies that can help educators and policymakers look at the complex issues that surround the achievement gaps. The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America’s SchoolsThis report by McKinsey & Company has been widely acknowledged as providing a “common, neutral fact base” on the gaps that exist between students who are White or Black, rich or poor, and looks at the dramatic difference in student performance in students from similar backgrounds across school systems and classrooms. The report highlights the impact of the gaps on our economy and on individual life outcomes, and the information will be useful in discussions on addressing the achievement gaps.
Are Flexible Learning Spaces the Future of Education? "It's not just what you learn, but also where you learn." There has been a lot of talk in the education industry around the concept of flexible learning spaces. New schools are being built with much more consideration being placed on the design of the learning environment, not only within the classrooms, but also the cafeteria, the library, even the hallways.Bored Teachers had the opportunity to interview an expert in the field of building 21st century classrooms — Danish Kurani – who actually teaches a “Learning Environments for Tomorrow” course at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His definition of "flexible classrooms" goes beyond the common understanding of a true flexible learning space. Most schools think about flexible classrooms as spaces where all of the furniture is on casters. Rolling furniture has become the proxy for the word 'flexibility'.
Tried-and-True Online Tools for School Library Programming If you've been on social media lately, you may have seen lists of educational resources offered for free or at minimal cost during the COVID-19 pandemic. These lists can be overwhelming, and many resources may not meet your school district's privacy guidelines. And what happens when the free resources are not free anymore? Can your library support the purchase that your students and teachers have come to rely upon? Teaching Resources I offer a variety of resources for teachers through my TeachersPayTeachers.com store. You'll find teaching units and literature guides for novels, interactive notebook activities, Common Core resources to use with non-fiction and literature, editable materials that can be used on Google Drive, Edmodo, and other secure sharing sites, poetry and figurative language resources, memes and other classroom decor, coloring pages for teens and adults, and so much more. I also sell clip art for commercial, personal, and educational use. Most of my clip art can be used commercially with no strings attached (i.e. no extra license fees; you do NOT have to give credit or link back to me in your product). Thanks for visiting!
197 Educational YouTube Channels You Should Know About 197 Educational YouTube Channels You Should Know About If you don’t have a YouTube channel as an education provider, there’s a good chance you’re behind the times. Nearly every major educational institution in the world now hosts its own collection of videos featuring news, lectures, tutorials, and open courseware. Just as many individuals have their own channel, curating their expertise in a series of broadcasted lessons. These channels allow instructors to share information and blend media in unprecedented and exciting new ways. Wisconsin’s black-white achievement gap worst in nation despite decades of efforts When Madison Memorial High School sophomore Demitrius Kigeya solves math problems in his head, other students give him surprised looks. He believes it is because he is black. “I just pay attention in class and do my homework,” said Kigeya, 15. Abigail Becker / Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism Odoi Lassey, a junior at Madison Memorial High School, can count on one hand the number of minority students in his advanced placement classes. This semester, he is taking Advancement Placement biology and English.
Using Images - Using Images at University - Library Resource Guides at Charles Sturt University What is copyright? The work of others is protected by copyright. Copyright law grants a set of exclusive rights to creators of original works. Copyright law may vary in different countries. You generally need permission to copy another person's work, to perform works in public, adapt or email a copy, or, upload it to the web. Exceptions Green Screen by Do Ink on the App Store The #1 Green Screen app for the iPad and iPhone in Education is also a 2019 Winner of the Best Apps for Teaching and Learning by the AASL (American Association of School Librarians). Classroom-tested by kids and teachers, this app emphasizes ease-of-use and simplicity while still enabling fantastic results. With Green Screen by Do Ink, you can tell a story, explain an idea, and express yourself in truly creative and unique ways. You know what a "green screen" effect is, right? It's used in the movies to make it look like the actors have landed on an alien planet, and it's used on TV to make it look like your local news announcer is standing in front of a weather map.
14 Song-Based Lesson Plans and Activities Although I know I like using music in my teaching, I never thought there would be so much of it on this blog when I started it over a year ago. Songs are fun, authentic sources with multiple possibilities in the classroom, but the main reason for having published 14 lesson plans and activities based on songs here is to a large extent due to copyright issues: while lyrics and songs are easily available for everyone online, access to other types of authentic texts is more limited because of copyright constraints. I also think the key to a successful song-based lesson is to deal with the text as you would with any other type of short text, whether written or oral, to practise a variety of comprehension skills, work on specific grammar and vocabulary, or introduce a topic for discussion.
Might be a good source of writing prompts on the opening page. by srapalmateer Aug 28