Paper Clip Mini Hangers Días atrás jugando con un clip no se como me di cuenta que si lo abría un poquito, tenía forma de percha! como una perchita chiquita! Y se estarán preguntando, para que me sirve una perchita chiquita?? bueno no se, pero es tierna y ya ... además me pareció un lindo embellishment para alguna tarjeta o algún LO... o... hasta para una casa de muñecas! las nenas siguen jugando a eso, no? A few days ago playing around with a paper clip I realize that if I opened and bended a bit, it turns into a mini hanger!! En fin, la técnica es super simple, se abre un poquito se dobla de un lado y se corta el excedente con una pinza.... si no entendieron nada acá va la imagen: Only four steps! Me hace acordar mucho a la perchita que venía con el kit de febrero de Simon Says, (ahi pueden ver unas ejemplos lindos de tarjeta para usarlas)You can see some examples of cards here Love, Agus
Fork Bracelet I've always loved taking everyday items and making them into something interesting. Ever since I was a little crafty kid I loved devouring books that taught me how to make little dolls from clothespins, beads from rolled up magazines, and little fairy ornaments from wire and fake flower petals. The first time I saw my friend wearing a bracelet made from a fork a few years ago, I knew I had to try it (*ahem Carly ;)). I wrote up a tutorial a while back, but I've had some questions about the directions I gave so I decided to make a proper tutorial with a video! (Please excuse my intro, if you can't hustle your website on your Youtube channel, where else are you supposed to do it? What you need:♥ A fork. I think these forks are the easiest to use, and I've used a lot of different forks. :)♥ Pliers, 3 pairs. 1 jewelry pair, 1 regular pair or needle nose, and an adjustable wrench.♥ Piece of thick fabric like denim or corduroy.♥ Strong hands. I've always really liked layering bracelets.
Wire Words For this week’s DIY basic, we’re getting wordy with it. Wordy accessories, that is. You’ve likely seen your share of personalized bracelets, rings, and necklaces a la the famous Carrie necklace from Sex and the City. What you might not realize though, is that these are extremely easy to make! Materials: - needle nose pliers - wire cutters - copper or brass wire (available on Amazon) - copper, brass, or gold-plated chain Gather your materials. Write or print out the word you’ll be creating a wire pendant out of. Then simply take your wire and hold it one end and “trace” your word with the end using your needle nose pliers. Cut off at the end once you’re done and curl the end in a little bit. Such a fun DIY twist on the word necklace! As you can see, we nerded out and used Brit’s Twitter handle as our “word” of choice. You can also make a really sweet bracelet using just the wire. This would make a beautiful bridesmaid gift. Lastly, the wire word art that inspired our post!
Wire Word Necklace Hey friend-os! Today I'd love to share a little DIY project for making a wire word necklace. A bit of a mouthful, but you get the idea! I got the idea about a month back when I spotted the prettiest little necklace on Anthropologie. I was so in love (You could say I adore-d it! Ha!) You'll need: a 7ft spool of 16 gauge wire, needle nose pliers, embroidery floss (have you guys started to notice that I use embroidery floss ALL THE TIME?) So, to get started, practice. I'm afraid it's a little hard to describe the whole bending process, but hopefully the pictures will help you get a sense of how I got here. To make your tassel, wrap embroidery floss around your fingers, then remove it and tie another piece of embroidery floss around the section you made on your fingers, just about 1/2" down from the top. Next, thread a jump ring through the top portion of your tassel, and through the loop on your last letter. Thread a jump ring through your loop or letter, and thread the chain onto the loop.
Dragonfly Pearl Ornaments Are you looking for more art and craft ideas? Consider making beautiful dragonfly ornaments. These dragonfly crafts pearl ornaments are very versatile. The first time I made one of these dragonfly ornaments, I used a craft kit made by Mac Enterprises. Making these ornaments is more difficult and time consuming than it may look. Here is how to make these lovely pearl dragonfly ornaments. Materials to Make Dragonfly Ornaments 1 white 14mm pearl 1 white 10mm pearl 1 white 8mm pearl 4 white 6mm pearls 12 white 5mm pearls 2 gold 5mm pearls 24 inches thin gold wire (28 gauge) Twelve 2-inch pieces 8 inches medium gold wire (20 gauge) 72 inches thick gold wire (18 gauge) One 14-inch pieceFive 10-inch piecesOne 5-inch pieceOne 3-inch piece At least 7 inches thin gold cord (to hang dragonfly ornament) Instructions to Make Dragonfly Ornaments Make the first set of dragonfly wings Cut two 10-inch pieces of thick (18 gauge) wire. Cut another 10-inch piece of 18 gauge wire. Make the second set of dragonfly wings
Beaded Ornaments Welcome to the Art Bead Scene's Annual Ornament Blog Hop! We have a great group of beady bloggers who have put together ornaments to share with you today. Be sure to visit them in the links below. Holiday Beaded Ornaments by Heather Powers Supplies: 10-12" 19 gauge blackened steel wire 3-4' 26 gauge silver craft wire 30 grams seed bead mix (purchased or mix your own) 10mm pewter bead cap 6-8mm accent bead (optional: 4-6mm accent beads to embellish the beaded part of the ornament.) Tools: Chain nose and round nose pliers Heavy duty wire cutters Bead spinner Directions: 1. 2. 3. (Optional: you can add in a few larger beads while you are adding beads to the wire for some texture and color.) 4. 5. Once I pulled out the bead spinner, everyone in my family become keenly interested in this project and we spent a few nights this week whipping up a whole collection of beaded ornaments. My 13 year old daughter came up with the Christmas tree. My husband created present shapes and the ornament shape below.
Wire Dancing Ballerinas Pin it Ballerinas and dancers always exude a sense of elegance, grace, beauty and control, something that I would love to introduce to my home. If you feel the same as I do then you’ll just love this paper ballerina project. My plan is to make a whole lot more in different dancing positions and hang them up from differing lengths; I just need to find the perfect spot in the house to display them proudly. Flexible wire from any craft or bead storeWhite napkinsCorn starchCold waterClear fishing lineWhite threadThin needleScissorsPliers Start off by bending the wire into the skeleton – all you need is the features of a classic stick man. Pin it Take your napkins and separate the layers. Pin it You’ll want to keep some of the napkin pieces whole, but for the rest, it’s time to rip them up! Pin it Pin it Keep going until your little stick figure resembles something of a mummy. Pin it Leave your skinny little mummies to dry completely. Pin it Pin it Pin it Pin it Pin it Pin it Related Content