Practical Ed Tech Webinars Earlier this month I launched my new site, PracticalEdTech.com, which is devoted to offering PD webinars for teachers. The first two webinars I'm offering through it are How To Use Google Drive in School and To Geography and Beyond With Google Earth and Google Maps. Both courses begin in the week of March 11 and run for three weeks. Both course are currently at 50% of capacity. How To Use Google Drive in School is a three part series designed for teachers and school administrators that are new to using Google Drive.
School and Education Technology Webinars eSchool News is proud to present a variety of webinars on the hottest topics in education technology. Our webinars are a great place to learn about new technologies, how your colleagues are solving concerns you may have and more. All of our webinars are free, just click on the links below to register. All you’ll need on the day of the event is internet access. After you register, you’ll be supplied with a link to log-in at the scheduled time. Free Workshops For Teachers Personal Learning Networks: The Future of Learning Presenter: Will Richardson Learning is social, we've all known that. Now, the Internet has made it globally social. To flourish as learners in a connected world, we need a network that we can trust – and one that we can turn to when we need answers, inspiration, or direction. While we've always crafted these Personal Learning Networks in our face-to-face spaces, achieving the same online is quite a bit more nuanced and complex.
Training Industry Training Industry Webinars feature international thought leaders presenting insight, ideas and advice. The free sessions provide timely and strategic information about the business of learning, current trends impacting workforce development, best practices for training and talent management, and practical information on the latest tools and technology. TrainingIndustry.com webinars are presented for free, with previous programs available On-Demand for up to a year. All TrainingIndustry.com webinars or seminar programs qualify for 1 hour of continuing education toward maintaining the Certified Professional in Training Management (CPTM™) credential and 1 CPT point to re-certify as a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) through the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). For more information on the CPTM program, click here.
Latest Math Education & EdTech Webinars - DreamBox Learning ↓ Skip to Main Content Filter: Closing Math Learning Gaps With Data & Formative Assessment Leveraging Professional Development and Data to Transform Math Instruction From Theory to Practice: Blending the Math Classroom and Creating a Data-Driven Culture Within Your School Conferences, Webinars, Workshops Webinar: October 13 Maximizing Your Small Business Tax Savings Webinar November 10 Understanding the WISC-V Pre-Conference Training November 3 MBTI Training, Therapeutic Training Scottsdale, AZ
Workshops for Educators - Technology in Education Experience the innovative technology in education found at the Google Teacher Academy. The CUE Google Workshop for Educators is now available to any educational institution. Incorporating web-based technology in education has never been easier. Webinars — COABE DATE: Friday, November 10, 2017TIME: 2:00 P.M. EsT Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic—the three R’s—are the traditional building blocks for education. Instruction for life, however, requires additional attention to a fourth R: Relationships. In this session, we will demonstrate how adult educators can read aloud selections from engaging fiction and informative non-fiction sources that deal with relationships. Instructors can model for their adult students how to apply their critical thinking and reading skills as they read aloud; instructors can then lead the class to focus on what makes relationships thriving or dysfunctional.
Ed Tech Webinars — Information Technology You can join the webinar in-person in room AC-4G01, or online at: York College Elluminate session (You will need a headset if you want to talk in the Webinar. Please get on the webinar 5 - 10 min earlier to make sure it works on your computer.) If this is the first time you use Elluminate (also called Blackboard Collaborate), please go to the following site to test and prepare your computer to meet the system requirements: Digital Storytelling and the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Education Workshops for Educators by Expert Educational Consultants November Learning education workshops for educators offer focused instruction on specific topics. Powerful and direct, workshops are flexible in format and tailored by our expert team just for your district or school so the materials and themes suit your audience and needs. Your organization will leave with a new mindset towards transforming education, teaching strategies to motivate learners of all abilities and the knowledge to supporting authentic technology use across the curriculum. More hands-on than a keynote presentation, this professional development service offers a 25:1 participant-to-instructor ratio to maximize your November Learning experience. We invite you to book a workshop in conjunction with a keynote presentation or on its own.
Free Webinars - Digital Learning Digital CitizenshipA series of webinars from Common Sense Media.More from ISTE Discovery Channel Webinars For log on information click here Education Week Free Webinars:A wide variety of high quality webinars. Edutopia Webinars Edutopia presents engaging webinars for our audience of educators, parents, and administrators throughout the year. Each event is designed to connect the audience with thought leaders in the movement for educational reform, providing opportunities to learn about the latest research, tools, and ideas from experts in the field. EdTechTeacher Back-to-School with Design Thinking - Webinar with Beth Holland and Douglas Kiang August 23rd 3pm EST on EdWeb.Net >> Watch the Webinar Recording on EdWeb Design Thinking encourages students to engage in empathy, define problems, prototype, iterate, and solve real-world problems. Makerspaces help students foster critical thinking, open-ended creativity and iterative design. In this webinar, Beth and Douglas presented the design thinking process.