lasagna-timpano.html from thefoodinmybeard.com I went to see tUnE-yArDs on Monday night with some friends, and as always we wanted to cook a meal that somehow related to the show we were heading to. Sometimes this is hard to do, but other times it seems to come naturally. Finding culinary inspiration in Merrill's lyrics seemed like it would be tough, but my sister knew what she wanted to make without hesitation. "How about something layered, because of all the vocal and instrument layering in the music?" From there we worked together to come up with this deep, colorful, and multi-flavored lasagna version of a timpano. If you are using words like deep, colorful, and multi-flavored to describe something inspired by tUnE-yArDs, you already know you got it right! Start by making a lasagna crust. Finally got it together. Now it's easy, just start building the layers! Alfredo sauce with some salami goes first. After 3 alfredo layers, I switched to pesto. A cheese only layer, just for fun. Tomato sauce is last. All sealed up. After baking.
24 Video Game Covers That Will Double Your Testosterone Nothing catches a consumer's attention like wanton violence. It's why JC Penny employees are encouraged to get in one screwdriver fight with a customer every 30 minutes. It's also why the video game industry is constantly boxing its products in stupidly awesome pictures of mayhem. In fact, over the years there have been so many super tough video game boxes that I had to design an artificial intelligence just to sort through them all. Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior (Amiga, 1987) Men, if your woman is lucky, you just saved this to your desktop as future_sextape_cover.jpg. Bad Cat (Amiga, 1987) Oh, damn. Cho Aniki (WonderSwan, 2000) Sometimes I see the things Japan does and I'm like, "Why does everyone talk about how weird these people are?" Blood 'N Guts: Ancient Barbarian Games (Commodore 64, 1986) Contra Force (NES, 1992) The four guys from the Contra Force seems pretty tough, but there's no way any of them lived through this. Aaargh! Dino City (SNES, 1992) Ninja Cop (Famicom, 1989)
how to use binaural beats for brainwave entrainment Squareeater uses a combination of binaural audio and stroboscopic visual effects in an attempt to achieve brainwave entrainment in the user. The ideal result is to change the user's brainwaves to a specific frequency associated with a specific mental state. In general, lower EEG frequencies correspond to relaxation and sleep while higher frequencies are for alertness or anxiousness. Tips on using: 1. 2. 3. Other viisuals are based on strobing that are meant to be experienced with your eyes closed. 4. 5. If you have ANY history with epilepsy, DO NOT USE!!! The United States of GOOD Beer (Raw Image) - StumbleUpon More Infographics on Good