Creative Idea Generator - Random Word Generator Seventh Sanctum DunMap Dungeon Map Stocker DunMap Dungeon Map Stocker by Ed Allen, v. 2.3 Related generators:DunGen and Hiring Hall, Contact me: @edallen on Twitter, +EdAllen on G+, & blog Ruminations of a Geek Choose the Level. Re-skin creatures and treasures Re-skin creatures or replace other repeating text in room descriptions and notes - there is no Undo so be careful. Replace with in Notes and all Location Descriptions. Export dumps the data for the current dungeon into the field below. To manually save and use the dungeon outside this page, copy the text of the room contents table and notes field and paste into another file, and use the Download Image button on Chrome or the right click menu to save the image as a PNG. DunMap saves to your browser's "LocalStorage" not to a server. New features and plans Split out the notes field to separate fields, as a step towards better UI layout and data update. I will be rescanning some of the maps I linked in the menu to make them a better fit here. Image Link Credits
Random Word Generator - Creative online tool to generating words for brainstorming. This is an online brainstorming tool I made that generates random words. This word randomizer should help spark your creative imagination if you're looking to think up a domain name, a band name, a project name or whatever. Right now it generates 6 random words by default but you can change that to generate anywhere from two to ten words. For band names and projects, I find that setting the random word chooser to three or four words gives you optimal results to work with. If you're looking to start a website, I've also created a page with tools that helps you create blog names. Once you click the generate button, the random words will appear just below the button. It didn't quite fit on this site but I also made a Random Name Generator tool on another website that you might also like to play with. <p>This <strong>online text/html tool</strong> requires a javascript enabled browser to work. Your Word List Trying to Think up Domain Names? Other Tools on this Website
Génération de trésors, objets magiques, auberges, scénari,... DunGen Dungeon Generator DunGen Pointcrawl Dungeon Generator by Ed Allen, v. 2.3 Related generators:DunMap and Hiring Hall, Contact me: @edallen on Twitter, +EdAllen on G+, & blog Ruminations of a Geek Re-skin Re-skin creatures or replace other repeating text in room descriptions and notes - there is no Undo so be careful. Replace with in Notes and all Location Descriptions. Import and Export Export dumps the data for the current dungeon into the field below. To manually save and use the dungeon outside this page, copy the text of the room contents table and notes field and paste into another file, and use the Download Image button on Chrome or the right click menu to save the image as a PNG. If you need to clear all cached data in your browser for some reason, please export if you'll want to use a dungeon in DunGen again or manually save of any dungeons you care about first. Comments welcome at the Ruminations blog linked above or on G+.
Serendipity Giannirateur assisté par bibliothèque - Générateur d'aventures aléatoire [Timinits & Trolls] It's that time of year again. Two years ago, I devised a simple, bookshelf-based random adventure generator. This generator was dubbed 'Giannirator' by imaginos, who also greatly expanded on it, until what we may consider its final version, v3.2, which he used to create forty, count 'em, forty original scenarios that he published on his blog. Since v3.2 is in French I am translating it to English here, and obviously adding an example along to show how it works. First, get hold of 1D6, 1D20, 1D30, and 1D100. [NPC1 - from Book One] asks the PCs to go to [Location1 - from Book Two] to [Action - from Table One] [Person/Object - from Book Three]. For each of the aforementioned books, roll five dice, in the following order: Roll 1D6. The random tables-based elements are to be rolled on these two tables: Example NPC1 (from Book One) 1D4 --> 4. 1D100 --> 24. Location1 (from Book Two) 1D4 --> 1. 1D100 --> 27. the darkened streets towards the Palace. Action (from Table One) 1D20 --> 3. 1D100 --> 52.
Writing and RPG-Related Generators Hiring hall Characters with a reason to hire on should get a shift in favor of hiring on their reaction rolls. Stat rolls are straight 3D6, so some classed characters may not meet minima according to particular rules sets. The names of people, places and especially organizations get a bit dark and florid, since I used the namer directly from DunGen where it is designed to name NPCs encountered in a dungeon, more often than not cultists and villains and such. I'll probably make a milder variant that makes fewer torchbearers representing the Blood Drinking Cult of Everlasting Pain* and such. *I don't think you can quite get that, but it's aimed at that vein. Related Generators Want a quick point crawl map for your players to explore? Want populate a hand drawn map or a map image you load from the internet? My Blogs & how to give feedback +EdAllen on G+. Ed's Hobby Hovel - Some things I made: Rencounter skirmish rules, etc Ruminations of a Geek or you can leave a comment on a post here.