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Rainforest Heroes

Rainforest Heroes
Related:  Rainforests

Parcours - Voyages virtuels avec Google Earth Rain Forest Threats, Rain Forest Species More than half of Earth’s rain forests have already been lost forever to the insatiable human demand for wood and arable land. Rain forests that once grew over 14 percent of the land on Earth now cover only about 6 percent. And if current deforestation rates continue, these critical habitats could disappear from the planet completely within the next hundred years. The reasons for plundering rain forests are mainly economic. Wealthy nations drive demand for tropical timber, and cash-strapped governments often grant logging concessions at a fraction of the land’s true value. Threats Solutions Accueil jeux en ligne gratuits de géographie

News: Rain Forest For centuries, humans have relied on rain forests for a variety of products. Foods such as tomatoes, peppers, corn, rice, coconuts, bananas, coffee, cocoa, tapioca, beans, and sweet potatoes all originally came from the rain forest. Many civilizations have exploited the timber in rain forests and cleared the land for farms. Some preliterate tribes have actually lived in the rain forests for thousands of years. Today people rely on tropical rain forests for a variety of everyday products: paper (7 percent of all paper pulp comes from the rain forest); rubber (used in tires and other products); wax (used in plastics); mahogany and teak (used in wood products such as furniture); and many other items. Destructive Activities Unfortunately, human activities have taken a toll on the rain forest. Farming. Cattle ranching also poses a danger to rain forests. Logging. Other activities. Destruction Aftermath Soil and erosion. Flora and fauna. Climate. Copyright © 2002 Grolier Incorporated.

Cahier de découverte : Un voyage autour de la Méditerranée Testez vos connaissances en ligne grâce au cahier interactif. Répondez au quiz sur la page de chaque pays et découvrez immédiatement si vous avez trouvé les bonnes réponses. Quel est le contenu du cahier ? L'histoire Deux jeunes personnages, Anne et Malek, voyagent en bateau sur la mer Méditerranée et visitent 24 pays. © Charlotte Gastaut La composition du cahier Chaque page du cahier présente un pays : informations clés, proverbe, symbole et textes narratifs et pédagogiques. Deux questions aident à la lecture et à la compréhension de chaque page. Des doubles-pages thématiques approfondissent des sujets tels que l'origine des alphabets, le patrimoine culturel et religieux, le développement durable en Méditerranée. Le cahier comporte un glossaire. Que découvrent les élèves ? Le cahier initie les élèves : à l’histoireà la culture des grandes civilisations du pourtour méditerranéenaux langues des pays traversésaux enjeux environnementaux et géopolitiques contemporains A qui est destiné le cahier ?

Rain Forest In Brazil, which houses 30 percent of the remaining tropical rain forest on Earth, more than 50,000 square miles of rain forest were lost to deforestation between 2000 and 2005. Biologists worry about the long-term consequences. Drought may be one. Some rain forests, including the Amazon, began experiencing drought in the 1990s, possibly due to deforestation and global warming. Efforts to discourage deforestation, mainly through sustainable-logging initiatives, are underway on a very limited basis but have had a negligible impact so far. The rain forest is nearly self-watering. Plants in the rain forest grow very close together and contend with the constant threat of insect predators. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates that 70 percent of the anti-cancer plants identified so far are rain forest plants. Many trees and plants, like orchids, have been removed from the rain forest and cultivated.

Salt Dough Maps Hands-on Geography How can a little flour, water, and paint become a fantastic hands-on geography project, full of educational benefits? With salt dough maps, that's how! Get messy and make a 3D relief map of a country or state with these directions and pictures. Our State: Alabama The year we studied American history and made a 50 States Notebook was the same year that we created a state map from salt dough. Completed salt dough map of Alabama putting salt dough on the map base forming rivers and mountains Salt Dough Recipe4 cups of flour2 cups of salt2 cups of water2 tablespoons of cream of tartarMix with your hands (that's the fun part) until the consistency of playdough. Step-by-Step Directions First you need an outline map. 1. 2. Put the outline onto a sturdy base of cardboard. We chose to paint our cardboard first. Besides an outline map, you'll need a physical map as well for forming mountain ranges, rivers, and other landforms. She didn't need any help in this process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rainforest Coloring Pages and Activities for Kids Color in your favorite rainforest birds, mammals, reptiles and plants in our coloring book, or teach yourself about the rainforest with our fun experiments, crafts, and quizzes. Coloring Pages: Amphibians Birds Insects Mammals Plants Reptiles Hands-On Projects from The Remarkable Rainforest Teach yourself about the rainforest with experiments, crafts, and quizzes. These activities are reprinted from The Remarkable Rainforest by Toni Albert, © 1994 by Toni Albert. If you order this book directly from the publishers at 800-353-2791, mention the Rainforest Alliance.
