Statistics with R Warning Here are the notes I took while discovering and using the statistical environment R. However, I do not claim any competence in the domains I tackle: I hope you will find those notes useful, but keep you eyes open -- errors and bad advice are still lurking in those pages... Should you want it, I have prepared a quick-and-dirty PDF version of this document. The old, French version is still available, in HTML or as a single file. You may also want all the code in this document. 1. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
MSISS ST4003 : Data Mining - Louis Aslett MSISS ST4003 : Data Mining 2010-11 < Back to homepage 2009-2010 ST4003 Data Mining lab material This is the labs page for the fourth year undergraduate course in data mining for MSISS and mathematics students, lectured by Dr Myra O'Reagan. Useful Links Introduction to R R reference card RSeek, Google powered search engine of R resources Labs Lab 1 - Examining Data Lab 2 - A Basic Tree Classifier Lab 3 - More Trees Lab 4 - More Programming Concepts and Model Evaluation Lab 5 - Introduction to Neural Networks Lab 6 - Random Forests Lab 7 - Introduction to Support Vector Machines Data Sets Telecom Customer Churn Data (small version) Titanic Survivor Data Cheese Taste Data ESL SVM simulated data
Physics The R Project A Tutorial on Using Functions in R! (and their scoping) Introduction In a previous post, we covered part of the R language control flow, the cycles or loop structures. In a subsequent one, we showed how to avoid 'looping' by means of functions, that act on compound data in repetitive ways (the apply family of functions). Here, we introduce the notion of function from the R programmer point of view and illustrate the range of action that functions have within the R code ('scope'). The post will highlight concepts such as: what R functions are and when to use them, user defined functions in R, scoping in R, developing your own functions in R, return and nested function calls in R, and R as a functional programming language. If you want to learn more on functions in R? What is a function? In programming, we use functions to incorporate sets of instructions that we want to use repeatedly or that, because of their complexity, are better self-contained in a sub program and called when needed. Functions in R function ( arglist ) {body} Points to note
Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. 5 of the Best Free and Open Source Data Mining Software The process of extracting patterns from data is called data mining. It is recognized as an essential tool by modern business since it is able to convert data into business intelligence thus giving an informational edge. At present, it is widely used in profiling practices, like surveillance, marketing, scientific discovery, and fraud detection. There are four kinds of tasks that are normally involve in Data mining: * Classification - the task of generalizing familiar structure to employ to new data* Clustering - the task of finding groups and structures in the data that are in some way or another the same, without using noted structures in the data.* Association rule learning - Looks for relationships between variables.* Regression - Aims to find a function that models the data with the slightest error. For those of you who are looking for some data mining tools, here are five of the best open-source data mining software that you could get for free: Orange RapidMiner Weka JHepWork
R reference card Curriculum Vitae (mis à jour le: 25/01/2011) Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux Né le 27 mars 1973 à Paris. Marié avec deux enfants. Nationalités : canadienne, française, suisse. Séjours (courts) dans d’autres laboratoires de recherche universitaire Conférences invitées1 Sydney, Australie (2014). Mini-cours et tutoriels Invitation de chercheurs Bourses et subventions Distinction académique Fonctions électives Responsabilités administratives Université de Montréal, Département de Mathématiques et de Statistique Université Pierre Mendès France, Département STID de l’IUT2 Arbitrage d’articles de revues Bernoulli, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Cognitive Computation, Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Frontiers Neuroscience, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Statistical Software, Mathematical Reviews, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Proceedings, Statistical Methodology. Comités éditoriaux Thèmes de recherche privilégiés 2014?
Webinar | Introduction to R for Data Mining For a quick start: Find a way of orienting yourself in the open source R worldHave a definite application area in mindSet an initial goal of doing something useful and then build on it In this webinar, we focus on data mining as the application area and show how anyone with just a basic knowledge of elementary data mining techniques can become immediately productive in R. We will: Provide an orientation to R’s data mining resourcesShow how to use the "point and click" open source data mining GUI, rattle, to perform the basic data mining functions of exploring and visualizing data, building classification models on training data sets, and using these models to classify new data.Show the simple R commands to accomplish these same tasks without the GUIDemonstrate how to build on these fundamental skills to gain further competence in RMove away from using small test data sets and show with the same level of skill one could analyze some fairly large data sets with RevoScaleR
RStudio Server Amazon Machine Image (AMI) - Louis Aslett Current AMI Quick Reference (27nd Jun 2015)Amazon instance type reference Click to launch through AWS web interface: What’s new recently? Easy Dropbox setup to make syncing files on/off server easy, including selective folder sync. Preinstalled RStudioAMI R package for server control. HVM AMIs for full current generation instance support. < Back to homepage Amazon’s EC2 platform provides a convenient environment for rapidly procuring computational resources in the cloud. To get started with the Amazon cloud, you must first signup for an AWS account if you don’t already have one. Click here for a simple video guide to using the AMIs listed here, or for more detailed information read on. What is this? If you want to run a server in the Amazon cloud, you have to select what system you are going to bootup. In particular, many common tools and dependencies are built-in. Why an RStudio AMI? AMI Release History * N/A since these data centres were not yet open when the images were built. Usage
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