Obama battles to contain THREE growing 'scandals': White House evades fury over Benghazi cover-up, IRS targeting tea party groups and DOJ spying on reporters' phone calls
Press secretary Jay Carney insists the White House had no knowledge of the IRS's admitted plan to subject right-wing groups to closer scrutiny Carney also says the administration was unaware of the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press phone records until 'yesterday' The administration continues to spin Benghazi, telling reporters that 'politicization' and comparisons with Richard Nixon are Republicans' fault Asked what action Obama will take on the IRS scandal, Carney responded only, 'We'll see' One-THIRD of committees in the House of Representatives are now investigating the Obama administration Criminal investigation is launched into the AP phone records, with Attorney General Eric Holder recusing himself from the probe PUBLISHED: 19:48 GMT, 14 May 2013 | UPDATED: 09:17 GMT, 15 May 2013 The White House struggled to deflect a barrage of questions today as it scrambled to contain three growing scandals lapping at Obama's door. ‘What difference, at this point, does it make?’
Mendel-GPU: haplotyping and genotype imputation on graphics processing units
+ Author Affiliations ↵*To whom correspondence should be addressed Received June 2, 2012. Revision received August 6, 2012. Accepted August 24, 2012. Motivation: In modern sequencing studies, one can improve the confidence of genotype calls by phasing haplotypes using information from an external reference panel of fully typed unrelated individuals.
The Introduction To STRUTS
Web application development was once simple: there was an HTML page and a browser. That was it. No dynamic data, no business applications, no headaches. But that simplicity lasted for only a short time. Today we are faced with complicated Web and business application development using a plethora of technologies. This article focuses on one aspect of that development process: how to use the Struts framework to assist in front end integration.
During Rose Garden press conference, Obama refuses to apologize for secretly seizing AP phone records, shifts blame to Congress for Benghazi security lapses, and dodges question about White House IRS knowledge
Assailed by questions over three scnadals engulfing White House during Rose Garden press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Would not say whether anyone in his West Wing knew about the IRS targeting of the Tea Party before last week Offered 'no apologies' for DoJ secretly seizing phone records of Associated Press reporters over intelligence leak Admitted 'lessons needed to be learned' from Benghazi but said it was up to Congress to approve more money for military to provide extra security in hotspots abroad By David Martosko In Washington PUBLISHED: 17:18 GMT, 16 May 2013 | UPDATED: 02:00 GMT, 17 May 2013 President Barack Obama dodged questions Thursday about the IRS's targeting of conservative groups, shifted responsibility for the Benghazi attack to Congress, and said 'I offer no apologies' for the Department of Justice's secret seizure of reporter's phone records in search of a classified intelligence leak. Scroll down for video
Rare Mutation Triples Risk of Alzheimer's
A mutation found in about one in 200 Icelanders older than 85 raised the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease threefold, researchers said. The mutation, in an immunoregulatory gene known as TREM2, was more common in Alzheimer's disease patients than in the general 85-and-older population in Iceland with an odds ratio of 2.91 (95% CI 2.09 to 4.09, P=3.42×10-10), reported Kari Stefansson, MD, PhD, of deCode Genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland, and colleagues. Because of the gene's function within the central nervous system, the mutation "may lead to an increased predisposition to Alzheimer's disease through impaired containment of inflammatory processes," the researchers wrote online in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The Benghazi talking points
The furor over the Benghazi talking points continues. Republicans still see them as the main event in a campaign to embarrass President Obama . The president, for his part, calls them a "sideshow." Finally, on Wednesday, the White House released more than 100 pages of internal emails that showed, in excruciating detail, exactly how the talking points were edited — and the emails, at least to our reading, supported the president's characterization.
My DNA Results Spur Alzheimer’s Anxiety at $12,000 Cost
I sat clutching my wife’s hand, nodding, listening, and trying to breathe. “Your life expectancy hasn’t changed,” said my doctor, Harvard Medical School geneticist Joseph Thakuria, trying to reassure me. That, I thought, is the good news. I may get Alzheimer’s disease, I was told after getting my DNA analyzed. I could suffer the consequences of an abnormal blood clot in my heart or my brain.
User:Kirk/Aquarius Project - The Millennial Project 2.0 - a Wikia wiki
Objective: Development of the means for marine colonization Rationale:
Detroit becomes the largest city in U.S. history to file for bankruptcy
Debt estimated to be as much as $20 billionUnion and pensions board refused to agree to last-chance survival plan City has been borrowing money to pay employees By Jessica Jerreat Published: 20:49 GMT, 18 July 2013 | Updated: 13:14 GMT, 19 July 2013
News/Phylotastic Hackathon
Phylogenies! Hacking! Tucson in January! An implicit promise of the Tree of Life project is that, ultimately, expert knowledge of species phylogeny will be accessible and usable by everybody.
Hydrogen Storage In Nanoparticles Works: Outloo...
Dutch chemist Kees Baldé has demonstrated that hydrogen can be efficiently stored in nanoparticles. This allows hydrogen storage to be more easily used in mobile applications. Baldé discovered that 30 nanometre particles of the metal hydride sodium alanate make the favourable extraction and storage of hydrogen possible. Hydrogen is considered to be a clean storage and transport medium for energy. Therefore many future scenarios are based on the storage and transport of hydrogen. Various obstacles need to be overcome before this so-called hydrogen economy can be used on a large scale.
Obama promises disappear from transparency website
July 26 (UPI) -- President Obama's 2008 transition team website Change.gov has been publicly accessible for years, until June 8 when Obama's campaign promises and agenda were taken down. Change.gov has linked to the White House website ever since the Obama administration took control of it, but until recently, users could continue to click through materials and agenda points, including his vision for reform. Now, a splash page simply directs to the White House. June 8, coincidentally, was two days after Edward Snowden leaked National Security Agency documents revealing widespread data collection.
Europe approves high-price gene therapy
European officials have approved the Western world's first gene therapy drug from a small Dutch biotech company, in a milestone for the novel medical technology that fixes faulty genes. The formal clearance from the European Commission paves the way for a launch next summer of the treatment for an ultra rare genetic disease that will cost around 1.2 million euros ($1.6 million) per patient, a new record for pricey modern medicines. After more than 20 years of experiments and a series of disappointments, the EU approval of Glybera, which treats the genetic disorder lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD), is a significant boost for the gene therapy field.