Cottages and Home Offices | Historic Shed Need an extra room for a home office, art studio, workout space or guests? Most of our traditional shed designs can be finished on the interior to accommodate a variety of occupiable uses, but we also offer some models that are specially designed for home office or guest cottage use. These models are also available with unfinished interiors. Call Historic Shed to discuss your project needs at 813-333-2249. FINANCING IS AVAILABLE FOR HISTORIC SHED COTTAGES & HOME OFFICES. Cottages Home Offices “Imagine an intimate space, beautifully furnished and outfitted with your favorite things, where you can go to read, work, putter, sketch, drink tea with a friend, or even take a long, uninterrupted snooze. Read more about Cottages and Home Offices: [catlist id=79 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=3 excerpt=yes bullet=no catlist thumbnail=yes] [catlist id=20 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=3 excerpt=yes bullet=no catlist thumbnail=yes]
Perfect Little House Small House Society | ResourcesForLife.com “Better Living Through Simplicity.” History. Founded in 2002, the Small House Society is a cooperatively managed organization dedicated to the promotion of smaller housing alternatives which can be more affordable and ecological. Mission. Media Contacts. Learn More. Directory of Builders. Featured Book World Interest Below are maps showing recent site visitors from around the world. Visitors – Global Visitors – Europe Visitors – North America Visitors – Australia Visitors – Asia Like this: Like Loading...
Small Kitchen Design Tips Small Kitchen Design Tips The Best of Small Kitchen Design - The Little Rock Whidbey Small kitchen design is unique in its need for both functionality and eye appeal. The small kitchen photos below offer great solutions for solving some of the most common small kitchen design dilemmas with stunning results! Storage is one of the biggest issues confronting the occupant of a small kitchen. An island at the center of the kitchen provides additional workspace and another option for covered storage. Cabinets with glass doors help make small kitchens look larger. Shelves are another common option for kitchen storage. The flooring helps to create much of the character and dynamic of this custom Whidbey. Lighting is an often over-looked aspect of design. Small kitchens do have several things going for them that their larger brethren do not. The other advantage a small kitchen has is cost. Congratulations Lindsey on a stunning adaptation of Tumbleweed's Whidbey!
Ormond Beach Garage Project by Historic Shed | Historic Shed The City of Ormond Beach, Florida proudly titles itself the “Birthplace of Speed” with a long history of auto racing that started in 1902 on the hard packed beach sand when automobiles were new and existing roads were poor. After the Winton Bullet won a Challenge Cup against the Olds Pirate by a breathtaking two-tenths of a second in 1903, Ormond Beach established itself as the ideal proving ground for automobile designers and racing aficionados from around the world. Motorcycle and automobile owners and drivers brought vehicles powered by gasoline, steam and electric engines, sometimes cruising at over 100 miles per hour along the ocean side. You can see actual race footage on the beach from 1905 on YouTube at Ormond Beach Florida Auto Races. On January 26, 1906, F.E. While autos may still drive along the beach, beach racing is now only commemorated at Birthplace of Speed Park, located on A1A at the intersection of SR40. View of the ocean from Birthplace of Speed Park in Ormond Beach.