Call Your Mayor: Complete List of Numbers for Occupied Cities
On October 13, I started calling Mayor Bloomberg’s office to protest his threatened attack on Zuccotti Park, and urged others to do the same. Apparently they did, mostly without any urging from me, because the high volume of calls from around the country was credited, by the New York Times, with making the mayor back off. The next day, prompted by reports from occupiers, I used Facebook to tell people to call the mayor of San Diego.
Occupy Wall Street
The joyous freedom of possibility. Dissent can be personal, collective, creative — whatever you want it to be. Revolt can be physical or spectral, a blackspot on a corporate logo or a digital mindbomb posted online. Edit a billboard, speak to a friend.
We All Occupy
Occupying is behaving as if you live in the better world we all dream of: where basic needs are met for all, where greed is unacceptable, and where people consider others when they make decisions. To be honest, being kinder and more helpful is everything. Imagine if all of the people who work for banks and corporations had been kinder and more helpful. How about the politicians? Globally, we would not be in the situation we are in today.
AnonOps Communications
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At Occupy Camps, Veterans Bring the Wars Home - Tina Dupuy - Politics
Expert at living in tents, some veterans are finding new purpose in the streets We're in a coffee shop near McPherson Square, the location of Occupy DC, and Michael Patterson, 21, and I are having hot cocoa on a cold November night. He's wearing an Iraq Veterans Against the War sweatshirt and baggy shorts. It's freezing outside. "I'm from Alaska," he offers as an explanation.
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UC cops' use of batons on Occupy camp questioned
A debate over the use of police force has reignited at the UC Berkeley campus after videos surfaced showing officers repeatedly shoving and jabbing screaming students who tried to keep officers from dismantling a nascent Occupy encampment. The videos taken by protesters, journalists and casual observers show UC Berkeley police and Alameda County sheriff's deputies in riot gear ordering students with linked arms to leave a grassy area outside the campus administration building Wednesday. When the students didn't move, police lowered their face shields and began hitting the protesters with batons. University police say the students, who chanted "You're beating students" during the incident, were not innocent bystanders, and that the human fence they tried to build around seven tents amounted to a violent stance against police. But many law enforcement experts said Thursday that the officers' tactics appeared to be a severe overreaction. Sgt.
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Denver police arrest 16 Occupy protesters
Denver police spokesperson Sonny Jackson says around 4 p.m., police asked protestors to remove a food table that was on the park property. Nobody claimed the table and no one was removing it. Jackson says protestors then became upset and started surrounding a police car.
Police use excessive force against Occupy Denver - Denver Progressive
According to the Dictionary of Politics and Government the definition of terrorism is, "the use of acts of public violence to achieve political change." Late Thursday night November 10, an Occupy Denver tent was ripped open by a police officer who gave an eviction notice followed by vulgarity and threats to leave. On Saturday November 13, 2011, following a march against corporate personhood police brutally attacked protesters in Denver. Protesters began marching towards 16th street Mall in the late afternoon Saturday and were blocked by police in riot gear. Around 7:30 p.m. in front of the new H&M store on 16th St. Mall a man was hit by a motorcycle cop then arrested.
Meet Your Police State: Chapel Hill Edition
Share On Sunday afternoon, around twenty-five police in full riot gear stormed an abandoned car dealership on Franklin Street and arrested a group of demonstrators who had been occupying the building. The occupation was “not orchestrated by Occupy Chapel Hill,” according to a flyer handed out to passersby, but was rather an “experiment,” and an extension of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Deck the 1%: #OccupyWallStreet Playing Cards by The Yes Lab
You’ve been robbed by the banks, foreclosed on, and stuffed into a locker full of debt, but you still can’t pick the perpetrators of the country’s financial collapse out of a lineup? That is all about to change thanks to the #OccupyWallStreet Playing Cards. Now, you can identify the bad guys and make the citizen arrests we desperately need.
Occupy Oakland Live Blog: Mayor's legal adviser quits over police raid
Police now outnumber protesters at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. People have been in the plaza all day after police cleared more than 100 tents from the Occupy Oakland encampment. The 5 a.m. police action was peaceful, although 33 people were arrested for failing to disperse. Most have been released. Marchers gathered Monday afternoon and returned to the plaza, where police officials said they are free to rally, but camping or sleeping will not be tolerated.