Small House Society and what the Small House Movement is about So what is the small house society and the small house movement all about? Let’s start with downsizing to a smaller house. If you want to simplify your life one of the smartest things you can do is move into a smaller space. And that’s what the small house movement is all about, isn’t it? Normal houses have become… Too expensive A pain to maintain Toxic to the environment Completely wasteful Basically these houses keep us strapped to what we all know as the rat race. And once we’re in, and have kids, we’re just stuck and it’s hard to get out. But that’s where a lot of people miss the point. The small house society is about… Simplicity and enjoying the beautiful things in life like nature, bicycling, walking, parks, books and other activities Technology. There’s an official small house society website that you can visit, the link will open up in a new window.
Sustainable Living and Tiny House Resources - Treading TINY I’ll sprinkle great sources of self-sufficient living, good clean food, and sustainable housing info all over this page. Stay tuned. TinyHouseBlog.com TinyHouseDesign.com theTinyLife.com The go-to virtual spot to buy,sell, and rent tiny homes: tinyhouselistings.com Andrew & Crystal Odom over at: tinyrevolution.us The oh-so-lovely-wish-she-lived-closer-’cause-we’d-totally-be-buddies Macy Miller over here: minimotives.com The adorable Tiny Tack House: chrisandmalissa.com Did you see them on Anderson? 1 Mama plus a hubs & handful of kiddos building a small home, an excellent read as well: togethersimply.blogspot.com Victoria & her military family of three: tinyhomesteadfreedom.blogspot.com/ A fun, and fun to read, 23 year old (Ella) over at littleyellowdoor.wordpress.com Laura & her husband (who also writes about beer..tiny+beer, what more could you need?) Tammy (Logan, too!) Officially the youngest tiny house builder to date, go support 12 year old Sicily at TinyMaison OrganicAuthority MeghanTelpner
Cottages and Home Offices | Historic Shed Need an extra room for a home office, art studio, workout space or guests? Most of our traditional shed designs can be finished on the interior to accommodate a variety of occupiable uses, but we also offer some models that are specially designed for home office or guest cottage use. These models are also available with unfinished interiors. FINANCING IS AVAILABLE FOR HISTORIC SHED COTTAGES & HOME OFFICES. Cottages Home Offices “Imagine an intimate space, beautifully furnished and outfitted with your favorite things, where you can go to read, work, putter, sketch, drink tea with a friend, or even take a long, uninterrupted snooze. Read more about Cottages and Home Offices: [catlist id=79 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=3 excerpt=yes bullet=no catlist thumbnail=yes] [catlist id=20 orderby=date order=desc numberposts=3 excerpt=yes bullet=no catlist thumbnail=yes]
Shrinking your crib: when home is just 65 square feet In a land where the average home size has grown steadily for nearly 15 years and is now over twice that of Europe, there's a growing group of Americans embracing a small is beautiful philosophy and living in homes "smaller than some people's closets." Call them tiny houses, wee homes, mini dwellings, "sensibly sized" or microhomes, there's a new movement afoot in the United States, that the Small House Society explains includes "movie stars who have downsized into 3000 square feet, families of five happy in an arts and crafts bungalow, multifamily housing in a variety of forms, and more extreme examples, such as people on houseboats and in trailers with just a few hundred square feet around them." While they assert it's not a movement aimed at being "tinier-than-thou", there are those micro-homeowners like Jay Shafer who lives in a very wee 97 square foot home, which he admits is part political statement. "[S]ince 1997 I have been living in a house smaller than some people’s closets.
Tiny Home Builders I was introduced to Dan Louche when he started building his first tiny house, a house for his mom. Since then Dan has been very busy building homes, designing house plans, filming how-to videos, and writing a construction guide. His tiny house business is now one of the most evolved and offers some of the best learning materials for owner-builders. Note: Dan is currently running a 20% OFF sale on all the things in his store (plans, book, ebook, videos). Use coupon code 10off when checking out on his website. Here are some of the items he offers: Tiny House Design & Construction Guide - Dan has written a book based on his personal learnings from building tiny houses. Visit the Tiny House Builders website to learn more.
Perfect Little House Do-It-Yourself Downsizing: How To Build A Tiny House Qatar Reveals World Cup Designs Qatar‘s Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy have released images of the latest stadium designed for the 2022 World Cup. Located in Al Khor City, the Al Bayt Stadium will also be surrounded by the new Al Bayt district, which will host retail space and restaurants, as well as landscaped paths for residents to use as horseriding, cycling and jogging tracks. The design – billed as “an entirely Qatari concept, reflecting Qatar’s proud history and culture” – is based on the Bayt Al Sha’ar, a black and white tent used traditionally by nomadic people in Qatar, which would have been a welcome symbol of hospitality for desert travelers. Read on after the break for more on the design The stadium was designed by an unnamed group of Qatari architects, although Dar Al Handasa are credited as design consultants. The Al Bayt Stadium is the second design unveiled for the 2022 World Cup, joining Zaha Hadid Architects‘ Al Wakrah Stadium. © Neoscape, Inc.