The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects Over the past few years, I’ve been accumulating links to — and experimenting with — various online photo editors and sites for photo effects. There are certainly a zillion of them out there. I finally decided it was time to narrow all the links down into some kind of “The Best…” list, and have divided this post into two sections. The first part lists sites where you can upload your own images and, with no registration required (or, perhaps, in one or two instances, an extremely minimal registration process) easily edit the photo or add effects. The second section lists sites that I’ve specifically used with my English Language Learner students. These sites let you easily grab an image off the web, lets you add add a speech bubble to it, and then gives you a more or less permanent url address for your creation that you can post on a student or teacher website/blog. I’m sure I will have missed some applications out there, so feel free to share your suggestions in the comments section. Dr.
Rethinking commercial software delivery with Cloud Spanner and serverless | Google Cloud Blog Thirty years later, internet streaming technologies have enabled niche programming for micro-audiences. Independent creatives now have their pick of production studios, and audiences can choose their preferred content and providers with a click of a mouse—not the installation of a new satellite dish or cable box. This is a whole new experience for both the creative and the consumer that has lowered or eliminated barriers to entry and fundamentally changed what media distribution means. It also leaves TV and cable broadcasters scrambling to define themselves in a streaming-first world. As a former CTO for a number of independent software vendors (ISVs), I anticipate a similar shift for the software industry, thanks to two disruptive technologies: serverless computing and globally distributed databases like Spanner. Snowflake software stacks But first, let’s talk about why enterprise software development is so hard and so expensive. What if this didn’t have to be the case?
Henry David Thoreau quote- Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want Search Authors Tags Quotes Is There Enough Laughter in Your Life? View . Tweet : Yes | No Architecture Body Sculptures Machinery Creativity Suffering Thoughts and Thinking Imagination Creation Love Henry David Thoreau : Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be. # Thoughts and Thinking # Architecture # Body Powerpoint Wallpaper Henry David Thoreau quote- Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want... Wisdom feed seeded by this 2 tweets Thomas Szasz : " People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. Gift it . Be First To Nathaniel Hawthorne : " Every young sculptor seems to think that he must give the world some specimen of indecorous womanhood, and call it Eve, Venus, a Nymph, or any name that may apologize for a lack of decent clothing. " # Thoughts and Thinking # Architecture # Body Ezra Pound : " The jargon of these sculptors is beyond me. John Ruskin : " No person who is not a great sculptor or painter can be an architect. 16 tweets 40 tweets
MS Windows Character map Charmap (or "Character Map") is a program built-in into MS Windows operating systems. You can use it to input or check out characters of different encodings and fonts installed on your system. Run it There are two ways to open Character Map. Start ➢ All Programs ➢ Accessories ➢ System Tools ➢ Character Map Faster way is: Start ➢ Execute ➢ enter "charmap", press [OK] button, or [Enter] on keyboard. With Character Map you choose font, character group (like Greek, or Maths symbols) and pick text characters you like. The program is easy to use, so you'll find out all further details on your own easily. Symbol groups You can choose to view groups of characters by the name of their topic. To group symbols you have to: Choose Advanced ViewTo view most symbols you have, choose Font: [Arial Unicode MS].Choose Group by: [Unicode Subrange]. Now you can choose symbol groups.
Phixr - Online Photo Editor Writing Guides | KU Writing Center Suggested Resources Oxford University PressOxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary » Oxford's Learner's Dictionary allows you to type any word and learn about its definition, the different parts of speech in which it can be used, and how it is commonly used in speech and writing. Dave's ESL CafeDave's ESL Cafe for Students and Teachers » Dave's ESL Cafe has a variety of resources both for ESL learners and teachers. Purdue University OWLKey Concepts for Writing in North American Colleges » University of North Carolina at Chapel HillTransitions for ESL » Suzy McAnsh & Ken Pennington, Finnish Virtual UniversityLearn English effectively » How to Learn English Effectively is a website that offers advice and encouragement as well as methods for mastering English through everything from dictionaries to pronunciation. Academic Writing in EnglishAcademic Writing in English » Academic Writing in English covers various aspects of paper writing including cohesion, grammar, punctuation, and style.
Upcoming Events | Graduate Studies The Office of Graduate Studies works with other campus units to provide information on upcoming professional development events of interest to graduate students. Registration may be required; please see each listing below for more information. For information on academic semester dates and deadlines, go to the KU Academic Calendar and the Graduate Student Academic Calendar. For listings of all campus events, go to the KU Events Calendar. For recent KU press releases and stories, go to KU News. For information on social events of interest to graduate students, see the Student Union Activities events calendar. For information on the Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) and Student Senate participation by graduate students, see the Student Senate website. Information for postdoctoral researchers is provided at the KU Postdoctoral Association website.
Research & Service | School of Education | University of Kansas The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity & Access, IOA@ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder, and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center campuses).
eduroam | Information Technology The University of Kansas has joined a global consortium of nearly 6,000 institutions offering quick and easy access to local Wi-Fi networks. eduroam is a network access system developed for the international research and education community and currently available in 58 countries. Anyone with a KU Online ID can quickly and easily access the Internet via eduroam at U.S. locations and international locations. And, visitors from other eduroam institutions can connect to our Wi-Fi network using the login credentials from their home institutions. The security of eduroam significantly exceeds most public hotspots (i.e., coffee shops, etc.). While KU is the first institution in the central United States and only the second Big 12 school to participate, more and more schools are joining eduroam, providing even more locations where KU students, faculty and staff can access the Internet when traveling. Visit the official eduroam website for more information.
Resources for Women | University Career Center The University Career Center, in partnership with the Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity, offers a wide variety of services and tools to assist women throughout the career development process. Check out our list of Campus and Community Organizations for Women (pdf) for opportunities to connect with other women at KU and in the Lawrence and Kansas City metro areas. Informational resources Job search tools Networking LinkedIn.com—Connect: Professional Women’s Network - LinkedIn group that includes professionals from various industries and offers resources, discussion groups, job postings, and networking opportunities for women KU Women’s Hall of Fame - The KU Women’s Hall of Fame members are successful alumnae who are dedicated to KU. Professional associations
Lean In For Graduates - Lean In Tip 1: Adopt the mantra “Proceed and be bold” Facebook’s office walls are lined with posters, including one that says “Proceed and be bold.” Adopt this as your job search mantra. Being bold is especially important for women because we often fear putting ourselves out there. Adopt the same principle for opportunities at work. Tip 2: Shift from a “what do I get?” Most job seekers fall into the trap of focusing on what an organization will do for them, when putting the company’s needs front and center is what really gets you noticed. At every step in your job search, look for other opportunities to make a good impression. Tip 3: Negotiate—wisely! The wage gap starts early. You won’t get what you don’t ask for, so make it a rule to negotiate. One strategy to combat this is to use communal language; women get better results when they emphasize a concern for organizational relationships. Tip 4: Break long-term goals into short-term steps Tip 5: Sit at the table Tip 6: Listen to your inner voice
KU Alumni Association - Student Alumni Association – Finish Thanks for redeeming your Student Alumni Association membership! Welcome to the largest student organization on campus. What happens next? Women in STEM The lack of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is nothing new, but in the last decade President Obama has reignited the conversation, and taken several steps while in office to address the gender gap in STEM fields. Many other leaders and tech entrepreneurs have also stepped up to help diversify the industry. Yet despite these recent initiatives, women are still heavily underrepresented. Learn more about women in STEM, including what types of resources are available to help budding female STEM professionals break barriers. Where Are the Women? Data from the White House found that women and minorities account for 70 percent of all college students, but only 45 percent of students in STEM majors. Why are there so few women in STEM degree programs and jobs? Below is a breakdown of some of the most common challenges women in STEM face, along with examples of how some institutions and organizations are trying to remedy the problem. The Truth About Women in STEM Chemistry