YAH'S WATCHMAN Platonic Solids (PRIME) The so-called Platonic Solids are regular polyhedra. “Polyhedra” is a Greek word meaning “many faces.” There are five of these, and they are characterized by the fact that each face is a regular polygon, that is, a straight-sided figure with equal sides and equal angles: It is natural to wonder why there should be exactly five Platonic solids, and whether there might conceivably be one that simply hasn't been discovered yet. First, consider that at each vertex (point) at least three faces must come together, for if only two came together they would collapse against one another and we would not get a solid. Now, each interior angle of an equilateral triangle is 60°, hence we could fit together three, four, or five of them at a vertex, and these correspond to to the tetrahedron, the octahedron, and the icosahedron. And that makes five regular polyhedra. Kepler’s Platonic Solids Model of the Cosmos Contributors , author Citation Info [MLA] Smith, B. Related: Kepler’s Laws Minitext:
Bible's Buried Secrets The Bible's Buried Secrets PBS Airdate: November 18, 2008 NARRATOR: God is dead, or so it must have seemed to the ancestors of the Jews in 586 B.C. Jerusalem and the temple to their god are in flames; the nation of Israel, founded by King David, is wiped out. WILLIAM G. NARRATOR: For out of the crucible of destruction emerges a sacred book, the Bible, and an idea that will change the world, the belief in one God. THOMAS CAHILL (Author, The Gifts of the Jews): This is a new idea. LEE I. NARRATOR: Now, a provocative new story from discoveries deep within the Earth and the Bible. EILAT MAZAR (Shalem Center): We wanted to examine the possibility that the remains of King David's palace are here. WILLIAM DEVER: We can actually see vivid evidence here of a destruction. AMNON BEN-TOR (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Question number one: "Who did it?" NARRATOR: An archaeological detective story puzzles together clues to the mystery of who wrote the Bible, when and why. RON E. P.