Related: Ancient Egypt Websites
New clues illuminate mysteries of ancient Egyptian portraits WASHINGTON — Scientists are getting a clearer picture of how ancient Egyptians painted lifelike portraits that were buried with mummies of the depicted individuals. These paintings sharply departed from Egyptians’ previous, simpler artworks and were among the first examples of modern Western portraits, archaeologist and materials scientist Marc Walton reported February 14 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The “mummy portraits” date to more than 2,000 years ago, when the Roman Empire controlled Egypt. Three such portraits of Roman-era Egyptians, found more than a century ago at site called Tebtunis, were created by the same artist, said Walton, of Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Identities of the boy and two men in the portraits are unknown.
Disco Hyperdata Browser The Disco - Hyperdata Browser is a simple browser for navigating the Semantic Web as an unbound set of data sources. The browser renders all information, that it can find on the Semantic Web about a specific resource, as an HTML page. This resource description contains hyperlinks that allow you to navigate between resources. While you move from resource to resource, the browser dynamically retrieves information by dereferencing HTTP URIs and by following rdfs:seeAlso links. News The Child Labor Education Project Today, approximately 215 million children, many as young as five, are involved in child labor around the globe. Child labor is work that harms children or keeps them from attending school. It involves work by children under conditions that are hazardous, illegal, or exploitive. The Child Labor Public Education Project of the University of Iowa Labor Center and Center for Human Rights provides educational workshops and materials on a range of issues regarding child labor in the U.S. and other countries: causes and consequences of child labor history of child labor in the U.S. effects of child labor on children’s health and workers’ rights and international issues such as workers’ rights, trade, and economic policies.
Library of Congress - Kids and Families The Library of Congress has many websites designed for young readers and for the whole family to explore together. Veteran's History ProjectCollecting, preserving, presentingMemories of American war veteransSo future generations may hear & understand the realities of war King Tut Revealed By A.R. Williams He was just a teenager when he died. The last heir of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt and its empire for centuries, he was laid to rest laden with gold and eventually forgotten. Clustering Engine Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine Carrot2 organizes your search results into topics. With an instant overview of what's available, you will quickly find what you're looking for. Choose where to search: Type your query:
Farm Worker Issues : National Farm Worker Ministry Agricultural work is hard work. In order to feed the country, an estimated 2-3 million farm workers labor in the fields across the United States, including handpicking the vast majority of fruit and vegetable crops produced here. In many cases these workers are young adults or even children; in all cases, farm workers are excluded from important national labor protections that other workers possess. The role of farm workers is one of the most vital jobs, and yet it’s also one of the most dangerous and least adequately compensated.
Explore Ancient Egypt Explore Ancient Egypt With 360-degree and other imagery, walk around the Sphinx, enter the Great Pyramid, visit tombs and temples, and more. Want to walk around the Sphinx? Clamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and seek out the pharaoh's burial chamber? Visit the magnificent tombs and temples of ancient Thebes? Watson Semantic Web Search This is the Watson Web interface for searching ontologies and semantic documents using keywords. This interface is subject to frequent evolutions and improvements. If you want to share your opinion, suggest improvement or comment on the results, don't hesitate to contact us ... At the moment, you can enter a set of keywords (e.g.
The Global Goals Every day girls around the world are fighting for their freedom. This International Day of the Girl - join them and raise your voice: 1. Share the film and tell us what #FreedomForGirls means to you2. Ancient Egypt - Ancient History Under Ahmose I, the first king of the 18th dynasty, Egypt was once again reunited. During the 18th dynasty, Egypt restored its control over Nubia and began military campaigns in Palestine, clashing with other powers in the area such as the Mitannians and the Hittites. The country went on to establish the world’s first great empire, stretching from Nubia to the Euphrates River in Asia. In addition to powerful kings such as Amenhotep I (1546-1526 B.C.), Thutmose I (1525-1512 B.C.) and Amenhotep III (1417-1379 B.C.), the New Kingdom was notable for the role of royal women such as Queen Hatshepsut (1503-1482 B.C.), who began ruling as a regent for her young stepson (he later became Thutmose III, Egypt’s greatest military hero), but rose to wield all the powers of a pharaoh. All of the New Kingdom rulers (with the exception of Akhenaton) were laid to rest in deep, rock-cut tombs (not pyramids) in the Valley of the Kings, a burial site on the west bank of the Nile opposite Thebes.
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