Sailor Senshi Maker Sailor Senshi Game by: Doll DivineArt by: Drachea Rannak This game has been updated! Check out the more robust, Sailor Moon Dress Up 3.0! Follow in the steps of Sailor Moon and create your very own Sailor Scout, or Sailor Senshi. It's funny, I never watched Sailor Moon myself, but I had always been a huge fan of the clothing styles and transformation sequences. Because the first release of this game was relatively simple in terms of outfits, I made sure to include a large color selection. Tags: dolldivine - anime - magical girl - weapons - tv shows - magicians Canada News: Mallick: Fake Sun TV segment has mocked our democracy When Stephen Harper’s government wants a happy clap-clap Canadian moment on Sun News, it goes the Full North Korean. Yes, six of the “new Canadians” attending a “reaffirmation” ceremony for Citizenship Week in the Sun studios last fall turn out not to have been recently minted citizens after all. As The Canadian Press’ Jennifer Ditchburn has reported, they were actually federal bureaucrats told to smile and wave the damn flag like they meant it. The thing looked like a school play with grown-ups. Sad frightened grown-ups. According to CP, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s office had asked Sun News to do a soft news segment, at the network’s studio, on new citizens taking the oath. But journalists and government never get together and fake stuff. As it happens, a day later the CBC ran an hour-long actual citizenship ceremony for 75 new Canadians. According to CP, Immigration started calling around for new Canadians to reaffirm, but they were all too busy working.
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Iran, Israel and the west: some home truths - The Drum Opinion Find More Stories Iran, Israel and the west: some home truths Michael Brull In the West, there is a common story about Iranian relations with Israel and the West. It goes like this: Iran is ruled by an unpredictable, terrorist supporting lunatic, whose aggressive rhetoric to Israel rightly makes it concerned for its safety. Israelis have been influenced by their history, particularly the most obvious recent traumas. Not every single part of this story is false. The Shah Though Obama declined to apologise for it, he has admitted that "the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government". Mark Curtis, who has examined the relevant British archives, uncovered a revealing picture. The British considered direct military intervention in response to the nationalisation. The British embassy in Tehran soon settled on a "non-communist coup d'état preferably in the name of the Shah", which it understood "would mean an authoritarian regime". Iran-Iraq War x
TheFreeSite.com offers free stuff, freebies, freeware, samples, downloads, email, games, free software, fonts, Webmaster programs, MP3s, sweepstakes, contests, coupons, catalogs Anarchism Is Not What You Think It Is -- And There's a Whole Lot We Can Learn from It February 13, 2012 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. On February 8, 1921 twenty thousand people, braving temperatures so low that musical instruments froze, marched in a funeral procession in the town of Dimitrov, a suburb of Moscow. Some 90 years later few know of Kropotkin. I am astonished Hollywood has yet to discover Kropotkin. His struggles against tyranny resulted in years in Russian and French jails. In the 1920s Roger N. “Kropotkin is referred to by scores of people who knew him in all walks of life as "the noblest man" they ever knew. For our purposes Kropotkin’s most enduring legacy is his work on anarchism, a philosophy of which he was possibly the leading exponent. The precipitating event that led Kropotkin to embrace anarchism was the publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species in 1859.
List of urban legends about illegal drugs LSD[edit] Some of the strangest urban legends told are those about lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a potent psychedelic drug that gained popularity in several countries in the 1960s and 1970s, and experienced a brief resurgence in the mid to late 1990s before declining from 2000 onward. The drug's relation to the 1960s counterculture was likely part of the reason for such legends. Attempted murder[edit] "Anyone caught selling LSD can be charged with attempted murder." Babysitter places baby in the oven while high on LSD[edit] This is an unverifiable drug-scare story dating to the 60s of a hippie babysitter girl putting a baby in the oven and a turkey in the bassinet. Bad LSD[edit] A "bad trip" is easily caused by an expectation or fear of ill effects, which may later be blamed on "bad acid." However, drugs described as LSD in the 1970s occasionally actually contained PCP, amphetamine, or other drugs that have quite different effects from LSD. "Bananadine" LSD[edit] Blue star tattoos[edit]
Why War Isn't Inevitable: A Science Writer Studies the Secret to Peaceful Societies | World Photo Credit: AFP/File - Staff Sgt. Antonieta Rico March 18, 2012 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. When President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, he expressed a well-worn notion about warfare: "[W]ar is sometimes necessary, and war is at some level an expression of human feelings." In The End of War, veteran science journalist John Horgan applies the scientific method to reach a unique conclusion: biologically speaking, we are just as likely to be peaceful as we are to be violent. In a phone interview with AlterNet from his home in New York's Hudson Valley -- situated within earshot of the mortars and howitzers at West Point Military Academy's artillery range -- Horgan dispelled multiple myths about the impetus for war, the combination of which, he believes, sustains the institution of war despite rational thought and an overwhelming human aversion to killing.