Элементы SpaceWeather Medieval Swords, Renaissance Clothing, Shields, Helms, LARP Weap RussianSpaceWeb.com MEMBRANA: Люди. Идеи. Технологии. Stellarium China Space News SpaceX Launch of NASA Cargo to Space Station Set for Friday, Spacewalk Wednesday Russian Rockets used by the US Astronomers: 'Tilt-a-worlds' could harbor life Unexpected Teleconnections in Noctilucent Clouds NASA Signs Agreement with SpaceX for Use of Historic Launch Pad NASA Astronauts Will Breathe Easier With New Oxygen Recovery Systems First radar vision for Copernicus China has no plans for lunar base project The world's third country to soft-land on the moon has no plan to build a lunar base there, a leading scientist of China's lunar probe mission told Xinhua Saturday. Feature: The "masters" behind China's lunar rover Jade Rabbit In contrast to how much of an influence the virtual persona of China's first moon rover has made on social media home and abroad, little is known about the people behind the loveable character. ... more ..
Scientific American Just after 6 AM local time on Tuesday in Japan, a sound like an explosion was heard near the suppression pool of reactor No. 2 at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. This followed an explosion March 11 that ripped the roof off reactor No. 1 and another at reactor No. 3 on March 14 that injured 11 workers. The culprit in all three cases is likely a build-up of explosive hydrogen gas—as occurred at Three Mile Island in the U.S. in 1979 as a result of the meltdown there—caused by nuclear fuel rods experiencing extremely high temperatures stripping the hydrogen out of the plant's steam. "The hydrogen accumulates outside of containment but inside the reactor building. The 3.7-meter-long nuclear fuel used at Fukushima is composed of uranium oxide pellets encased in a zirconium cladding. The high temperatures that the fuel rods create boil water and continually turn it into steam. Already, radiation at undisclosed levels and in undisclosed forms has been detected on the U.S.S.
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