Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum Politics Home Page : Roll Call The @RollCallPols Blog By Emily Cahn Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo Rep. Hank Johnson , D-Ga., testifies during a House Budget Committee hearing on budget issues for the 2015 fiscal year on March 25. With his popularity in decline, many of this cycle’s most vulnerable Democrats avoid association with President Barack Obama. John Tierney Survived 2012. By Shira T. SALEM, Mass. — Rep. DSCC Outraised NRSC in March By Kyle Trygstad The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee outraised its Republican counterpart in March, ending the month with more than $22 million in cash on hand for the competitive midterms. Will Walter Jones Be the First Incumbent to Fall? A well-funded conservative outside group is devoting significant money to make North Carolina Rep.
The Growth of the Anti-Communist Network from: Ellen Schrecker, THE AGE OF MCCARTHYISM: A BRIEF HISTORY WITH DOCUMENTS. (Boston: St. Martin's Press, 1994) Back to contents of historical overview. The Communists never lacked for enemies. The anti-Communist network was not a monolith, but a coalition that gradually attracted groups and individuals. Historians have noted the roots of American anticommunism in what they refer to as the nation's countersubversive tradition: the irrational notion that outsiders (who could be political dissidents, foreigners, or members of racial and religious minorities) threatened the nation from within. While this countersubversive tradition cannot in itself explain why McCarthyism came to dominate American politics during the late 1940s and 1950s, it does help account for its emotional impact and for its characteristic paranoia. By far the most important of these special interests were those segments of the business community who opposed organized labor. They received support from Congress.
How Presidential Campaigns Became Two-Year Marathons The comedian John Oliver doesn’t think the length of the American presidential campaign is funny. “I have no interest whatsoever in the 2016 election, at the start of 2015,” he recently told reporters. “There’s a time and a place for that, and it’s in 2016.” Yet 19 months before Election Day, more than a dozen presidential hopefuls have made serious moves toward a run. It hasn’t always been this way, at least not out in the open. It’s easy to identify the problems associated with a drawn-out campaign — boredom and a focus on the trivial, among them — but there are several benefits. In the country’s early days, members of Congress chose the presidential nominees. It wasn’t until after World War II that presidential primary elections began to catch on, and they became a way for dark-horse candidates to prove their viability. John F. The start of campaign season began to creep even earlier. Jump to the 2016 cycle, and it may even seem as if things are getting off to a slow start.
The House Explained What is a Representative? Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees. The number of representatives with full voting rights is 435, a number set by Public Law 62-5 on August 8, 1911, and in effect since 1913. The number of representatives per state is proportionate to population. Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution provides for both the minimum and maximum sizes for the House of Representatives. To be elected, a representative must be at least 25 years old, a United States citizen for at least seven years and an inhabitant of the state he or she represents. Go to the Clerk’s site for more information about representatives. Find Your Representative Enter your ZIP code in the banner of this page to find the representative for your congressional district. Leadership
U.S. Political Parties DEMOCRATIC PARTY (DNC) - The Democrats won the White House in 2008 and 2012, won some key governorships (PA, NY, MO, MN, and CA) -- but lost control of the US House in 2010, and lost the US Senate in 2014. Democrats run the wide gamut from the near Euro-style democratic-socialist left (Barbara Lee, Raúl Grijalva and the Congressional Progressive Caucus) and traditional liberals (Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden) to the pragmatic "centrist" moderate-to-liberal style (Hillary Clinton, Mark Warner) to the Dem center-right (Harry Reid and the New Democratic Coalition) to the dwindling GOP-style center-conservative right (Joe Manchin, Blue Dog Coalition). Official affiliated national Democratic sites include: REPUBLICAN PARTY (RNC) - Republicans lost control of the Presidency in 2008 and 2012. THE "BIG THREE" THIRD PARTIES: (Based upon vote performance over past two election cycles and ballot access) Party in 1999. AMERICA FIRST PARTY - The America First Party PIRATE PARTY - The U.S.
The Popular Front, A Social and Political Tragedy: The Case of France The Popular Front, A Social and Political Tragedy: The Case of France Dan La Botz Decades since the spring of 1934 when the Communists first proposed the Popular Front as their strategy for fighting fascism and even longer since the summer of 1939 when it was suddenly terminated by the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the Popular Front—the alliance of the Communists with Socialists, liberals, and even sometimes conservative political parties—remains an issue for the left. [1] For though it arose out of the very specific conditions of the great crises of capitalism of and of Soviet Communism in that era, the Popular Front recurred to become the dominant method of Communist politics in capitalist countries. With Nazi Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union, the Communists returned to the Popular Front in 1941, and continued it throughout the war and into the postwar period. An Overview of the Period The Crisis of the 1930s in Europe Why the Popular Front? What events led to the rise of the Popular Front?
History - British History in depth: The Irish Famine