Related: DP Extended Essay • Writing Quality • E4M Writing • Senior Curriculum Resources • Extended Essay/Reflective ProjectWriting Basics - Learn the Writing Process in 5 Easy Steps My job is to help you speak and write excellent English. As an ESL teacher, I've taught English to hundreds of students from around the world, alongside running teacher training workshops to help teachers and language trainers deliver better lessons to their students. If you would like to learn any of these things: conversation skills, grammar, vocabulary, presentation skills, email writing, essay writing... ...then you're in the right place! See my Udemy courses below and you can start learning these skills right now!
OWL: Creating a Thesis Statement Summary: This resource provides tips for creating a thesis statement and examples of different types of thesis statements. Contributors:Elyssa Tardiff, Allen BrizeeLast Edited: 2014-02-10 10:44:43 Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement 1. Determine what kind of paper you are writing: Mathematics & Statistics Generalizations of Multidimensional Continued Fractions: Tetrahedron and k-Dimensional Emmanuel Howard Daring The decimal and continued fraction expansions of a number are periodic if and only if the number is rational or a quadratic irrational, respectively. Multidimensional continued fractions aim to replicate this property with different types of irrational numbers, partitioning a triangle to produce a periodic sequence if the coordinates of the point the sequence describes are at worst cubic irrationals in the same number field.
HUM: National Geographic Magazine National Geographic Magazine Tales of the Giant Subscribe to National Geographic North America’s most valuable resource is at risk See how the Great Lakes food web is in trouble Extended Essay overview The extended essay is a required component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP). It is an independent piece of research, culminating with a 4,000-word paper. What is the significance of the extended essay? The extended essay provides: practical preparation for undergraduate researchan opportunity for students to investigate a topic of personal interest to them, which relates to one of the student's six DP subjects, or takes the interdisciplinary approach of a World Studies extended essay.
Harvard Writing Center A clear sense of argument is essential to all forms of academic writing, for writing is thought made visible. Insights and ideas that occur to us when we encounter the raw material of the world—natural phenomena like the behavior of genes, or cultural phenomena, like texts, photographs and artifacts—must be ordered in some way so others can receive them and respond in turn. This give and take is at the heart of the scholarly enterprise, and makes possible that vast conversation known as civilization. Like all human ventures, the conventions of the academic essay are both logical and playful.
OWL: Subject/Verb Agreement Summary: Ever get "subject/verb agreement" as an error on a paper? This handout will help you understand this common grammar problem. Contributors:Joshua M. Quintilian — Institutio Oratoria — Book I, Chapters 7‑12 (Vol. I) Quintilian Institutio Oratoria Book I RE: World Wide Study Bible: Genesis Bringing Christian classic books to life College Computer Science World Wide Study Bible: Genesis The Study Bible developed and located around the world! Exemplar Extended Essays IB Authentic examples of student extended essays are available and have been marked using the current criteria. These essays and examiner’s comments will be uploaded in batches, subject by subject, over the coming months to assist the publishing team to process the large volume of examples. Until all the authentic examples are uploaded, examples of extended essays marked prior to the first 2018 assessment will continue to be provided. Note that because authentic reflections on planning and progress forms (RPPFs) were not available at the time, these essays were marked against criteria A–D only, for a total of 28 possible marks instead of the full 34 marks. Disclaimer The extended essay examples published on the programme resource centre are provided as support for supervisors and students.
Purdue University. Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) 2010 A website with a plethora of information on writing, This website can answer almost any question about writing from mechanics to content to citing. It is a great resource to use a reference. I have it on my website so students can access it at any time while they are writing. It explains sentence structures in a complicated way yet gives examples to clarify. A reliable source for me to use within my presentation to give teachers a resource to refer back to. by maryannebs Apr 3