KFC mete la pata en las redes sociales en Perí Nuevamente llega un caso en donde una mala gestión de redes sociales le cuesta reputación corporativa a una marca. En esta ocasión se trata de KFC, la icónica cadena del pollo crujiente. Hace un par de días, un fuerte sismo de 6.9 grados en la escala Richter se registró en Perú, el movimiento telúrico se prolongó por varios segundos desde las 12:45 horas, lo que originó pánico y el corte de corriente eléctrica en parte del territorio. Ante el hecho, el community manager de la marca quiso llamar la atención de los seguidores y en Facebook posteó con ironía: “¿Eso fue temblor o el rugido de tu estómago?” Para acentuar el error, junto al comentario colocó la imagen de un estómago que parecía rugir. Obviamente los comentarios de los seguidores comenzaron a llover, criticando la burda broma del community manager de KFC. Casi una hora después, ante la presión de los usuarios, el post fue borrado del muro de KFC pero el daño a la reputación estaba hecho.
KesselsKramer OUTLET Fascination for Shop Windows Axe celebra el fin del mundo haciendo realidad las fantasías de un chico - Más Anuncios - Campaña/Creatividad Ha sido elegido entre sus seguidores en Facebook 06 de septiembre 2011 Ricardo, Richie para los amigos, es uno de los más de 250.000 fans que tiene Axe México en Facebook, y el elegido para ver convertidas en realidad todas sus fantasías antes de que el mundo se acabe. La marca ha aprovechado las teorías que auguran que el año que viene se acaba el mundo (al parecer la fecha fatídica, según las previsiones mayas, será el 21 de diciembre) para lanzar Axe 2012, su último desodorante. Con el juicio final acechando, la marca de Unilever decidió cumplir los sueños de sus clientes. En las dos primeras semanas de campaña, la acción, diseñada por la agencia Circus, logró más de 1 millón de visualizaciones en su canal de YouTube, más de 10.000 Me gusta, 1 millón de comentarios en posts y más de 15.000 nuevos fans.
Thinkad# Calendários Lavazza: Objetos de Desejo! Marcas utilizam os mais variados tipos de mídia para se destacarem perante seu público, porém algumas dessas mídias viram objetos de desejo. É o caso de alguns calendários. Talvez o mais famoso seja o Calendário Pirelli, que sempre trás belíssimas fotos, de belíssimas mulheres, invariavelmente clicadas por grandes fotógrafos. Dentro da linha de calendários super-produzidos existem alguns que se destacam, mas os da empresa italiana de café Lavazza são um caso à parte. As imagens também são utilizadas em outras mídias como outdoor e revista, mas o foco da campanha é sempre o calendário. Para conferir todos os anos do calendário visite o site www.lavazza.com. Site Lavazza 2007Site Lavazza 2006Site Lavazza 2005 Lavazza 2007 Lavazza 2006 Lavazza 2005 Helmi: Conversa de Mulher! Que homem gosta de beber batendo papo com os amigos ninguém discute, mas o que acontece quando mulheres se reúnem para beberem juntas? Golf GTI 200hp: Tempo de Sobra! K-fee: Splash!
My World, My Way – New Ads Campaign from Allen Solly Discover the Most Creative & Sophisticated Advertising Campaigns around the World Creative Ad Awards About / Directory / Articles / Category / Hot / Contact My World, My Way – New Ads Campaign from Allen Solly After the “I Hate Ugly” series, Ogilvy & Mather has released another ads campaign for Allen Solly. Go to the Top Copyright © 2007 - 2014 Creative Ad Awards All Rights Reserved. Why Good Advertising Works (Even When You Think It Doesn't) - Nigel Hollis - Business From Best Buy to Old Spice, these 11 great spots show why Madison Avenue is still a $70 billion business I was having dinner with friends the other evening, and one of the guests made a familiar statement. "I am not influenced by advertising," she said. For those of us in marketing, this is a familiar thing to hear. They're wrong. Successful advertising rarely succeeds through argument or calls to action. Instead, the best advertisements are ingenious at leaving impressions. Please use a JavaScript-enabled device to view this slideshow In sum, the best advertisements use images, jingles, and stories to focus attention on the brand. Of course, as tickled as advertisers are to know they're writing catchy jingles, they don't make TV commercials for the honor of giving us free new music. Some imagine a debate between two groups. But this distinction is largely a myth. Once in a blue moon an advert might leave you thinking, "Just what I need!"
Adverblog: advertising and new media marketing What Happens In Media Planning …if anyone knows who’s responsible for this by all means holler back so we can give credit. This is too good! Seems to be @BrandonVision Chiquita Banana Brand Refresh - Articles and Features Chiquita's latest ad campaign imbues its audience with an instant sense of wonder. Using playful illustrations on stickers juxtaposed to the iconic Chiquita stickers, the product and brand become more engaging to the consumer—plus they just look cool. We got a chance to ask the Art Director, DJ Neff, some questions about the process of making bananas (even more) fun. Updated: 2/16/10 What can you tell us about creating this new campaign for Chiquita? The process relied heavily in spending as much time with the product as possible. The cornerstone of the campaign relied on the little blue stickers, the biggest icon for the brand, and the biggest way to get the word out. Above: eatachiquita.com What were your client's goals, and how did this project help communicate them? The client’s goals were kind of like that dream brief you get handed that simply says: “Make bananas cool.” These illustrations are really great and fun. How did your interactions with the client evolve?
glossy Ogilvy How to deliver successful B2B leads via LinkedIn Want to deliver a lead generating campaign with content that the audience will demand? Of course you do. It’s every marketer’s dream for their customer to demand a conversation. Read on Filed under Advertising, Social, Thought Leadership Business people are people too First a confession: As a fresh faced junior copywriter I once put a B2B concept in front of my Creative Director which included a brief case. Filed under Advertising, Thought Leadership Mobile Payment Advertising - The Next Mobile Trend for 2014 For everyone in the digital advertising industry, there is little doubt that the future is mobile. Filed under Advertising, Digital, Mobile, Thought Leadership Inside the headquarters of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn: A journey to Silicon Valley Marketing industry folk are tough to impress. Filed under Advertising, Culture, Digital, Thought Leadership Reclaiming a good name Think about where the word “brand” came from. Filed under
Google: Gives BuGambit 15 pencils Sep 28, 2011 - 20:26 Holy crap, these are some of the most asinine comments I've ever seen. Why would you think that Google pays? And then someone wants to know how this is advertising? I'm sure any email system could probably implement this but what's a better name for your project - Hotmail Helps? The only half thought out critique was why would I have trouble getting a response to an email I sent. But seriously, all these comments sound the like disgruntled ramblings of account planners and junior creatives.